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Everything posted by WindingSon

  1. I heard some not good things about the park this year so I'll give the new management a chance. Looking at the company's portfolio, this will be their first try at a "big" dry park with coasters. Hope they're up to it.
  2. I liked Griffon quite a lot. It's the only one I've been on. Would I ride it over and over? Not on my own. Again? Sure.
  3. Thought I'd share something. I have a photo from one of my very first ever roller coaster rides. I consider myself lucky in that respect. And it's from Colossus "The Fire Dragon". Taken in the early 90s. The cover: The inside. I'm in the middle left. My dad is next to me. The camera wasn't the best. They no longer offer photos on this coaster anymore. But it's an amazing ride, and I'm happy that it was my first "big kid" coaster. Coasterllectables post
  4. Did they start offering an all-season dining plan? We may have found our issue if so.
  5. It's also my understanding that those designing the effects for AE were under the impression the ride would be moving a lot slower than it did.
  6. How many trains can fit in The Beast's final brake run? Can it fit 3 if one is stopped in the station for a while or would one have to stop on the second lift hill?
  7. So that means The Beast has 4 trim sections, right? 1. First drop (least noticeable) 2. Just before the second drop. 3. Brake shed. 4. Going down into the final helixes. #4. Man, that one can even play with an enthusiast's brain. Some days it feels like you're careening into that helix and it's not going to catch. That trickle of fear runs up your spine. You can taste your stomach in the depths of your throat. You briefly think "if this doesn't catch, will I live?" And then. *catch* [emoji173]️ The Beast
  8. Man, back in 2012... I'd still feel like a grown man! WindingSon, feeling old. (but not that old)
  9. No. The brake shed is the long straight away that's covered before the second lift. Noted by the brakes you hit just before it turns.
  10. Last I was there, a group of Amish people were visiting and started walking down near the Son of Beast queue towards The Bat. I directed them to the proper entrance. They thanked me for showing them the right way. I think the very large pathway that doesn't say anything about being just an exit is ambiguous, and The Bat's sign is not large enough to indicate where someone should enter at. Perhaps some arrows would help? I mean, besides the Arrow already back there.
  11. Or RMC if Lightning Rod is any indication.
  12. It at least made a little more sense when Son of Beast's queue was back there as well but now outside of Haunt season?
  13. My mind was wandering just now and it made me remember what a ride op said the last time I rode The Racer. "Enjoy your ride on Kings Island's oldest roller coaster, The Racer!" ... Scooby Doo? Did it not open the same day?
  14. Unless they run out of wood, there is no reason The Beast can't live on for...ever.
  15. Before I even knew what Kings Island was, I knew of The Beast. If there's such a thing as a legendary coaster, The Beast is it. It may not be the biggest, baddest, or wildest but it may be the most easily recognized there is. I'm probably over exaggerating but it's an institution, and I've never met anyone who thought they should change it. It's still a top, main attraction of Kings Island after 35 years. Most are lucky to stay big attractions after 10 years. I remember going to Kings Island the first time, and as impractical as it was, I rode The Beast first. I couldn't wait. I've never felt like that about a coaster before, and only Millennium Force since. I'm reminded of Arrested Development. "There's always money in the banana stand." THERE'S ALWAYS MONEY IN The Beast. And it seems to me, no matter who has been in charge, none of them forgot that. Not even the worst ones.
  16. Perhaps it went the way of Fort Kinzel.
  17. Looks like people are being evacuated off the final brake run.
  18. E-stopped in the mid-course brake run. Yikes.
  19. And arguably, The Beast hasn't been the biggest risk in wooden coasters in the park. Oh the poor misguided son, where did you go wrong? Nay. The question is: Where didn't you go wrong?
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