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KIC Local

KIC Local (2/13)



  1. There’s a post on Reddit from someone who said that they were on the Banshee and saw a body lying in the ground in the restricted area at the conclusion of their ride. And then paramedics on the scene.
  2. Ok, thanks. I wondered if the offer was tied to specific pass #’s. Sounds like it’s not.
  3. I agree, Disco2000. We had gold this year but are planning to visit other Cedar Fair parks (CP, KD and Carowinds) for the first time next year. Def switching to Platinum, but this Premier+ is an intriguing option. Worth it if it applies to all parks, but not worth it for us if it only applies to KI because we won't get as many visits to KI this year. Has anyone renewed these without having received the e-mail (by following the direct link)? I didn't receive an e-mail, and didn't know if I'd even be able to renew my 2022 gold pass to the prestige upgrade without the invite.
  4. Does the parking lot open 60 minutes before the scheduled open time? And do they still open the gates 30 minutes before opening rides, attractions, and skating, etc.? TIA!
  5. The official KI app now says The Beast is “down”.
  6. Has the app said “closed” on previous days? It is showing as “open” with 0 minute wait. Flying over via Diamondback this morning, they have it roped off with an employee standing there turning people away. Have they had an employee there every day that the ride has been closed?
  7. I rode on Wednesday, July 28. I thought the first ride was rough in row 5 but the 2nd ride was relatively non-rough later in the afternoon. 2nd ride was in the 2nd to last row. During the first ride at around noon, there were a lot of official KI workers and their vehicles on the roads by the track … noticed them mostly around the 2nd lift hill. Sounds like it won’t be open tomorrow. :-(
  8. I was there Wednesday and did not experience this.
  9. What have the Tuesday and/or Wednesday lines been like this month on a good weather day? Does Orion pretty much fill up early and stay long all day?
  10. Are they doing early ride times for passholders? I see the park official opening time is 11am and when we went earlier this year, they didn’t have 10:30am rides. I see it’s advertised on their website, but wondering what the actual experience is.
  11. Is it even raining there today? When I saw the announcement, the forecast was “100%” chance of rain. By noon, the chances were 60%.
  12. Can someone summarize the KK chaperone policy, or what you think it should be at KI (if you think KI should have one)? I’m seeing some comments here “under 21”. The article I read re: KK was that under 16 had to enter the park with someone 21+.
  13. We only waited 25 minutes at Banshee. (In line at 2:15 and off ride at 2:40.) in my experience today, actual wait times have been shorter than quoted in the KI app.
  14. That’s my prediction, as well. I think state park crowds last year are indicative of what KI will be like this year. Folks are ready to get out, and KI being a mostly outdoor venue will attract folks looking to go back to public spaces but aren’t quite ready for indoor entertainment (movies, etc.)
  15. Do they have ERT (10:30)starting this weekend?
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