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Posts posted by bjcolglazier

  1. 2 minutes ago, silver2005 said:

    I'm pretty sure the mods are sitting back with the biggest popcorn machine ever watching the servers start to spit fire. 

    Seeing a lot of new posters/accounts. Business is good!

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, RuthlessAirtime said:

    Mods have probably been having a super rough time moderating this thread as is. I'd give them some slack. 

    Agreed. I just find it funny.

    • Like 1
  3. 45 minutes ago, IndyGuy4KI said:

    I know I said this like 30 pages ago, but since we do not know the source of the blueprints drawing we will not be hosting it on KIC. Please do not post it again. Thank you.

    LOL. Yes, even though we're ALL talking about the blueprint drawing, and it's readily available at other sites mentioned...it is somehow banned from this site...because we don't know the source?  Mmmkay.  

    (Sorry, YES I agree to the terms, no matter how ridiculous I may find them in 2019) :-)

    • Like 2
  4. I'm surprised by the glum reaction to a coaster that'll most likely have a 300-foot-drop. Let's wait and see what else it'll do---and with that in mind does an extra 25-30 feet of drop make so much of a difference in how enjoyable a coaster it will end up being? Family-fun-park Giga = 310 feet versus mega-enthusiast-Giga = 326? Seems a bit of a stretch to me.

    • Like 7
  5. Just now, Bansheeback said:

    It’s also the law.

    Section 5.

    Failure to respond to a public records request

    The City of Mason recognizes the legal and non-legal consequences of failure to properly respond to a public records request. In addition to the distrust in government that failure to comply may cause, the City of Mason’s failure to comply with a request may result in a court ordering the City of Mason to comply with the law and to pay the requester attorney’s fees and damages.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I work at a public school and ALL SORTS of things are public record. Tons of things. That doesn't mean you're going to see a lot of them without a lawyer and a court-date.  

    • Like 3
  6. 5 minutes ago, Bansheeback said:

    That’s actually exactly what it means. See section 2.2 of This document. It states that “The requester does not have to put a records request in writing, and does not have to provide his or her identity or the intended use of the requested public record. It is the City of Mason’s general policy that this information is not to be required”

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Well. That's probably their "general policy" on a lot of things. But trust me I know that's not exactly how it works when they don't want to share something. ;-)  I have no idea how it works between the park and the county offices, but I'm guessing we'd be seeing plans posted to this site awhile ago on all sorts of things if it was that easy.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, ldhudsonjr said:

    Yeah I'm really curious about this also. Is there some kind of special classification that keeps their permits offline? As far as I know it should still be public record.

    Public record doesn't mean it has to be online. And yeah, I suspect Kings Island gets special classification when needed...just because.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Maddog said:

    Just driving clicks/traffic and being the first to report, that is all these news stations are about anymore.  I find little if any  actual 'news' in that article. 

    It is sad that article made it beyond an editors desk.

    I think it's great for the park. A speculative article---the guy admits as much---but now the average Joe that doesn't live on KICentral knows something big is happening at the park. Someone's interest might have been piqued. A future new member to the forum, perhaps, who knows? The new coaster COULD be named Orion or Polaris, no? Who the hell knows...  :-)

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, Maverick44 said:

    I understand. Haha I just think maybe in the coming years if they want to add a hotel into the park like Cedar Point has. They could make bank on that as well. That way the park can offer thing's like ERT for hotel guests who do not have season passes. I agree and disagree that KI is a destination park currently haha

    Does anyone know the details of KI's relationship with Great Wolf Lodge? I mean, in theory it is exactly what you're talking about. I know they DO have a relationship, for sure. I'm guessing it is beneficial for both. I have never stayed at the Lodge---I can't afford it! Or I guess I'm just making different choices would be a better way to put it. The prices are right up there with Disney though.

  10. Just now, Maverick44 said:

    I understand. Haha I just think maybe in the coming years if they want to add a hotel into the park like Cedar Point has. They could make bank on that as well. That way the park can offer thing's like ERT for hotel guests who do not have season passes. I agree and disagree that KI is a destination park currently haha

    I hear ya! I don't even care if it's a "destination park" or not. We live 3-hours away but prefer it over CP, for whatever reasons. We'll keep getting season passes whether they build a Giga or not. But I hope they do...eventually. :-)

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Maverick44 said:

    Sorry I was thinking real destination parks like Disney and Universal. I think if KI gets a giga it will be a destination park for enthusiasts like ourselves but maybe not family's with little ones. Idk maybe I am wrong. I just think of a destination having different options to stay in the park at their own hotels and so on.

    Every destination has a budget! LOL. 

    • Haha 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, chugh43 said:

    I can kinda see that "at the time." But you'd think a ride that would make a park qualify as a destination park, that it would spar many return visits. Which at the same time, that park needs growth as well.

    I just remember seeing Intimidator on Travel Channel back in the day. It was the Dale Earnhart ride, it was huge, it was getting lots of press. But that was a crowded time for Giga's, and so I think it was probably a "destination" for some, but not everybody. I still think if KI built a record-breaker it would turn a lot of heads. KI is very well-known, and its proximity to Cedar Park only enhances its "destination" status, I think.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, chugh43 said:

    Did the giga at Kings Dominion make it a destination park? 

    I would argue that briefly, at the time, yes it did. Kings Island has a way better rep than KD anyways, so not exactly an apples-apples comparison if KI were to put one in. 

  14. On 10/23/2018 at 7:38 PM, King Ding Dong said:

    I don’t see how the coaster can go somewhere else and the park’s claim “the ride has reached the end of its service life” can remain operative at the same time.  If it continues to operate it still has service life and has not reached the end.

    "service life" is an economic phrase, usually. As opposed to "end of life". Just sayin'. I don't know what the park has in mind, but I also don't think their statement implies the ride cannot be sold, and fired up somewhere else.

    • Like 4
  15. 13 minutes ago, kingsislandfan1972 said:

    Another quick question, can you get selfies taken with the scare actors roaming around the park? I’m just curious because I want to get a picture taken with the Undertaker. (The guy who is at the front of the park supposedly in charge of the Haunt.)

    Sure can! It's up to the scare actor though.




    • Like 4
  16. Last year they had the animatronic dude between Racer and Subway "on" on Sundays. Telling jokes, farting, and so on. I've been 2 Sundays this Autumn, and...nothing. He's unplugged, I guess. :-(  Bummer! I understand Sunday is not a "Haunt" day by any means, but it added a certain ambiance last year.

    • Sad 1
  17. I went to Hank's today, and looked jealously at the mac-and-cheese thing not knowing what I might or might not be able to get. So I just stayed in line at Hank's. Asked politely for a bit of queso and guac on my burrito and was told it was an up-charge for my dining plan on both. No chips and salsa either. The good news is my daughter and I had finished our meal by the time my wife and son even got out of the Subway line.  

  18. 2 minutes ago, King Ding Dong said:

    What are you going on about?  I stand by what I said.  KI expects to get much longer than 15-20 years out of a coaster (which is the age range of Firehawk)

    I guess I got hung up on the 15-20 year expectation. That IS NOT the expectation for KI. Nor should it be for any park.

    • Like 2
  19. 8 minutes ago, King Ding Dong said:

    Here is another thing, some basic math shows that at least on average a major regional park expects to get more than 15-20 years on average out of a coaster. If they want to maintain a coaster count of between 15-20 coasters they need a much longer service life out of each one otherwise they would need to replace one coaster each year and we know the parks can’t do that.

    If parts really is the issue it would be irresponsible for management to do business with a company like Vekoma again.  

    15-20 years on average? What basic math for what crappy park are you doing? And how does it relate to Kings Island?

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