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Posts posted by bjcolglazier

  1. 17 minutes ago, ArrowChainLiftNoiseMakesMeHappy said:

    But to be fair, we are customers and Kings Island is a business. If customers complain to any business that produces a product that the customers are for any reason not pleased with.... I guess thats just capitalism and an expression of free speech. Though with all due respect, I am super excited for the new coaster it's literally a such a huge step up from Diamondback. Also if we want more things to come we have to support Kings Island when they treat us well!


    Let people talk.  Pretty sure if Kings Island was making Cedar Fair $1 Billion/year we'd get whatever 800-foot-drop-coaster we demanded. Till then...such is life.

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  2. 40 minutes ago, fyrfyter said:

    So now the billion dollar question, what is the value Cedar Fair believes its company to be worth? Obviously more than 4, but just for fun throw your ideas and reasoning out there.

    I think it's irrelevant at this point. How the hell do you merge and instantly run ~40 parks WELL overnight?? You don't. And I think Cedar Fair Execs know this. Far as I can tell Cedar Fair actually enjoy what they are doing, and want to continue doing it. I understand why Six Flags wants their personnel. And honestly I really think that's what this deal is about. SIX needs someone to lead, and do it right. How do you put a price on that?

    And if SIX overpays and makes a deal hanging by a thread and then a significant recession comes...WE are all screwed. If you look at the numbers these companies---both of them---are highly volatile. Tons of debt, and heavily---and I mean ONLY---dependent on people coming in the doors.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, King Ding Dong said:

    But don’t forget CF just dropped the bottom out on CP passes with the $99 Gold including parking and CPS.  Tons of people bought Platinum for just those two perks and the increase in attendance has been HUGE. 

    Admittedly, I'm not much into marketing. Really tough decisions. Do you let them in cheap and then take all their money, or do you take all their money and then let them in and go crazy?  For sure "I", this guy, has no idea!

  4. 1 minute ago, King Ding Dong said:

    I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Even with adding new parks SIX has not raised prices and only a small percentage of passholders/members take advantage of that anyway. Maybe a bit more on the east coast.  

    I think they'd raise the price a tad, but I generally agree. I think Cedar Point might get an exception to the rule, but beyond that I think you're right. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, RollerNut said:

    Merlin was bought by LEGO....

    Cedar Fair not issuing a statement is a better sign that the rumor is false than coming out and saying it is false. 

    I'm gonna assume that was a joke.  Anyway, a lot of folks are making assumptions that this is a Six Flags buyout, whereas my understanding is it would be a merger.  What's the difference? Well, potentially a lot of personnel at FUN would be retained---even at high levels of the newly merged company. If Six Flags is willing to learn how to run things better by keeping the good folks that FUN employs, this could work. The "good" parks would stay good, and other parks that need to be better might become so.

    Just a thought!

  6. 7 minutes ago, FUN&ONLY! said:


    Whatever this is supposed to be, well it is tomorrow. It mentions a webcast of some sort with the CEO, so maybe, just maybe, some questions will be answered here. I am not saying that this is for sure, and I really don't know what this is, so feel free to tell me if I am completely wrong.

    Nice! Gonna be a big elephant in the room too, so...hopefully some answers.  :-)  Thank you!

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  7. 7 minutes ago, ohiocoasterfan said:

    I would think Cedar Fair would want to get a statement out on this issue in the near future. This will definitely not help with 2020 season passes if they let this roll on throughout the rest of haunt and winterfest without a response.

    So you think the average season pass buyer is contemplating buying 2020 based on a transfer of ownership? I highly doubt that. Not in the short-term, and certainly not at Kings Island when the 300-footer is already being built. Anyone who owns a few shares of FUN might be very interested in a statement, though. 

    • Like 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, bjcolglazier said:

    I suspect this might be very real as far as "the offer" is concerned. In 2010 the FUN shareholders did not approve the Apollo Global Management takeover, so we've sorta been her before. Although this is different for sure. Unfortunately there's a million details that have yet to see the light of day so who knows? But I bet we hear a lot more soon! The fact Cedar Fair did not immediately deny that an offer has been made tells me an offer has been made or is in the works.

    Jim Reid-Anderson, CEO of Six Flags, used to be an adviser to Apollo Global Management. That's an interesting tid-bit. I think?

  9. I suspect this might be very real as far as "the offer" is concerned. In 2010 the FUN shareholders did not approve the Apollo Global Management takeover, so we've sorta been her before. Although this is different for sure. Unfortunately there's a million details that have yet to see the light of day so who knows? But I bet we hear a lot more soon! The fact Cedar Fair did not immediately deny that an offer has been made tells me an offer has been made or is in the works.

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  10. I have zero interest in a dive coaster at Kings Island if it comes at the expense of an existing ride. I'd rather get the occasional beating on Vortex versus standing in line for an ultra-smooth dive that is unlikely to be remarkable over time.

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  11. Loved it. I'm sad stand-up coasters fell out of favor simply due to the unique feeling/experience it provided. The ride in the front row was amazing as you were already rolling before you arrived at the drop, like Vortex, but doing it standing up was so different and fantastic IMO.

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  12. The ride was inspired by Indiana Jones. Whatever Cedar Fair does with it, I hope they can subtly remind people about Indiana Jones without getting sued. Same for BLSC...it's still The Italian Job...and once we showed our kids the movie, they totally got it. This is what CF paid for---run with it!

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  13. I don't want to give any business a free-pass, but when it comes to amusement parks I think there is something to be said for the participation of the community-at-large. Is the place clean? Do the guests do their part to keep it so? Is the place well-policed? Do guests feel safe? Does the community want it, and do they show that they want it? All good questions...I think.

  14. It's been awhile since I've been there, but the Six Flags in Arlington, TX was one of my favorite parks at one time---for a long time. The one in San Antonio was nice, too. Are they dumps now? If so, that's a shame but I can't say because it's been so long. I hope not. For sure it does not appear that the chain gives their full attention to all of the parks under their ownership, and that's too bad.

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  15. People I know in northern Indiana barely know Kentucky Kingdom even exists. But EVERYBODY knows Holiday World. Keep in mind KK is about 1.5 hours "closer" than HW due to I-65. Doesn't matter. Everybody knows Holiday World. My wife and two of my kids have been to HW. None of us been to KK.

    Anecdotal information, I realize. But even just last week a semi-famous weatherman Chuck Lofton did a week-long series on places to travel in Indiana. One-day trips. One day he went to Holiday World. The park advertises very well in Indiana and word-of-mouth plus its Santa Claus, IN which even makes national news from time-to-time due to Old St. Nick. Kentucky Kingdom has commercials on the Indy stations as well, but it's not the same as when you have friends and family and the entire state promoting Holiday World to some degree.




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  16. 31 minutes ago, DeltaFlyer said:

    At the park and otherwise, what is the worst thing you’ve seen done to a restroom?  

    I spend most of my time at an Elementary School, and you don't even want to know. There's some crazy little kids headed our way! At Kings Island? Not much. But I've heard stories from my wife about the girls side though...lol.

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