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Posts posted by bjcolglazier

  1. 10 minutes ago, King Ding Dong said:

    Only recently saw a picture of it but it looked more like Jesus telling a tale about the size of the fish he supplied for the wedding.  

    Regarding all this talk of hiring and opening the park.  Think about all the restaurants that have apparently shut down for good that make all that wonderful food. Those chefs are going to need jobs so could be a phenomenal year for KI Food Service.  

    Maybe we could see some actually good pizza.  :ph34r:

    Hit me up when KI opens for contact-less food-service pickup. I'm missing the long lines, and that savory food. :-)

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, King Ding Dong said:

    Very true.  Just seen to much of that idiocy today.  But I disagree these are outcasts, there are very large, very popular congregations planning this. Planning to make all of this sacrificing we are going through moot.  

    You're just underestimating our outcast population...lol. I was born and raised a holy-roller. And church is online, as it should be. But yes, there are large groups of uneducated people. Some of them are going to get wiped out right now. I also believe there has to be a large % of them who are not going to show up at these places. But I mean, some folks would move to Guyana if "the right guy" told them that was safe...

    • Haha 2
  3. 30 minutes ago, flightoffear1996 said:

    Seems cases in New York has lessened. Hospitalization is down 50%

    Yes. If NYC can get over the hump and beat this there is all kinds of hope for all of us in middle-America, where we don't live on top of each other x10. If they can figure it out there, it will provide a blueprint for the rest of the nation.

  4. 1 minute ago, disco2000 said:

    I like to be thorough and detailed with explanations to back my reasoning and show it isn't just a gut feel like a lot of the "the park will open in mid-May" comments....and to keep King Ding Dong from asking for reasons why as he does to the "the park will open in mid-May" posters LOL...

    If you would like more details, I have them... that is my executive summary LOL...

    LOL! No, it's all good. I still think the park is "likely" to open this year. I can certainly imagine it will not, and understand the reasons why, if so. And I am certainly not trying to spout my opinion as gospel! This is like nothing we've ever seen...even the doctors don't know.

  5. 2 hours ago, disco2000 said:

    Anything is possible, but a season pass is meant to cover 12 months of revenue and expenses, not 18 months of expenses..to make that announcement now before many of their parks were even originally scheduled to be open is a telling sign as to their thought process that they do not believe they will open this year...

    This announcement is just one more strong indicator to everything I posted many pages back (page 37) as to why it is unlikely we will see the parks open this year...

    I don't want to put words in your mouth, but this post almost makes it sound like you think it would be more financially sound for the park to remain closed in 2020, even if they could open. Which I doubt is the case---at least not on most weekends---but I admit I don't have any numbers to know one way or another.

    Edit: My perspective is that they are already recognizing it might be really hard to sell anyone a 2021 pass. So let's give 'em out and hope the masses fill up the park and open their wallets as best they can.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

    Is it dumb for me to ask who Terpy is? 

    When I first got here I thought he was an insider teasing us along with useful information. I eventually found out he was the ultimate KI Central troll. 

    A MUCH beloved troll, at that.  :-)

  7. 5 minutes ago, disco2000 said:


    I agree with everything you just said! Very level-headed. And I will not be asking for a refund even if offered because right now I don't need one. But for some folks...this is just such an extraordinary time. Thank you for your input!

    • Like 1
  8. One thing rubbing me a little bit wrong these days is that many of us have purchased events or passes that have been "postponed". So when they are postponed instead of cancelled, you can't get a refund. And people need cash right now. I'm wondering how other people feel about this in regards to Kings Island? When people maybe threw down hundreds or perhaps $1,000+ or more 6-9 months ago but now find themselves scrambling to pay the bills. Personally I think parks---and all sorts of other entertainment events---should start offering refunds asap. Because its the right thing to do.

  9. 1 hour ago, gforce1994 said:

    But then If one has their pass overflow into the following season, wouldn’t they have to buy the passes at full price and then have to buy another pass a few weeks later for the following season. 3 passes for 2 years?


    This is the catch 22 that all tourism companies are having to deal with because of this pandemic.

    I see your point. If our 2020 passes were good thru June 30, 2021 for instance, I'm thinking they would then offer some sort of package deal for the rest of 2021 + 2022. So there's not the mental aspect of 'did I just buy 3 passes for ~2-years?'. But I'm sure there are already marketing people way smarter than me trying to figure out all the scenario's!

  10. 12 hours ago, King Ding Dong said:

    Oh No!  Canada’s Wonderland is my home park.  I am so screwed  now.  :P

    I just hope folks reading this thread can read between the lines of what our government is telling us, and what they are not. The word is out it's airborne. Probably a good bet Fauci and Birx suspected as much long ago...they are not stupid. Take care of yourselves---everyone, and I hope to bump into you at Kings Island later on even though we won't even know we did. :-)

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, King Ding Dong said:

    This is not new news, other than the increased distance.  It has always been known to be airborne.  That is why there are no masks available.  

    For those really paying attention yes! For those just flipping channels, no.

    • Haha 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, CorkscrewMcPuke said:






    They are telling us not to buy or wear masks because they don't want to scare us, and our healthcare providers on the front-lines need them most. And there is a shortage. But it's in the air, so they don't know quite what to tell us. 

    • Like 1
  13. It's airborne. Nebraska scientists have proven it without officially "proving" it. But it explains the fast-spread. This means a couple things. 1) There's no stopping it, and going to the grocery store isn't safe no matter how much you socially distance. 2) It'll potentially spread so fast it'll be over sooner than later due to communal immunity.

  14. 9 minutes ago, coaster sally said:

    Trump is not sounding as optimistic now.  Same Social distancing guidelines till april 30th.  This is just the beginning.

    Be interesting to see how quickly New York can get this under control. Most of the country is a week or three behind them. If they can't get it figured out by May 1 it'll be a very bad sign. If they can...whatever they figure out will be copied nationwide.

  15. 11 minutes ago, CheetahDrew said:

    If you actually read what I wrote, you'd know that I said we were missing 10-15 days of the park being open, not that this is a 10-15 day event. I personally have not heard of any instance in which they are converting NFL Stadiums into Hospitals and/or Medical Facilities at least not within the state of Ohio. 

    I think a mid-May opening would be considered highly optimistic by most doctors in America right now. That said, I am hopeful this will not be a 6-month-event here. Virus may well be hanging around 6 months from now, but by then a lot of people will either be dead or immune after already catching it. How's that for optimism?



    • Like 2
  16. 15 minutes ago, coaster sally said:

    You trust the reporting of cases from those areas?  North Korea has no cases, lol.

    I can read a map, yes...and many of those countries south of China are US allies with nothing to hide. They are just very hot/tropical countries. To deny those facts is just burying your head in the sand. In my OP I didn't say summer would eliminate coronavirus...I said it was very likely to help! And I still stand by that.

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