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Everything posted by KatieF

  1. I agree that the concrete jungle that is Action Zone would make a great home for BLSC. I love the ride though, but I just wish that it was kept maintained like it should be.
  2. Question-- do they play music at Haunt?
  3. I think I must always see that video but in a spot where I can't hear that! I'm okay with that too!
  4. I don't mind it in some spots of the park. Heck, "Boom Clap", "Brave", "Happy" now all make me think of the FunTV's at KI!
  5. I've seen some dressed up at an amusement park before and I try to remind myself that people used to do it all of the time. I just thought we had progressed from that bad choice...
  6. It'd be interesting to incorporate the vines from the sign!
  7. I'm sure they don't. Or I'd even be happy with one Saturday a month with hours similar to Haunt. Aren't they open till 1? edit: I hope people don't trash the shed. For example, throw stuff like hair bands, etc.
  8. I wish Kings Island did one 24/7 day per season like WDW did a few years ago. MT and The Beast at 3am? Yes, please! I'm sure there are reasons why this can't happen but a girl can dream!
  9. I'll be interested to see if Theme Park Review includes what's in the shed if they go when it opens.
  10. I think that'd make the ride twice as exciting!
  11. I wonder how often they have to do that
  12. What's the most out of the ordinary thing you've seen when at the park? I have two stories. One day, my boyfriend went to the top of the Eiffel Tower as a break from the coasters-- when an employee at the top pointed out to us that Firehawk was stuck on the lifthill and had been stuck for quite a while. Here's the kicker, they were facing to the sky on a sunny and HOT day in July. We watched them for awhile, and I remember watching employees climb the stairs on the hill and talking to the guests. It looked miserable! Another time I watched an idiot jump the fence exiting The Beast to retrieve a plastic football that I assume he lost when the train left the station. I got a little panicky because he crossed under the track right when another train took out. He got the football, but got stuck behind the fence and had to have security get him. What have you seen?
  13. I think car rides haven't appealed to me since I rode them at the county fair. I don't ride them anywhere, including the Tomorrowland Speeeway in WDW. I see why they appeal to many guests-- but they've never impressed me.
  14. Truthfully, I never got to see the antique cars but I consistently skip similar attractions at other parks. I think they're very, very bland with little opportunity to make it unique to the park.
  15. I hope they are able to spice it up soon to bring more attention to the area.
  16. I LOVE this idea! I'd even be down with this inside the TR:TR building. I'm down with this, too!
  17. XBase is cool but feels very empty. There's very little theming to make it feel like anything.
  18. I'm too chicken to ride Banshee... how did the Banshee video end?
  19. Thanks for the update! I'm very happy to hear about the organ! It adds so much atmosphere to the park!
  20. Although, I know I said I don't think any coasters are going to be leaving... but I WISH Firehawk wasn't there. I've never had any interest to ride it, the people I know that have ridden have told me they didn't just love it, and for me-- I think it's missing a wow factor the other coasters do have. In my opinion, I just never felt like it fit in well with KI.
  21. This could end up being incredibly embarrassing for me...
  22. Just cut out half of The Bat's queue line and then there's plenty of space. Haha! (Joking, of course.) In all seriousness, I've never paid attention to the land in AZ, so this may mean nothing- Is Timberwolf used? I've never noticed it. It COULD go in that area hypothetically.
  23. However, in my opinion, while it is awkward where it is-- it's still eyegrabbing. Even at the lowest I've seen the effects working, it's still highly themed and I appreciate it a lot. I think you rang a bell with me. The line is sloooow and hot in the middle of summer.
  24. Truthfully I don't see any coasters leaving anytime soon. Like, I thought The Vortex looked like it was in rough shape the last time I saw it--- but I don't see it leaving.
  25. I think that's a really great point about it belonging more to Action Zone! Could it be moved?
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