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Tomb Raider No Audio?!


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Sorry if this was already posted somewhere else, but on other forum topics id heard people mention that the audio was down on tomb raider the day that they went, but the more i've been talking to people, and my own personal experiences lead me to believe the audio is gone for good. Can anyone confirm or deny this fact? Is this part of trying to remove the Paramount movie tie to the ride?

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Yeah, for all the positives at KI this summer, TR is a big negative. That used to be one of my favorite things to do there, and after riding it a couple weeks ago with no sound (in addition to all the other elements they've "let go" over the years), I'm not planning on getting on it again. Its not like a roller coaster where you don't notice it that much; the effects were a major part of the ride. I know I have read a lot about the fact that alot of times 'theming' elements often aren't really maintained, but this is just ridiculous. TR is not some little investment the park made, but it seems like they are just hoping no one will get on it. Its like they're just saying "hey, lets see how bad we can make this suck, and see how many people will still ride it!".

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TR is not some little investment the park made, but it seems like they are just hoping no one will get on it. Its like they're just saying "hey, lets see how bad we can make this suck, and see how many people will still ride it!".

Now by they, do you mean Paramount, or Cedar Fair? Because up until CF bought the parks, Tomb Raider still had a majority of their effects intact....you know, save the broken door and some of the lights on the Durma statue not working. Heck, even the FOG was still working last year, even with CBS at the helm.

But now that CF's in charge, it seems as if they're just making excuses to get rid of every last bit of TR's theming and maybe just destroy the building along with it, making it a plain outdoor Top Spin like Firefall at Kings Dominion....without all the theming.

Now can you understand the importance of theming when it comes to rides like Tomb Raider and Italian Job? Has anyone ridden IJ this year right after it opens back up from breaking down? All of the effects are shut off temporarily, along with the entire helicopter scene. That means you just sit there, for a good ten seconds, with NOTHING going on around you at all. No gunfire, no explosions, no water cannons, no NOTHING. I can only imagine how IJ and TR will ride at the end of the season if they decide they're not going to fix the effects or sound on the rides.

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The one time I rode Italian Job this season it seemed most of the effects were working, same with Tomb Raider. But both were early on in the season and it is sad that Cedar Fair is just letting the theming go to waste. As bad as Paramount/CBS was at maintaining theming, I never heard anything to the extent of this.

And the preshow in that video was terrible, did it just freeze up or what? And does anyone know if that has been fixed?

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TR is not some little investment the park made, but it seems like they are just hoping no one will get on it. Its like they're just saying "hey, lets see how bad we can make this suck, and see how many people will still ride it!".

Now by they, do you mean Paramount, or Cedar Fair? Because up until CF bought the parks, Tomb Raider still had a majority of their effects intact....you know, save the broken door and some of the lights on the Durma statue not working. Heck, even the FOG was still working last year, even with CBS at the helm.

Dont give CBS that much credit (granted Cedar Fair does suck with theming more than them), the last time the fog worked was in 2005. In 2006 the fog worked at the beginning of the season and eventually they stopped having the ante-chamber show and stopped staffing an employee there as well as the door, music, and lights no longer worked in the ante-chamber. The pre-show room still played the movie but also lost its fog in 2006. This year in 2007, the flames outside of the ride cave stopped working as well as the spot lights hidden in the trees above the rides. The sound no longer works on the ride and the water in the lava pit scene just bubbles and no longer shoots up. With how bad the theming has gotten on that ride I will give the park credit for one thing, the kids working there have always been the nicest when I've ridden. I remember being able to look into the lava pit or after the final scene when you slowly come back down when the rides almost over and seeing shoes and trash everywhere, the past few years its always been clean as has all of the ride. Last month while waiting in line I saw a few of them and another employee in a tie cleaning change out of the queue line coverings. Great crew at that ride, right up there with those kids at The Beast!

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Dont give CBS that much credit (granted Cedar Fair does suck with theming more than them), the last time the fog worked was in 2005. In 2006 the fog worked at the beginning of the season and eventually they stopped having the ante-chamber show and stopped staffing an employee there as well as the door, music, and lights no longer worked in the ante-chamber. The pre-show room still played the movie but also lost its fog in 2006. This year in 2007, the flames outside of the ride cave stopped working as well as the spot lights hidden in the trees above the rides. The sound no longer works on the ride and the water in the lava pit scene just bubbles and no longer shoots up. With how bad the theming has gotten on that ride I will give the park credit for one thing, the kids working there have always been the nicest when I've ridden. I remember being able to look into the lava pit or after the final scene when you slowly come back down when the rides almost over and seeing shoes and trash everywhere, the past few years its always been clean as has all of the ride. Last month while waiting in line I saw a few of them and another employee in a tie cleaning change out of the queue line coverings. Great crew at that ride, right up there with those kids at The Beast!

Thank you so much you have no idea how much all of us at the crew love hearing things like this. Especially after we put so many hours into things such as cleaning the ride.

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Would anyone else say that this is being done on purpose in order to slowly remove the Paramount Tomb Raider tie to the ride?

Yea cause you know its just natural for parks to sabatoge their own rides.

The sound is not broken on purpose. Do you really think the park would not run the sound if they could. Its like when a ride breaks down and you expect to know when its going to re-open. It'll re open when its fixed, could be ten minutesl, could be ten days.

A lot of behind the scenes ride changes were made to TR this past year in terms of the ride itself. As for the sound, well they tried doing too much too fast with the re-programing of the show.

Also that "stupid preshow" is there for a reason. It's so that a group can be loaded while a group is on the ride. If you REALLY dont want to watch it and can get all 65 other people to say the same thing then you dont have too, BUT you'll still have to wait the same amount of time because there is a ride going on while you're waiting in that room

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Would anyone else say that this is being done on purpose in order to slowly remove the Paramount Tomb Raider tie to the ride?

Yea cause you know its just natural for parks to sabatoge their own rides.

The sound is not broken on purpose. Do you really think the park would not run the sound if they could. Its like when a ride breaks down and you expect to know when its going to re-open. It'll re open when its fixed, could be ten minutesl, could be ten days.

A lot of behind the scenes ride changes were made to TR this past year in terms of the ride itself. As for the sound, well they tried doing too much too fast with the re-programing of the show.

Also that "stupid preshow" is there for a reason. It's so that a group can be loaded while a group is on the ride. If you REALLY dont want to watch it and can get all 65 other people to say the same thing then you dont have too, BUT you'll still have to wait the same amount of time because there is a ride going on while you're waiting in that room

don't think "sabotage" is the word FOFirehawkFAN was referring to. Realistically, I kind of have the same mindset of that they think, "If we're going to remove the show anyway, why spend money to fix it now?"

I'm not entirely sure where the problem with KI's themeing is. You'd think it would be the budget, but all of the other Paramount Parks had their effects working... could be the people, but if any single person was really that bad at their job, they'd probably be removed rather quickly, could be that KI's rides are innovative but other parks have well-themed innovative rides which still work.

I think Paramount had the mentality that, once a ride is done with its TV time (when it's new and there are commercials and people are coming to specifically ride) they don't need to put money into it beyond having it functional. I completely disagree with that idea. I really think that it's a disservice. I really don't care how much it costs to fix Ride A, or Ride B, or to get this effect or that effect to work on a ride. People pay GOOD money to come to KI. They also likely spend more than their fair share of money while at the park. The overall product that KI offers has to be 110% top notch or people are just going to spend their money somewhere else.

I guess you want an example by now? Well, you're going to get one anyway.

I rode Tomb Raider last week. I knew about the audio problems, but it was kind of like driving by a car accident... you don't WANT to look, you've GOT to look... you know?

Got off the ride behind the perfect family. PURE suburbia. Father with a good job, supportive mother, 2.1 kids... the works. One of the kids (the kids ranged in age from 7 to 10 or so) turned to his mother upon exiting and said, "That ride was stupid too." The mother agreed saying, "Yeah, that was almost as dumb as the Italian Job ride." I couldn't resist... I played dumb and enquired. The mother told me that they rode the Italian Job and described a point in the ride where, and I quote, "you just stopped and acted like something was going to happen, but it didn't." I guess they rode with the helicopter scene off. She went on to tell me about her ride on Tomb Raider and how you just, and I once again quote, "Look at random things." She then volunteered the fact that they were from out of town, and had scheduled two days at Kings Island, but the family had decided to 'check out what's downtown' the next day instead.

Cedar Fair, under all aspects, has to be at the absolute top of their game at all times. Simply put: they're not in the electronics business, they're not in the data or phone business, they're not in the home improvement business. They are in the entertainment business. They fight for your discretionary dollar, which has some of the harshest competition in a field which is expendable anyway. Contrary to popular belief, Cedar Fair is not in the business of making money. It’s in the business of entertaining everyone who walks through those gates. If they fail to do so, people will just be entertained elsewhere.

Fortunately, it seems like the case with Cedar Fair is that they want to improve things like entertainment, cleanliness, guest experience, etc. They have their heads on straight. Don’t worry.

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I agree, TRTR seems like it's missing something without the audio playing. It just swing you back and forth and upside down in the dark. It doesn't make a lot of since without audio. They need to fix it soon in my opinion, or why bother even running the ride?

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This is my theory on why they've let TRTR go to hell. I think they're trying to remove it without a large uproar. With all the effects failing it seems like CF is trying to cut the GP's love of the ride and make it seem like CF is the hero when they remove it. It seems like they're trying to make the ride's removal predictable.

I'm not saying that CF is purposely sabotaging the ride but I think they're purposely not repairing the effects.

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OR they could be waiting on parts to come in, they could be doing a whole number of things for it.

Just because effects are failing does not mean that the ride is being removed. Awaiting parts, awaiting TIME, there are a whole list of things that need to be fixed in the park, all priority stuff. Sometimes it takes a few days to a trained audio tech to get out there and take a look and diagnose the problem.

So just calm yourselves.

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I went 2 weeks ago when a worker told me that they had the part, just no one to install it. Now, not here to start rumors. You know how realiable stuff said may or may not be. But I have ridden it 3 times without sound. It is awful. I don't like the fact that, 1. its boring, 2. I feel like it randomly jerks, and it jerks ya pretty good, 3. I miss the WATER shooting!

It isn't worth a wait for No sound, and No water.. Which I think the water was removed by complaints. Not sure though.

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We went on the 3rd for the Star Spangled Celebration and rode TR:TR. There was no sound again, and I was very disappointed as TR is my fav non-coaster ride. As we were leaving I asked one of the workers (a girl) and she said it'd been down for 3 weeks, that they were WAITING on the part to fix the sound. She seemed pretty bummed too, I'm sure it takes a toll hearing complaints from riders.


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Cedar Fair is most likely paying a royalty to the studio for at least the remainder of 2007, so I can't imagine why they would not run the attraction with full effects. Of course the cost to maintain the full effects could be a factor. Perhaps Cedair Fair just does not want to spend the capital needed to fix/maintain the special effects. Really is a shame as the effects are most definitly a major part of the Tomb Raider attraction.

It will be interesting to see how long the TR license will last at KI. I seem to recall the royalty for Tomb Raider was one of the highest paid to the studio of all of the Paramount themed attractions.

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Guest TombraiderTy
But now that CF's in charge, it seems as if they're just making excuses to get rid of every last bit of TR's theming and maybe just destroy the building along with it, making it a plain outdoor Top Spin like Firefall at Kings Dominion....without all the theming.

I had a weird dream they did remove the building... also in it, you had to climb a large set of steps on the exit area to board, because the ride started high up...

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