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Tomb Raider: Deparamounted

Ki Man

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So I am not sure if this has been going on for a while, but I rode TR:TR today. There was no movie and NO SOUNDTRACK during the ride! Also, instead of doing a flip into the hang over water, there was just a swing back into position...and it wasn't ever jets of water! It was water with maybe 4 red lights that were VERY dim.

My overall opinion of TR:TR -

DULL! Made me question if I was able to have anychildren in the future! Seriously, without the music....it's BORING! And confusing! All you hear is the machine making noises and screams echoing. Oh yea, notice anything that needs to be fixed in the sign?


Photo by me.

PS. - SoB Was open.

--Zach "Ouch, my tangly-bits hurt" B

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I rode Tomb Raider today at 3, and I noticed that there was no que music, no pre-ride movie, and they were not using the first chamber. On the ride, the water jets were off and the water and ice lighting was terrible, however there WAS the normal ride soundtrack, just without the "your making a big mistake," ect. voice-overs. The front lighting for the most part seemed to be working as well. I haven't been on Tomb Raider for a while, and for some reason the flips seemed much faster, forceful and intense than I remember. It actually got my adrenaline going a little, which is rare for me. I liked the ride, except for the temporary numbness in the crotchal region. Ouch!

BTW I didn't catch the sign change. Nice find.

EDIT: Nevermind about the sign.

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They'll probably get the guy that did the music to just edit it without all the narrations! It's fairly easy to do and would not cost alot of $$$. I hope they fix this ride, I hate to hear that it's sucking now... maybe CF will see this ride needs some TLC! -Hauntguy

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If you want to know what the future of TR will be, go ride Disaster Transport at Cedar Point.

For those of you out there who do not know what I am referring to, Cedar Fair has an absolutely HORRID track record for doing anything about theming. In fact, their "standard" seems to be to let things slowly fall apart, never fix them, and then turn a completely blind eye to the problem. Kinzel has been quoted, when discussing theming, as saying "The ride itself is the theme..." yada yada yada...translation..."I dont waste money on theming, but in building bigger, badder rides."

Look at the old Paramount Park. That's how "theming" is done Cedar Fair style.

You get great, world-class rides, but as far as theming goes you can forget it.

My only hope for Kings Island is that they dont EVER shirk the landscaping. KI has always been one of the most beautiful parks in the country (right up there with Busch Gardens Europe IMO).

If you travel up to Cedar Point, you'll realize landscaping isnt exactly the "forte" there. Last season there were decorations for Halloweekends literally left out on the midway ALL SEASON.

It's kind of odd when you are getting ready to ride the Skyride and you are greeted by a paper-mesche boars head.


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Other than Disaster Transport, what other theming are you referring to that is so bad at CP? Hardly any of their coasters or rides are themed. Just my opinion, but I don't think the theming that Paramount could afford was all that good and most of the time was not operating soon after the rides opened. Also, I think the theming of TR:TR during ride cycle is just about pointless anyway. Just give me a good ride cycle. That's far better than some crappy sub-par theming anyways.

I've also seen CP's landscaping and it's not that bad. There's not as much as KI, but what they have is nicely kept.

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If you want to know what the future of TR will be, go ride Disaster Transport at Cedar Point.

For those of you out there who do not know what I am referring to, Cedar Fair has an absolutely HORRID track record for doing anything about theming. In fact, their "standard" seems to be to let things slowly fall apart, never fix them, and then turn a completely blind eye to the problem. Kinzel has been quoted, when discussing theming, as saying "The ride itself is the theme..." yada yada yada...translation..."I dont waste money on theming, but in building bigger, badder rides."

Look at the old Paramount Park. That's how "theming" is done Cedar Fair style.

You get great, world-class rides, but as far as theming goes you can forget it.

My only hope for Kings Island is that they dont EVER shirk the landscaping. KI has always been one of the most beautiful parks in the country (right up there with Busch Gardens Europe IMO).

If you travel up to Cedar Point, you'll realize landscaping isnt exactly the "forte" there. Last season there were decorations for Halloweekends literally left out on the midway ALL SEASON.

It's kind of odd when you are getting ready to ride the Skyride and you are greeted by a paper-mesche boars head.


Honestly, in order to keep prices reasonable and compete with other parks across the country, sometimes there are things that just have to be cut. And sometimes theming on less popular rides (Disaster Transport is a great example) is one of the things that can be lessened. Seriously, why waste the money on theming on a ride that is no longer a main attraction??

CP goes more for the quality of the ride and the upkeep of the ride itself... to keep it in working order and safe! One things I did notice are that the rides at CP look better kept and the paint jobs are more up to date... don't see quite as much rusting as you do at KI...

Also, at KI it seems as if the ride ops aren't quite as well behaved. However, I must admit that it is nice to be able to say something to an employee of KI and have them speak your language.

Plus, are you actually going to the AMUSEMENT parks for the landscaping?? In my opinon, I'd much rather experience an amazing ride on a top quality roller coaster than pay that much attention to the landscaping... KI is a beautiful park, I must admit... however, it goes back to the paint jobs on the coasters... poor poor poor upkeep and certain coasters look very rusted out.

I guess if you want a park that is really big into themes, go to DISNEY, because that is not the main focus of CF parks... its more about the rides itself.

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That was true of the legacy Cedar Fair parks, even Knott's Berry Farm, where it most decidedly was NOT true pre-Cedar Fair. But what will Cedar Fair do with the Paramount Parks? Will they remain sort-of theme parks? Will they become amusement parks? Will the legacy Cedar Fair parks become more like the former Paramount Parks? Or will Cedar Fair be gone before anyone would know the answer to these questions?

Stay tuned. I suspect much remains undecided at the moment.

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I rode TRTR yesterday for the first time this year. The music was there, complete with the narration that it has always had. The program (believe it or not) is the same as it has been since the ride opened. The theming was crap, especially in the ice field and the lava pit. In the lava pit NONE of the red lights or water jets worked. But for me the most annoying thing was the leg lights that stayed on throughout the whole ride. No longer is the ride pitch black as it flips. What's the reasoning behind this? Cedar Fair could be being extremely paranoid about safety. I personally feel it's unnecessary and detrimental to the ride experience, but whatever. It pains me to say this, because I love the ride despite its flaws, but TRTR either needs some major theming rehab or it needs to be taken out/dethemed completely. I don't care if the vast majority of the GP doesn't give a rats behind about theming. It's a matter of pride - if you're willing to put forth a half-ass effort in one area or on one ride, you're liable to do it in other areas of the guest experience. It's unacceptable.

But as we all know, its about the bottom line, and there's no reason to expect CF to do anything about this ride.

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Honestly though, think of what the general public sees, instead of what we enthusiasts see. Those are the features which they will upkeep. That means I would expect the lava to shoot up, the lighting to work on both the lava and ice, some of the main goddess lighting to work, and some music to play (w/o voice over). I would expect the house lights coming on during the ride to be a temp. problem.

Other than that, kiss it goodbye. The pre-show, the fog, extra lighting on the goddess, dripping ice, etc. Also remember that the ride has always had balancing issues, so don't expect it to be fully loaded, ever. If they could simplify the ride cycle easily, they would/will.

And that's about it. Have fun riding GP, I'll be on something else. Heck, when I was there just a week ago, foliage was almost covering up the bottom half of the sign. Let's just forget it's even there...

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^^ That mentality, Pagoda, could spell the end of KI. Where do you draw the line between what people notice and what they don't? What if they DO notice? Will people keep coming back if they think they're spending almost $50 to get into a park that doesn't even "fix" its rides. Probably not.

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I'm sorry but how many topics are we going to have about "today I rode tomb raider and the effects were screwed up"?


Maybe we keep having these threads because people keep notices that the theming is not being kept up and is getting worse. I think many people are surprised by this, they really thought that CF would fix these problems and would keep up the rides theming. CF has a big problem on their hand (well they actually have more than one), they bought THEME PARKS and they don't do theme parks. Yet those park guess are use to a theme parks experience. No, Paramount parks were not Busch or Disney but they are/were more themed than CF parks, most Six Flags parks, Holiday World, etc...

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I'm sorry but how many topics are we going to have about "today I rode tomb raider and the effects were screwed up"?


Maybe we keep having these threads because people keep notices that the theming is not being kept up and is getting worse. I think many people are surprised by this, they really thought that CF would fix these problems and would keep up the rides theming. CF has a big problem on their hand (well they actually have more than one), they bought THEME PARKS and they don't do theme parks. Yet those park guess are use to a theme parks experience. No, Paramount parks were not Busch or Disney but they are/were more themed than CF parks, most Six Flags parks, Holiday World, etc...

I think you are missing what we are talking about...

We do not disagree with anything that anyone is saying about the theming on TR going down hill. Heck, myself and Nick have commented many times on this topic. Like Nick said, it just seems that everyday there is another new topic started about this same topic.

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^^And you are bumping it back up!

As someone stated before, it would be fine if none of the voiceovers were there, but it's really confusing without the music! I mean, you go up to the goddess thing and it blinks lights over it....DIDNT SHOW FIRE OR ICE LIGHT UP! And then you flip up to Ice while people's screams echo. Okay...it's a dim lit...are those icicles? Up, woah....we are flipping again, no sound of icicles breaking. Woah, we turn up facing into....water? Oh, some water with change in it....ouch, my crotch hurts ....stop it......okay, now we are flipping once again...a slow flip...and we stopped.....oh, now some music plays as we exit.

You don't even go back up to the goddess to be sent to the fire stuff.

The ride sucks without it. I never really complained about my you-know-whats hurting, but that new transition into the hang over lava killed me.


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As someone stated before, it would be fine if none of the voiceovers were there, but it's really confusing without the music! I mean, you go up to the goddess thing and it blinks lights over it....DIDNT SHOW FIRE OR ICE LIGHT UP! And then you flip up to Ice while people's screams echo. Okay...it's a dim lit...are those icicles? Up, woah....we are flipping again, no sound of icicles breaking. Woah, we turn up facing into....water? Oh, some water with change in it....ouch, my crotch hurts ....stop it......okay, now we are flipping once again...a slow flip...and we stopped.....oh, now some music plays as we exit.

Lol...Love your description of the ride

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I think we overstate the importance of the ride. It's been around for 6 years now. It's hardly new. Of course, I have no numbers for its ridership, but I'd be very surprised if it broke the top 10 for the park. A drop in the priority chain of reasons to keep it looking great instead of just average.

People have mentioned Disaster Transport at Cedar Point. The comparison is striking. Years ago, the theming on DT fell into disrepair. Slowly, it was removed. First the queue effects, then some of the ride effects, then it was all dark, then they added some fluorescent paint, etc. Why did CP not invest more money into the ride? Because it ceased to be a thrill ride. People were no longer riding DT for excitement (some might argue they never did!). Instead, it's gimmicks are: an indoor coaster with an air-conditioned queue that you only need to be 46" tall to ride. That means people ride it to get out of the heat for a bit, for something different (indoors), and lots of kids ride because it is tame and they are tall enough. Not sufficient reasons for CP to make a major investment! Just keeping it running is enough to satify all 3 of those marketing reasons.

Looking at TR:TR, it is a unique dark ride that hangs you upside down. That is what the public sees. Soon, I think people who want to get out of the sun for minute or hang upside down will be the majority crowd which ride it, similar to DT. If the ride has thus lost its marketing appeal, KI will not put major funding into an "attempt" to restore it. Instead they will build something else new.

I'm not trying to be negative. I want to see the return of TR:TR like all of you. This is just how I see the cards being dealt at the moment.

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