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What happened to King's Island

Mikey Pop

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I kno one time me and my mom just wnet for the hek of it one day(my mom worked there before) and we went bye the scrabler and the exit door was open while it was running. And my mom told the kid and he was lik o..... could u shut it for me, I mean come on a little kid could of went in there and BAM! done.

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Guest kwindshawne

I don't know if things are better or worse...I have been gone for too long to really make an accurate comparison. I do know when I left in '86..the park was really kicking....things are different now, but so are the times. When I left there were no metal detectors, the trams were still running, and season passes were $30..yes I am that old, oh well. Whenever you have 18 and under you're going to have issues such as the Holiday World spitter...well, that doesn't bother me...boys do those things right? I have also seen some very responsible 18 year olds...I met a younger supervisor just yesterday who came to me for help after a guest called her employee a b***** and she was genuinely upset for her. Point being, it won't be all bad or all good, that is what you get with people in general...we just have to work to try to make KI the best it can be while it goes through these growing pains.

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Mikey Pop, to many of the folks on this website, Kings Island can do no wrong. Not all of us though view Kings Island through rose-colored glasses. I appreciate your candid comments about your trip to KI. I do agree however with several of the other posts about this topic...Kings Island's decline began when Paramount bought the parks. Paramount Pictures wanted a multi-dimensional outlet for their movies, much like Universal and Disney did with their parks in Florida. However Paramount quickly realized that the capital required to create these environments was not in the cards for them. So, they half-@ssed pretty much everything they did. Really a shame as they had great opportunity to make some magic happen. I think for those of us that were working there, we pretty knew when VRG closed their doors, that the studio was no longer intereseted in backing the theme parks. Now KI is a year or so in with new ownership, and I can't say I have high hopes. Many of the fulltime staff that had been with KI for 15 or 20 years left or were fired when Cedar Fair took over, and you can see the results of that staff change in the park. Only time will tell how things will turn out for KI. I truely feel that the heyday of KI was back in the late 1980's. I don't think they will ever return to times like those.

On a side note, I was also at the park this past Saturday. I will say that I too felt some of the ride crews lacked some discipline. The crew at The Beast was excellent, as was those at White Water Canyon. However at The Racer, Delirium, and Adventure Express there was way too much playing around happening. Also, they could all use a lesson on how to speak into a microphone for the PA system.

Hope you continue to be a part of the discussions at KI Central.

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  A_Titanic_Mess said:
On a side note, I was also at the park this past Saturday. I will say that I too felt some of the ride crews lacked some discipline. The crew at The Beast was excellent, as was those at White Water Canyon. However at The Racer, Delirium, and Adventure Express there was way too much playing around happening. Also, they could all use a lesson on how to speak into a microphone for the PA system.

Hope you continue to be a part of the discussions at KI Central.

Beast crew has always been one of the greatest if not the greatest crews in the park and WWC has a good crew also. I have seen a couple times where AE crew was bad and just playing around and on Delirium you must have been there on a bad day or with a bad crew because i find them as another great crew in the park but with Racer i think everyone would agree that this is probably one of the worst crews in the park and i was at the park today riding racer and waiting for the ops to check my bar and the rest of them and the two checking had a race to see who could get there side checked faster and the lady on my side fell behind and started rushing and didnt even check my bar! I think that someone on that crew should step up and take responsibility for the fun and safety of the riders and teach the others how to properly check restraints and not goof around evrey 5 seconds. IMO they should have a superviser working at Racer so they dont goof off exactly like i see with Face/Off.

Also Mikey Pop I also hope you continue to participate in the forums as you were expressing your opinion and others were expresing their own opinions to what you said i think most people are just tired of hearing the same thing being said over and over and over again.

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In my humble opinion, a ride operator whose responsibility it is to check bars who does not do so should be terminated. At once. Else, riders may start coming out of trains, like has happened in the past at more than one park. Not all riders are either as conscientious as you, or even know they should be concerned about their own safety. Many wrongfully believe the park and ONLY the park is responsible for their safety.

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  The Interpreter said:
In my humble opinion, a ride operator whose responsibility it is to check bars who does not do so should be terminated. At once. Else, riders may start coming out of trains, like has happened in the past at more than one park. Not all riders are either as conscientious as you, or even know they should be concerned about their own safety. Many wrongfully believe the park and ONLY the park is responsible for their safety.

As to why exactly I reported what I saw last Sunday in the Adventure Express Station.

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Couple of points, in no particular order.

-Posting in this forum.... Where I work, only good news gets out, and the bad news is covered up so fast its not even funny. I don't believe for one minute, that they are fooling anyone. To me, or an outsider, never hearing any "bad news" makes me wonder more about the whole place. I think a little bad news makes people realize that, we too have problems, and we are working to fix them. Just like everyone else. What is my point here? If this place only had the good and no bad about KI, then I don't want to be here because we are only fooling ourselves. Yes this is a fansite, but if I am a tourist and I google Kings Island, and click on the third result -- KICentral "The Ultimate Guide to Kings Island," I expect to find the good things to do, and what to stay away from. It makes this site more valuable in more than one way.

Even though we represent only a small percentage of the visitors to the park, not only do we need to inform GR of the good and the bad, other guests need to as well. But I am sure that Cedar Fair people look at this site for some information on how to improve as well, and if we dont speak it, how will they know.

-The employees (ride-ops) definitely need some management and discipline. I know we are beating a dead horse, but they are so unprofessional this year. I am getting real tired of the ride-ops text messaging, I have seen it more than once in the past month while visiting. They do seem to be goofing off a lot, and I too have been skipped while checking lap bars.

-I dont care who owns it. Like I have stated before, Kings Island is a nice place to escape and people watch. Personally the season pass (with parking) was still a good deal and I really enjoy Kings Island.

I DO AGREE that we have had a lot of negative posts lately, and it needs to cool down but who am I to stop it.

I think I have done enough rambling for now, sorry if it just goes on making no sense.

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  BoddaH1994 said:
I agree -- the intention of my post was to say that he should have talked to GR about this, not that the information isn't welcome on that site. I'm horrible at communicating the small things.

Yeah, I think instead of saying, "This isn't a place to complain about ride crews, employees, etc." you should've said something more like, "This isn't the place to complain about ride crews, employees, ect. if you want something to get done." But I agree when you followed it up with..

  BoddaH1994 said:
If you saw something you didn't like, you should have stopped by the Guest Relations window on your way out. I infact, you can still email KingsIslandGR@ParamountParks.com .

I think you were trying to relay the message that even though you can vent here and say your opinions if you really want something to get done go to Guest Relations.

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Hehe... Well I was a first time goer of KI as of 2 weeks ago being a tourists and it was very nice and I didn't notice the ignorant workers so much as the theming was gone. I mean the first time on tomb raider was awesome even though I slammed my nuts when I went forward. But it was so bright I could see every little part and the little water things and also it being silent throughout was annoying. It could be so much better with improved theming. Also the park seemed a tad dirty but it wasn't awful. There's a lot worse out there....

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I went to Hershey not too long ago and was very anoyed with every crew there. The "bad" Kings Island crews look amazing compared to Hershey. One ride, I saw someone texting while they placed their drink on the control panel for the ride, one slip and...oops, the person that checks height in front of the line for one ride was actually asleep, and It took around ten minutes to load every single train on every ride in the park. Kings Island may have some areas for improvement, but overall, I believe that they are doing an excellent job compared to other parks.

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I know I'm probably a bit older than most of the people on this forum so that leaves me to talking about what KI looked like in the 70's and 80's. (PRE-Paramount).

First of all the landscaping! From 1970-1971 they transplanted original trees, bushes and speciality plants from the original Coney Island. They chose the perfect place to plant them too...in Coney Island well, now coney mall I think.

When The IJST was put in they ravaged that beautiful atmospere of tranquility. Paramount of course did this stunt just like most of the bad ideas that they came up with.

There was a time when KI had thrill rides and also that magical moment where one could walk over to the area by Les Taxis and have a taste of what an older park might feel like. I think and (just my opinion by the way) that Paramount ruined that combination of old times and new times. It was a formula that worked.

I know times change but did they have to wreck so much in the time PKI was there? I think CF needs a chance to clean the mess up and that will take a lot. At least I don't have to look at movie ads anymore. Paramount would constantly remind you that "by the way after you leave the park tonight, go see this movie or rent it on the drive back." Is it a movie theatre or an amusement park?

The food is awful. I hope CF does something about that. There used to be a place on International Street where I could buy just a plain bagel. I'm a vegetarian and a plain bagel would suffice for the day. It was cheap too. I refuse to pack stuff up in my car, then leave the park to go eat when I paid so much to get in!

LaRosas has been there for a long time and just because I don't like pizza doesn't mean I think that it's a bad idea. I have just noticed the prices. Yikes!

I haven't noticed any rides that look un-kept. I'm no engineer, but I think if a ride was in bad shape that they would close it and fix it.

I miss a lot of the rides that are gone now, but I realize after reading many opinions on this forum I am NOT alone.

I had a pretty good time the last time I was there (June) I was glad to see that they did not tear down something else in order to put in Firehawk. That was refreshing, they used land that was un-occupied.

Hopefully CF will only improve and enhance the park. At least everything says "Kings Island" on it. I like that!

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Improvements/Good so far in 2000:

The Paramount name has disappeared/is disappearing. We all can just call it "Kings Island" again.

Adventure Express seems to run three trains just fine, and the crew acts alive.

Son of Beast - the loop is gone, but the Gerstlauers are an extreme improvement over the Premiers. No more pain and begging for the train to get released into the station because of the old trains' restraint pinching.

A good flying steel coaster was moved from a declining park (GL) to another that doesn't have quite as much competition (KI).

There are several decent live shows again! You can not under-estimate how much of the patronage desires entertainment that doesn't require getting thrown around and upside down, and waiting a long period of time to enjoy.

What Needs Improvement/Poor so far in 2000:

Courtesy seems to be an extra chore to some employees.

The Racer crew could still care less about the main concept of the ride, let alone having fun.

Vortex frequently stacks, despite the easy to use seat belts.

Food prices, anyone? The last time I really ate at KI was a couple of slices of LaRosa's on Opening Day... sure it was good quality, but I've heard complaints about the quality of other foods in the park, on top of the high prices.

I prayed for Cedar Fair to buy Kings Island for several years. I understand that getting the place upto their "standards" will take time, but so far, this year has been rough, and honestly, not much better than the last few seasons. As of now, I give Cedar Fair a B to C grade. As stated months ago in a prior topic, it's vital that we, fans of a business (a.k.a. Kings Island amusement park), speak up when something is undesirable and below expectations. You can't please everyone, but you must be efficient, provide value, be courteous, and above all, be safe. This means that a product that is over-priced, lazy, rude/indifferent, and unsafe has greater chances of failing.

One series of pain for me: I needed change for the Firehawk locker. The change machine next to the lockers was broken. I didn't want to "inconvenience" the ride photo stand to get change. I lose my Cell Phone while riding. I come back several days later... they recovered the phone, but I felt I was treated like (human excrement) trying to get it back.

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What is it about ride ops (especially coasters) at KI? I went to CP recently after a KI trip and it was like night and day. Almost like KI had to beg people to run their rides, while CP filled more than half the spots without asking. Don't people realize they could be sweeping trash or cleaning bathrooms all day instead of pushing buttons or checking restraints?

I just don't get it. Running a coaster is one of the coolest jobs you can have at the park. Why are there no positive attitudes, hard workers, or overall crews who are proud to do what they do?

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  Pagoda Gift Shop said:
What is it about ride ops (especially coasters) at KI? I went to CP recently after a KI trip and it was like night and day. Almost like KI had to beg people to run their rides, while CP filled more than half the spots without asking. Don't people realize they could be sweeping trash or cleaning bathrooms all day instead of pushing buttons or checking restraints?

I just don't get it. Running a coaster is one of the coolest jobs you can have at the park. Why are there no positive attitudes, hard workers, or overall crews who are proud to do what they do?

I believe a lot of it has to do with the demographics of workforce.

CP hires a lot of employees from colleges around the country and from other countries. When these workers come to CP for the summer it is like a resort vacation to make lots of money during the summer so they can go back to school or their country and not have to work. Many of these workers work 60+ hours. This type of workforce wants to work, they pay an airline ticket to get themselves there for the summer (though I have also heard sometimes they reimburse a portion) and they also give them free housing (dorm style). They create a work culture and environment that is totally different from KI and that is why it works.

KI's majority workforce is local. KI even though it is in the suburbs is made up mostly of an urban workforce. Many have family, other jobs, school, friends, a life... many other things to worry about. They don't live at KI all summer like many CP employees do. Also, the employees at CP that are local, there isn't much else to do in Sandusky, they live pretty simple lives in a small town. There is a lot more in peoples lives in a large metropolitan. Attitude is just a lot different and the culture of KI has been precedented by its former owners. It takes a whole lot of effort and time to change a work culture. I did hear a rumor that CF may start recruiting to some degree the same way they recruit for CP. I do know that KI did start doing this for a few seasons by housing workers in dorms at UC, but I don't know if they still do that.

It also has to start from upper management first and trickle down. Many of whom had worked for paramount many years and will take time to change the attitude and culture of the entire workforce. Changes are going to take time, lets give CF a chance. Right now I don't think you can compare most things to CP, especially the culture of the workforce.

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^I could be wrong, but it seems highly unlikely that KI ever housed workers in UC's dorms. UC is on a quarter system, so a lot of kids take summer classes there, not to mention freshman orientation, etc.

Cedar Point is able to do it well because of the location of the dorms, and quite simply because they own them. I think it's a really good idea... they get workers from around the globe by allowing residence for the summer. I think other parks in a suburban area could really benefit from something like this by getting a much more well-rounded staff. Though its difficult to say, because in a larger city, there are plenty of people wanting to work at an amusement park, unlike in a small town like Sandusky.

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I would love to see KI return to a intern/college program for seasonal employees. They could build a dorm style building on the former camp grounds. Or possibly make a dorm agreement with UC, Miami, or Xavier to house employees. While it would be further from the property, it would allow the employees to experience life in one of those cities.

I have known hundreds of students that have gone to the CF and the Disney college programs that have found it to be a life experience.

While the employees work in the park they become more involved with the park than those who are using the park as a part time job.

I also think that CF should consider making a breakers style hotel on property. I remember as a child staying at the KI inn and riding the bus to the park. It seems like KI is no longer a destination park but a day trip event.

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  Pagoda Gift Shop said:
What is it about ride ops (especially coasters) at KI? I went to CP recently after a KI trip and it was like night and day. Almost like KI had to beg people to run their rides, while CP filled more than half the spots without asking. Don't people realize they could be sweeping trash or cleaning bathrooms all day instead of pushing buttons or checking restraints?

I just don't get it. Running a coaster is one of the coolest jobs you can have at the park. Why are there no positive attitudes, hard workers, or overall crews who are proud to do what they do?

i work in rides at KI. let me try to explain.

see.. its not that we dont like what we do, but we have to do it 6 days a week and on these shifts: open or close - 7 hours, swing - 8 hours, Double - 14 hours... see what im getting at? most people dont work more than 7 hours in one day and thats just a half a day for us!

now thats just the shifts, now let me just paint a little picture for you.. : ok you just rotated to a ride where you've been told to check bars. you get there and immediatly you have to height check a child. turns out of course, that they're not tall enough.. (and of course this is your fault) the now enraged parent comes up to you, cusses you out, telling you "they've ridden this five times today!" (a lie you cant prove wrong obviously) so you take the crap from them and escort them off. you do this consistantly for 14 hours on a double and then you leave at night thinking why the heck do i do what i do? It kills me to hear people say "why cant the employees act like they love their jobs?" well guys, its a two way streak. mabey if we didnt have to take so much crap from guests we would be alittle more enthousiastic..

im not pointing fingers and im not saying this is every guest but the occasional one stands out..

a few things you should know that every employee wants to say but cant:

1. we do NOT make the rules! were just trying to keep our jobs so pleasee stop screaming at us.

2. the whole reason for enforcing height requirments is to keep YOU SAFE! so stop screaming at us if we tell you you or your kid cant ride something.

3 and we send thousands of people per hour on a coaster.. yes we DO miss height checks everynow and then. were only human! if we tell you that you cant ride after youve already been on it consider yourselfs LUCKY instead of cussing us out and telling us "this is rediculus" and marching away after making a big scene. you know whats rediculus? the crap that we have to put up with! ughh so the next time you see a blue shirt, go up to them and tell them "hey! thanks for keeping us safe!" honestly it will make their day.

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  Dvo said:
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :o *runs and hides from Mat*

Man, why can't you just enjoy your job, mat? :lol:

sorry.. had to do it

haha i hate to bring it up but it kills me to hear someone say that. i work 2 jobs and im not usualy in the best mood by the time i even get to ki, and then before i know whats happening ive got people yelling at me for stuff i have no control over whatsoever. i mean honeslty can we give the employees a break :D were not there to ruin your day honestly haha.

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If you can't handle the job then maybe you should quit. I worked at KI, yes the job is very repetitive but it can be lots of fun too. I took my job seriously every day while at KI as an Associate. I think people have just changed especially young adults it's a different generation. I'm not saying you don't take your job seriously, but if you really feel that way then find another job. When I worked at KI we were told we could be the one to make a Guest have a wonderful day, or be the one to make that wonderful day be horrible.

I agree about Vortex crew and stacking trains, have of how that happens I see associate's taking there sweet time walking down checking, or they'll have one hand in there pocket and using the other to check bars with.

In 2001 we had to deal with the new exit gate. Yes that slowed us down, but we still didn't stack every train in the Safety's.

CoastersNSich why does your post say in 2000? I think you meant 2007?

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  Mat said:
  Dvo said:
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :o *runs and hides from Mat*

Man, why can't you just enjoy your job, mat? :lol:

sorry.. had to do it

haha i hate to bring it up but it kills me to hear someone say that. i work 2 jobs and im not usualy in the best mood by the time i even get to ki, and then before i know whats happening ive got people yelling at me for stuff i have no control over whatsoever. i mean honeslty can we give the employees a break :D were not there to ruin your day honestly haha.

Probably not the best to work with the public then.

Those working with the public should always Practice Service Excellence.

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  PKIVortex said:
If you can't handle the job then maybe you should quit. I worked at KI, yes the job is very repetitive but it can be lots of fun too. I took my job seriously every day while at KI as an Associate. I think people have just changed especially young adults it's a different generation. I'm not saying you don't take your job seriously, but if you really feel that way then find another job. When I worked at KI we were told we could be the one to make a Guest have a wonderful day, or be the one to make that wonderful day be horrible.

I agree about Vortex crew and stacking trains, have of how that happens I see associate's taking there sweet time walking down checking, or they'll have one hand in there pocket and using the other to check bars with.

In 2001 we had to deal with the new exit gate. Yes that slowed us down, but we still didn't stack every train in the Safety's.

CoastersNSich why does your post say in 2000? I think you meant 2007?

Yeah actualy i am quiting. not to start a rant about this but i just feel like people have noo idea what kinda crap we have to put up with. only ki workers really know what its like. and the nick universe ones REALLY know what im talking about. ;) and i do try to take what i do seriously but after a while i get soo tired of taking crap from guests over things i have no control over whatsoever. and also i dont mean any bad PR by all this but you have to see this from a ki workers perpective. seriosuly next time your at ki go up to a blue shirt and just say "thanks for all you do." they will pryjust stand there with a blank stare on their face and go into shock..

and thanks to all the guests that can take a "im sorry your kid isnt tall enough to ride" without blowing up and causing a scene.. your appreciated more than youll ever know..

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i was at KI about 3 weeks ago and it wasn't so much bad attitudes/disrespect.... i saw employees texting and listening to mp3 players. That's unacceptable. You wouldn't even get by with that working at McDonalds. And it's that particular attitude that is going to earn KI lawsuits from negligence.

I've been on the Volunteer staff's before (a program I think they have discontinued) and have been specifically "placed" at certain locations and the problem I've seen from the last few years have been supervisors (those are the ones in the ties this year, right?) that were too concerned with being a "fun" boss- than being a responsible supervisor.

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