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Beast Review


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I will tell you that Beast is the best ride I have ever been on...

Only because I was 6 for my first ride, and it will always be #1 in my heart. Now in reality, there are many other coasters out there that are much better.

Just looking at the writer's top 10 lists, he needs to get on more coasters to have a real opinion.

If you want to get some great opinions & reviews on coasters, take a look at theme park review. Some of those people, the owner(s) in particular, have been to almost every park & on every coaster IN THE WORLD!

Now that is voice to listen to.

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^ Actually all the on ride pics, and POV's they have, were allowed from the parks themselves.

Mr. Alvey has actually erased topics posted and thrown people out of TPR for doing "illegal" things. many of the "stickies" they have posted refer to what is acceptable and what is not.

He is rather strict about such things and he needs to be.

Now about Strickers, I have not heard about that incident. But everyone has stories about things that have been severly miscommunicated (i.e. Taking pictures at Splashin' Safari). There are two sides to every story.

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Everybody has a different opinion about what is good and bad. Even if I had ridden every coaster in the world, I would still favor some over others due to personal preferences.

I tend to trust Mitch's Coaster Poll more than any other rankings. It's done in a sort of win/loss format that compares mutual riders from groups of people who ride a lot.

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Im possitive Kings Island did not allow him or his friends to take his camcorder on The Beast as he has done in The past, when he did not have permission.

Nothing personal....

After seeing Robb in action when it comes to safety, and how he has handled those who have broken the rules, I just don't believe he would knowingly abuse, or completely ignore what he has been told he can or can't do.

EDIT- A recent click over to TPR, and ironically enough, they were actually guests of Stricker's on the Midwest trip.

Guess the issue between the Alvey's and Strickers was not as bad as you have heard.

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If you want to get some great opinions & reviews on coasters, take a look at theme park review. Some of those people, the owner(s) in particular, have been to almost every park & on every coaster IN THE WORLD!

Now that is voice to listen to.

Well, the way they completely dismiss The Beast in their 2003 photo trip report to KI does not lead me to trust what some people on there say about coasters. But that is just me...

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Well, the way they completely dismiss The Beast in their 2003 photo trip report to KI does not lead me to trust what some people on there say about coasters. But that is just me...

You are going to get objective opinions at TPR. Some good, some bad. What I like though is when they don't like something, they give reasons, not your typical, "I don't like the ride, and that's it."

But most all agree that there are no better night rides than Beast.

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I have heard things about the Alvey's, both while working at the park and not working at the park, and to be honest, I do not want to be a ride op while he is riding.

No matter what he seems like NOW, it HAS been proven that he has done some things in the past that were not up to par. But if he's changed, goo on `em.

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