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Paramoun theming gone


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TR:TR and IJ:ST are the most heavily Paramount themed rides in the park... and they both so happen to be closed for HH... I think that they might be closed because they are taking Paramount theming away and adding some new stuff. The only other Paramount themed rides are TG, DZ, & F/O

Those rides aren't really themed just named, so they could just make new logos and ride names for them in the off-season. Do you agree?


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Just beause the rides are not listed on the HH site doesnt mean they wont be open for HH. Last year they listed the same rides (with the exception of Firehawk obvioulsy) and most of the rides were open with the exception of Nickelodeon Universe and WWC. IJ:ST will be open for Halloween Haunt.

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And if IJ *does* happen to be closed, it could just be because they don't want it interfering with Cornstalkers and the Worksite. And we know TR:TR is closed for major work on a part. Not saying they won't retheme anything...I'm just saying, there are more practical reasons the rides *might* be closed during Haunt. Err, we know TR will be closed, but IJ might or might not, as was already mentioned.

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Kings Island has rights to the Paramount names for at least 3 more years. No need to spend the money on rethemeing now. The are just trying to liquify the merchendice. Top Gun was going to be called Thunder Road, so I think thats what there going to call it. Runaway Reptar should be themed as a mini Thunder Road, and the FOC should be named The Beastie. The IJST and TR:TR, well, I dunno what to do with with them. Maybe replace the cars and take away all the police cars and stuff on IJST and plant a thick forest around the track, and theme it as a small coaster weaving through the woods. The Billboard smash through gould be re-themed like you're brsting through a waterfall. Or you could just remove IJST and put a feerris wheel in it's place like there was before Old-Fasion cars. That's my thought.


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I don't know where you got this three more years thing. That IS the amount of time remaining on the Nick licensing. Cedar Fair is in talks with Viacom to renew and perhaps even expand that licensing. Mr. Kinzel gets asked about it during each conference call.

Ride licensing for movies is separate, ride by ride. Scooby's Haunted Castle is a special case, as its licensing came through Sally, the company that redid the theming for the ride. As for Paramount's in the park and on the park, it has already been made clear that Cedar Fair intends for all that to be gone before the beginning of next season.

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I think all the Nick stuff will stay, I even think somewhere down the line Scoobys Haunted Castle will end up being "Danny Phantom's Ghost Attack" or something like that. As for the rides Top Gun will be Thunder Road with a re-themeing and new paint job, TR:TR I agree with Rumor Smasher, they will probably theme it to be some kind of mine ride (if they don't tear it down all together) and I think IJST will just be called The Stunt Track maybe with new trains maybe not. As for Drop Zone and Face Off maybe Power Tower and Head Spin? (it seems when CF needs new names in a rush they grab them from other parks with similar rides)

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  • 2 weeks later...
i am pretty sure that i should know this but what paramout production is drop zone named after...

Technically, I guess it's named after the 1994 movie staring Wesley Snipes called (surprise, surprise) "Drop Zone"


However, there's absolutely no themeing or storyline to even come close to tying the movie in with a themed ride. Face Off (opened the samed year as DZ) is even worse when it came to tying the ride into a movie theme. They could have named either one "Titanic" and the ride themeing wouldn't have been any more disconnected.

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i am pretty sure that i should know this but what paramout production is drop zone named after...

Technically, I guess it's named after the 1994 movie staring Wesley Snipes called (surprise, surprise) "Drop Zone"


However, there's absolutely no themeing or storyline to even come close to tying the movie in with a themed ride. Face Off (opened the samed year as DZ) is even worse when it came to tying the ride into a movie theme. They could have named either one "Titanic" and the ride themeing wouldn't have been any more disconnected.

and that explains it i have never heard of a movie named Drop Zone, until now that is :)

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IJST is open for HH, and is listed on the official map for HH. TR won't be open for other reasons. Not because of a retheme, but the same reason it's been shut down most of the season.

Just incase anyone was doubting the renaming of such attractions as IJ, Top Gun and TR.....ALL ride merchandise for those attractions is now 60% off in the gift shops! Just an FYI.

- Todd

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IJST is open for HH, and is listed on the official map for HH. TR won't be open for other reasons. Not because of a retheme, but the same reason it's been shut down most of the season.

Just incase anyone was doubting the renaming of such attractions as IJ, Top Gun and TR.....ALL ride merchandise for those attractions is now 60% off in the gift shops! Just an FYI.

- Todd

is that any thing that says there names or is it because of the fact majority of there stuff says paramount?

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IJST is open for HH, and is listed on the official map for HH. TR won't be open for other reasons. Not because of a retheme, but the same reason it's been shut down most of the season.

Just incase anyone was doubting the renaming of such attractions as IJ, Top Gun and TR.....ALL ride merchandise for those attractions is now 60% off in the gift shops! Just an FYI.

- Todd

is that any thing that says there names or is it because of the fact majority of there stuff says paramount?

The signs that I saw in Emporium tonight SPECIFICALLY stated Italian Job, Top Gun and Tomb Raider merchandise. Likewise, there were signs advertising all Paramount branded merchandise as well.

- Todd

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IJST is open for HH, and is listed on the official map for HH. TR won't be open for other reasons. Not because of a retheme, but the same reason it's been shut down most of the season.

Just incase anyone was doubting the renaming of such attractions as IJ, Top Gun and TR.....ALL ride merchandise for those attractions is now 60% off in the gift shops! Just an FYI.

- Todd

is that any thing that says there names or is it because of the fact majority of there stuff says paramount?

The signs that I saw in Emporium tonight SPECIFICALLY stated Italian Job, Top Gun and Tomb Raider merchandise. Likewise, there were signs advertising all Paramount branded merchandise as well.

- Todd

o.k. just making sure

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I said it once and I'll say it again. They are just trying to liquify the merchendice, because it is more lucrative to sell it all of than to just ditch it. Mr. Kinzel is trying to even EXTEND the naming rights (by the way, did anybody see the tombstones with KINZEL and FELFAS in the front of the park? :lol:) Check back with new names in 2012.


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I don't know where you got that information. They are trying to extend the Nick franchise (and perhaps extend it to other parks). Each movie-themed ride has/had its own naming rights license. Why on earth would Cedar Fair want to PAY to advertise the intellectual properties of a former owner that do not in any way attract people to the park? The movie themed rides (with the possible exception of Tomb Raider, and I would argue the association there may in fact be a negative one) draw people not because of the movie theming, but because of the essential elements of the rides themselves...

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I said it once and I'll say it again. They are just trying to liquify the merchendice, because it is more lucrative to sell it all of than to just ditch it. Mr. Kinzel is trying to even EXTEND the naming rights (by the way, did anybody see the tombstones with KINZEL and FELFAS in the front of the park? :lol: ) Check back with new names in 2012.


I'm with Interpreter.....not sure where you are getting that at. For what its worth, a lot of the Top Gun merchandise and Italian Job merchandise this year do NOT say Paramount ANYWHERE on them......just Kings Island. The current rumor circulating around the Park is that they WILL be changed next season. Whether you want to admit that their days as a Paramount themed attraction are numbered, well then thats up to you.

Oh, loved the tombstones.....but I really loved the one that said Shapiro


- Todd

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I said it once and I'll say it again. They are just trying to liquify the merchendice, because it is more lucrative to sell it all of than to just ditch it. Mr. Kinzel is trying to even EXTEND the naming rights (by the way, did anybody see the tombstones with KINZEL and FELFAS in the front of the park? :lol: ) Check back with new names in 2012.


I'm with Interpreter.....not sure where you are getting that at. For what its worth, a lot of the Top Gun merchandise and Italian Job merchandise this year do NOT say Paramount ANYWHERE on them......just Kings Island. The current rumor circulating around the Park is that they WILL be changed next season. Whether you want to admit that their days as a Paramount themed attraction are numbered, well then thats up to you.

Oh, loved the tombstones.....but I really loved the one that said Shapiro


- Todd

But, Italian Job and Top Gun are owned by, drumroll, PARAMOUNT! If they are changing the names (which I doubt), i'm ancious to see what they are. And the Sharpio one is great.

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i am pretty sure that i should know this but what paramout production is drop zone named after...

Technically, I guess it's named after the 1994 movie staring Wesley Snipes called (surprise, surprise) "Drop Zone"


However, there's absolutely no themeing or storyline to even come close to tying the movie in with a themed ride. Face Off (opened the samed year as DZ) is even worse when it came to tying the ride into a movie theme. They could have named either one "Titanic" and the ride themeing wouldn't have been any more disconnected.

Not completly true, there used to be a movie poster outside the q-line. That counts as some themeing right?

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I really wouldn't lend much credibility to the guy who cant even spell "cost", much less even get the facts right about the theming contractual agreements which have been pointed out to him multiple times in this topic. I think the evidence Todd has pointed out is a pretty good indication of things to come.

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Ok as for the merchandise - yes all paramount tagged merchandise is to be gone by October 31st. This past weekend they passed out large bags and said fill it for $20 so trust me we filled it up. All Paramount TAGGED merchandise must go - or they want it to be gone by the end of this season. Yes they have had things at an increased sale from the opening of the season - now things are down to 70% off and more. If you are thinking about checking out these sales you might already be too late. The one store was selling things as soon as they got them on the tables. Everything was going fast!!

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