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Post your favorite pic of 2007


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This was my favorite pic of a ride that I took this year. The picture is the supports of The Beast, from the top of the second lift, into the turn there. I just thought some of the angles with the wood were interesting.


However, this is the best picture, IMO, that I took this year. It's some building in Atlanta, but we were parked near Hard Rock Cafe on our band trip, and I leaned against the window and snapped it.

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  Cory Butcher said:
Here are a few of my favorites, taken from a different sort of entertainment. These were taken at the Columbus Zoo! I hope you like them.

This Bengal Tiger was just begging for attention!


Summer is a time for families to come together!


So cuddly!


Obviously I love animals, and here is probably my favorite picture of 2007...


AAAAwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Adorable!!!!!!!!!!! Great pictures. I love that tiger! That is a GOOD looking tiger. If I was a tiger I would want a date! LOL

Kidding aside, thanks for such wonderful moments captured in time!

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  JacksonPKI said:
A Tribute to all the things lost and gained in 2007:


Geauga Lake was lost this year, and it deserves a tribute


Batman & Robin was a Steel SoB when it came to reliability, but it deserves respect

And now, new for 2007.


Renagade at Valleyfair! was new for 2007, and I love its first drop.


Firehawk, an origional ride with an unorigional name, was opened at KI this year.

5/29/07? That might be me in the front row!


Maverick is a legendary coaster, and it has only been open for 1 year!

Happy new years!

Thank you for showing some of GL. I have never been there and it looked like a nice park. So sad.

It always makes me sad to know that a park full of happy moments will eventually be deserted. Just like old pictures of Coney Island after 1971. Ki did come out of that, but desolate parks look so disheartening.

I hope they can find good homes for those rides at GL.

Thanks again for your photos!

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  odettekitrigisele said:
AAAAwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Adorable!!!!!!!!!!! Great pictures. I love that tiger! That is a GOOD looking tiger. If I was a tiger I would want a date! LOL

Kidding aside, thanks for such wonderful moments captured in time!

Thank you for your nice words! Also thank you to the many others who have expressed some interest in my photos of the zoo. For those who have expressed interest, I have decided to post more of the photos that I have taken this year, that I like!


Another Moose!


Rhino ready for his close-up!


Its the eye of the tiger



I got extremely close to this Elephant, he sounded like a vacuum cleaner, no joke!


Flying Fox!....Yes, its a bat!


For my friend Ronny, haha


Two Roos


My mom is painting a room in our house the same colors as this bird, so I took a photo for her!


I leave you with this, one of my top 5.


I do not want to hijack this thread anymore, so if anyone wishes to see more, as I have about another 200, just let me know in some way, there are some more good ones! Thanks for viewing!

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Guest kwindshawne

Nice pics....I like the bats..used to have them in my back yard last year. You wouldn't happen to have any wolf pics would you? I for one would be interested in seeing more......my email is on the facebook.....

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  odettekitrigisele said:
Thank you for showing some of GL. I have never been there and it looked like a nice park. So sad.

It always makes me sad to know that a park full of happy moments will eventually be deserted. Just like old pictures of Coney Island after 1971. Ki did come out of that, but desolate parks look so disheartening.

Just head on over to Coney Island Central. I can assure you that Coney Island never was completely deserted after Kings Island opened in 1972. In fact, Sunlite pool was open in 1972! Yes, it would be many years before rides started sprouting back up at Coney, but it is far from desolate. In fact, this past season was one of Coney`s best seasons since 1972. And, as always with amusement parks, expect plenty of changes for next season!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Cory Butcher said:
  odettekitrigisele said:
AAAAwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Adorable!!!!!!!!!!! Great pictures. I love that tiger! That is a GOOD looking tiger. If I was a tiger I would want a date! LOL

Kidding aside, thanks for such wonderful moments captured in time!

Thank you for your nice words! Also thank you to the many others who have expressed some interest in my photos of the zoo. For those who have expressed interest, I have decided to post more of the photos that I have taken this year, that I like!


Another Moose!


Rhino ready for his close-up!


Its the eye of the tiger



I got extremely close to this Elephant, he sounded like a vacuum cleaner, no joke!


Flying Fox!....Yes, its a bat!


For my friend Ronny, haha


Two Roos


My mom is painting a room in our house the same colors as this bird, so I took a photo for her!


I leave you with this, one of my top 5.


I do not want to hijack this thread anymore, so if anyone wishes to see more, as I have about another 200, just let me know in some way, there are some more good ones! Thanks for viewing!

Oh, the elephant and the roos! I can't stand it! I LOVE all of these pictures! Thanks for sharing more of the animals.

I love the snakes and bats too. I have held different types of snakes but, I haven't held a bat.....YET.

AAAAAwwwwwwwwww, the elephant sounded like a vacuum. They are so sweet!

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  JacksonPKI said:
I don't have the best camera, I hope I get one for Christmas.


Of course, you have to have a pic of The Beast


The Vortex is so Photogenic.


I rode the SoB for the first time this year. It was an awesome experience.


The Racer was my first real coaster, and I think that's a good view of it.

Happy Holidays, Here comes 2008!

Great Picture. The Racer was my first big roller coaster. Then I went on to The Bat. I loved them both..... and dang it, I was too short for The Beast.

A few years later and some stuff in my reeboks and I was ready to go! The Beast is great too!

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  The Interpreter said:
It's pictures like that that remind us all of the major reason for places like Kings Island.

Thanks for posting that.

And she's adorable! :)

Thanks for your comments Interpreter. I really enjoy your insights on this forum.

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  kjkjkj said:
  coaster_junky said:
  coaster_junky said:
yea, how do you take pictures from a pen-drive and post them?

never mind


this is the only good picture i took of an amusment park this year

Were you at a place with like a light house and stuff when you took this? Because that picture looks very simaler to a picture that I took a while back from when we took a trip to CP.

if you are talking about a place with a short and fat light house then yes

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  coaster_junky said:
  kjkjkj said:
  coaster_junky said:
  coaster_junky said:
yea, how do you take pictures from a pen-drive and post them?

never mind


this is the only good picture i took of an amusment park this year

Were you at a place with like a light house and stuff when you took this? Because that picture looks very simaler to a picture that I took a while back from when we took a trip to CP.

if you are talking about a place with a short and fat light house then yes

I want to say he's talking about the Marblehead lighthouse, correct?

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  DiSab said:
  coaster_junky said:
  kjkjkj said:
  coaster_junky said:
  coaster_junky said:
yea, how do you take pictures from a pen-drive and post them?

never mind


this is the only good picture i took of an amusment park this year

Were you at a place with like a light house and stuff when you took this? Because that picture looks very simaler to a picture that I took a while back from when we took a trip to CP.

if you are talking about a place with a short and fat light house then yes

I want to say he's talking about the Marblehead lighthouse, correct?

i don't know what the place was called. i was just mad that i was that close to Cedar Point and didn't get to go there that day.

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Ive been pretty busy this year being as its my last year / and my last semester at college so ive been doing a lot of artwork and havent had much time to upload many photos. However, this is a photo I took of Delirium towards the beginning of the year and i did some photoshop to it as you will be able to tell.


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