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Wild Animal Preserve Re-Creation

Gordon Bombay

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....Also, Robert Reece was the director of the preserve - does anybody know him or know of his whereabouts?

Last I heard, Robert W. Reece was the aquatic habitat coordinator for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Before that he was with The Wilds.

Thanks! I saw a web site with his name on it and an email address, but when I emailed him it just came back to me. It was saying something about The Wilds, but now he's in Oklahoma?

I'll do some searching, but if anybody has a phone number, please let me know. Send me a private message if you need to.

I'm hoping he might have some pictures or data we could use.

He's got to be getting close to retirement by now...

Train Driver

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....Also, Robert Reece was the director of the preserve - does anybody know him or know of his whereabouts?

Last I heard, Robert W. Reece was the aquatic habitat coordinator for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Before that he was with The Wilds.

I checked out your lead, and a Robert L. Reece works there, but not Robert W. Interestingly enough, Robert L. says that he has been mistaken for another Robert Reece in Oklahoma - so it's still possible he's out there. It's also possible that he isn't, because when you do a White Pages search on the net, there are plethoras of Robert Reece's out there.

I will go back and contact the Wilds and see if I can't get any information from them.

Thanks for your help, though.

Train Driver

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got good news and bad news:

Actually there are two good newses...

First of all Cory Butcher was able to locate Robert Reece for me! Bob told me that he would be willing to help me with this project, so I've sent him some pictures, and we're working out some details.

Thanks Cory!!!

The other good news was that I friend of mine assisted me in determining the ultimate measurements of the layout.

We projected the layout on the wall:


The turn radius of my HO scale monorail is about 3 feet.

We sized the layout on the wall so that the turn radius was three inches. Then we measured the entire layout.

The bad news is that in order to keep this in HO scale - the layout needs to be at least 56 feet long!!!

My basement is only about 27 feet long.

I have a decision to make - I either need to make only a portion of the layout using the HO scale monorail, or alter the layout design, or go with a smaller scale.

My friend has connections in Japan, and he's going to check and see if there are any N or Z scale monorail trains.

Any suggestions?


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LOL!!!!!! I wish I could! It's not a bad idea, but I have a couple of bumps in that road - first of all, I don't own the house that I live in, so I'm not sure how the owners would respond to a monorail in my backyard. Secondly, many of the materials I have now to build it with I couldn't use because they're not waterproof.

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First of all I hope Mom and Baby are doing fine and second please do not post any more pictures of your recreation of WAH until you post a least one picture of your new arrival, or a few of us Dads on here will have to make a trip out there to give you a crash course on proper priorities.

Now to your question/opinion; if moving into a larger house with a bigger basement is not an option then I would be happy to see your work done in sections. Concentrate on an area then after time change it to another section to keep your project fresh and new. Good luck.

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Just to show you that I have my priorities straight, here's a picture I took today of the little guy.


Mom says that will be the last day for that outfit because he's growing so fast.

I'm going to take Gordon Bombay's advice, I think - I've already spent money on the monorail that I have now...

If an N or Z scale model shows up, I can always reconsider. It's easier to replace the train than scenery...

I'll also take Avatar's advice and build it in sections...

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I am in Columbus. Here, model railroaders build their stuff in sections, and then a few times a year, they set the whole thing up as one big unit at the fairgrounds. Maybe if you look into some of the model railroading clubs in your area, you'll find a similar thing.

Build each area by itself, and then take it somewhere else to set the whole thing up as a single unit.

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Just to show you that I have my priorities straight, here's a picture I took today of the little guy.


Mom says that will be the last day for that outfit because he's growing so fast.

I'm going to take Gordon Bombay's advice, I think - I've already spent money on the monorail that I have now...

If an N or Z scale model shows up, I can always reconsider. It's easier to replace the train than scenery...

Sadly, there is no N Scale Monorail that I am aware of. I have a complete catolog from Walthers for N&Z as I am currently building an N scale layout. The only amusement rides for N scale is a Ferris Wheel, Merry-go-round, and flying carousel from Faller. My only idea would be building from scratch which would require alot more time.

(It may not help, but here is a topic about a N scale Monorail. http://forum.zealot.com/t153974/ )

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