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Whats the funniest rumor youv'e ever heard?


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I have heard that they are tareing(sp?) down Vortex and Son of Beast

I heard that If you scream in the helix of The Beast, The Beast will growl back at you haha

I heard that Fof was the fastest rollercoaster in the world

I heard that Disney was buying the parks after Cedar Fair fixed up the parks

Those are just some

The last thing we need at Kings Island is micky mouse running about <_<

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Yesterday I heard a few good ones. A guy talking about Diamondback said "The hill actually went under itself!" I seriously wonder what these people are seeing when they're standing near the hill.

And then in line for Vortex... "We have to sit in the back cause it's the fastest!" Seriously? It moves faster than the rest of the train that's pulling it, thus passing it? *smacking forehead*

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My mom was telling me (not really a rumor i supose) that her and my older brother went to ride The Racer but he was too short, and when they walked out of line, they heard a lot of screams. My mom looked up and The Racer was stuck at the top of the first hill and they were walking people down the track. I guess it was good my brother is short ^.^
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The best rumor I heard was when I worked at Disney on the College Program. Durinf orientation a not-so-bright girl asked what happens to the castle during a hurricane? she said she'd heard it was not made to withstand heavy winds. The orientation director said to her "If we get a hurricane while you're here, meet me at the castle so we can gein dismantling it piece by piece!" everyone in the group got a good laugh and needless to say the girl was more than a little embarassed!

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And someone did die on the Effle Tower....

Tower Johnny anyone?

Can I have actual proof? Like as in a newspaper article? I'll check the KI Timeline on here. :rolleyes:

Grad night. Widely disseminated and known information. And just because something IS on the internet, doesn't necessarily make it true. What do you want, to see the body?

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It did. As has been discussed here again and again and again...

Newspapers of the day were not on the Internet. The worldwide web did not even exist as such.

From this very website:

1983 –...On May 13 - A teenager was killed after falling from the Eiffel Tower. He was in a restricted area when he fell..,...
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There's no way I could work at KI. It would making coming to the park (Even on days when i'm off) seem too much like work rather than the fun place it's supposed to be.

Plus I don't think I could handle sending people off on my favorite rides while I can't ride them myself :P

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I coudl I like see the seeing the smilies on others faces. Do you not think that just because most of us on this site website are well educated about theme parks while others are not doesn't mean they are idots. Sometimes we say idotiac things at parks to try and scare the other person we are riding with.

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Like telling n00bs that:

1. There's a huge drop at the end of the last AE tunnel...

2. That the temple dude is going to pour water on everybody...

3. That that huge lift hill is part of this ride (from AE, looking at SOB)...

4. That Viking Fury is going to flip like Berzerker

5. They should brace for the elevator 'drop' from the Eiffel Tower...

...etc. ;)

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OK well this rumor is NOT funny. But some girl at my school told me Kings Island was going to tear down SOB because one day 2 trains in the very back flew off the track, and they died. It came out like this "DUDE YO MAN THEYS GONNA TEAR DOWN THE SON OF DA BEAST CAUSE SOME GUYS ROCKED THE TRAIN SO HARD THE BACK 2 TRAINS FELL OFF THE TRACK AND THEY DIED!!!!!1!!!!"

NOW. I told her that it would have been all over the news, and that i would probably go an email from Kings Island releasing something about it. :angry: i get SO mad when people make stuff up and tell me. (I consider myself a pretty big Kings Island fanatic.)

Anyone even care to even DIGNIFY this rumor by responding?

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Actually, it is pretty funny, so you're not off-topic. Granted, it would be pretty sad if all three trains were running on SOB at the same time, and two whole trains flew off the track and died. The SOB trains do have some anthropomorphic character to them, but to have two of them fly off and die would be tragic. ;)

Can anyone really rock a train?

Dear Heavens, I love this site!

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