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WCPO: Kentucky passes new amusement ride legislation

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According to WCPO, Kentucky lawmakers have passed legislation regulating amusement park rides. Part of the new legislation mandates that all ride operators be 18 years of age or older.

Currently, Cedar Point has this same age requirement for ride operators. However, both Kings Island and Coney Island only require that ride operators be 16 years old.

Here is the article from WCPO`s website.

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I wonder how this will affect Kentucky Kingdom's re-hiring process. If they are like Kings Island and Cedar Point they probably already have begun hiring new associates and rehiring returning associates, many of whom I am sure are under 18. I know if this was the policy of Kings Island, they would have trouble staffing their rides in the summer. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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I'm not sure how I feel about this. The age of the operator did not have anything to do with the accident. Plus, if this were the case, a 16 year old is allowed to drive and can do quite a bit of damage behind the wheel of a car as well.

The article also says that the new law would prohibit ride operators from having any alcohol on their system (which should definitely be the case already). But from the article, one could infer that this was the case in the SFKK incident, which was also not the case.

Maybe it's a good thing SFKK is closing a section of the park for the season. With this new law restricting who can work on rides, this would help their staffing a little.

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I'm not sure how I feel about this. The age of the operator did not have anything to do with the accident. Plus, if this were the case, a 16 year old is allowed to drive and can do quite a bit of damage behind the wheel of a car as well.

The article also says that the new law would prohibit ride operators from having any alcohol on their system (which should definitely be the case already). But from the article, one could infer that this was the case in the SFKK incident, which was also not the case.

Maybe it's a good thing SFKK is closing a section of the park for the season. With this new law restricting who can work on rides, this would help their staffing a little.

I am quite sure there will be provisions for a grandfathering of sorts of previously employed park workers...i.e. returners. There may not be any provisions allowed, but due to the highly volatile economic situation that we are in these days I think there should be. The magnitude of 16 year olds losing their jobs to help pay for college, or help keep their family afloat could have large economic implications.

I think a grace period of 2 years to allow the 16 year olds wishing to return the ability to do so would not be too out of line.

For example, Nascar recently (2006) set a mandate that no owner in the Sprint Cup series may have in his/her possession ownership of more than 4 teams. However, Roush Racing, and Hendrick Motor sports had 5 teams at the time of the agreement and many other teams were looking to add a 5th team to better compete in the series. Nascar decided to let the deal take effect in 2008. This eliminated any confusions as to the long term intentions and consequences of the deal had it taken effect immediately.

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I got another question. I wonder how this is going to effect the prices at all the parks. I mean honestly the ride operators dont get much above min. wage even though they are pretty much the heart and soul of daily operations at the park they should be paid more. Now who in the right mind if they are 18 years old would work for or could work for that kind of money and only be a seasonal empoyee. Paying for school which is well over $300 a month would be rough.

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Of course, consider that Cedar Point and Kentucky Kingdom are in different situations... CP is located in a smaller less populated area, and due to their 18-year policy of ride operations, on-site housing exists, whereas SFKK is located in Louisville and is part of a greater metro area. No doubt they rely on high school students. IMO, another law with good intentions but potentially harmful implications (having to increase pay to attract 18+, which raises prices, and makes the park even less affordable...).

Of course, then again, Louisville, and Bowling Green, where Beech Bend Park is located, both have universities, which may be a source of some employees...

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I'm not sure how I feel about this. The age of the operator did not have anything to do with the accident.

I'm not so sure that the age of the operator did not have anything to do with the accident. I'm not saying that her age was a direct result as to what happened, but her age could have been one piece of many things that failed.

There is no doubt that the operator cannot control if a ride fails or not, so age makes no difference there. But as far as reaction time and knowledge of how the ride operates, I would rather see a 18 year old.


Yes, a 16 year old can drive. But a 16 year old cannot vote, or even (and this maybe bringing up a touchy subject) agree to have consensual sex without a parent's permission. There is a thin line there sepearting what a 16 year old can and can't do, Kentucky just made it a law.

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Are there any other large amusement parks in Kentucky that this would affect?

This new law really puts an unfair hurting on Kentucky Kingdom because I would guess half of their rides department was made up of minors (those under 18). So they face very bad staffing or a much higher everyday operations cost.

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there are laws everywhere that prohibit minors from operating "heavy machinery"- I'm certain that even though we don't think of it this way, a lot of these rides could theoretically fall into that category, then factor in that upwards of 30+ people trusting that a minor knows what they are doing. I think its a good law- but one that will affect prices at the gates in the future.

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While it's true that 16 year olds can drive but not vote or agree to consensual sex, they (as well as anyone who drives) can do far more physical harm to more people behind the wheel than they can by, for the purpose of my argument, voting or having consensual sex. Everytime anyone gets behind the wheel, they take not only their life but the lives of the hundreds/thousands of other drivers on the road into their hands.

One thing that I did find odd in another account of the ride operator's testimony is that the E-stop was a few feet away, but the operator was not able to push it in time. But, could an 18+ yr old could have done so? It depends on the person and the situation. There are 16-17 yr olds capable and responsible enough to operate rides, just as there are plenty of 18+ that are not. Raising the age will not necessarily prevent accidents from happening, but it WILL put some people's minds more at ease.

It brings to mind when I go to BB, which is quite often during the summer since my wife, daughter and I all love the water. Now I'm a capable swimmer, not the best, but I get by. When I was a kid my family had a boat, and today I enjoy kayaking and whitewater rafting. But when I look at some of the skinny little lifeguards at BB, I always think "If something were to happen, how are THEY going to be able to drag MY fat a** out of the water?" Even though I know they are fully capable of doing so, and I have faith in the training they receive (having worked with the rides dept. before and having some knowledge of the lifeguard certification), that question always pops into my mind and I have a good little chuckle. :)

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Guest rcfreak339

Well last month in the state journal it said that the operator that was 16 was working in the control station and the operator that was working the loading station was 18 and he knew the accident was going on and screamed at the 16 year old operator to stop the ride but he said he panicked and by the time he pressed the ES it was to late the ride had already dropped and they could do nothing else... :( It was a sad and terrible accident that I wish this will never happen again my pryers go out for her.

I absolutley think this is a great piece of legislation becaue I do think operators need proper training no operate and should be at least 18.

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Guest rcfreak339
a. This 'legislation' is nothing but a bill at this point...

b. I was not aware that the state's investigation of the incident was complete and public. Oh, wait. It isn't....

They interviewed the operators and thats story they gave them, that is just what they saw...i know because the interview was in the state journal witch I read every day.

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I wasn't replying to your post, but rather to an earlier one which said:

It's absolutely clear that the age of the ride ops had nothing to do with the accident. Poor training and poor conditions had everything to do with it...

I wasn't aware that an official report had been issued, or that the ride ops' ages had been conclusively determined to not be a factor in the incident.

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Guest rcfreak339
I wasn't replying to your post, but rather to an earlier one which said:

It's absolutely clear that the age of the ride ops had nothing to do with the accident. Poor training and poor conditions had everything to do with it...

I wasn't aware that an official report had been issued, or that the ride ops' ages had been conclusively determined to not be a factor in the incident.

oh ok, but still i do think working conditions are ok its just the training is very poor and needs to be improved. Also I still think a 16 yearold should not have been operating the ride, he had the safety of the riders in he's hands and I think he shouldnt have been held for that responsibility.

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Guest rcfreak339

Oh....I never knew that I must have miss read

But still think she shouldnt have been held with that huge responsibility.

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The WCPO tv news article originally posted gives the impression the legislation has passed both houses of the Kentucky legislature, which is NOT the case. It hasn't even passed either house, and is in fact bottled up in the Senate Rules Committee. A more complete account is here:



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And now the bill to tighten regulation of amusement park rides has passed the Kentucky Senate (it now goes to the House, then, if passed in identical form, will go to the Governor...if there are changes, it must go to a conference committee next if it is to proceed):


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I heard about this, and thought that the KY government is offically killing the amusement industry in the state. There is no way that KK and Beech Bend (just to name a few) can hire that many 18 and over associates to run their rides. Just basing off of Beech Bend's operating schedule, Western Kentucky (which is also in Bowling Green) only overlaps the BB operating schedule by a week in the spring.

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