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Guests Say The Darnest Things


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And let's not forget about the CSI roller coaster episode which was by far more believable than the Final Destination 3 roller coaster incident. (But then again, the part about doing it on a roller coaster isn't that believable...but hey, they mentioned The Beast in that episode and SoB so it that was good.)

Back on topic...well I worked there three summers ago now and at the very front of the park where people are just itching to get their questions out and they see the first person who they think can answer. I heard some pretty good ones, but this was the funniest, from a girl about 19 years old:

Her: "Do you guys have waffles?"

Me: "Waffles?"

Her: "Yeah like breakfast waffles? I was just hungry and wanted waffles." (It was in fact in the morning.)

Me: "Uhhh...no."

I'm going to have a little contest/challenge now: So, I worked up front in Admissions and got the most questions as a ticket taker. What question do you think I got asked the most? (By the way, I'll say right now that I don't think anyone will get this one because it's not something you'll think of. It's not necessarily a stupid question either. But it was, BY FAR, the most frequent question I got.) I'll give hints after a few guesses if nobody gets it right.

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Both good guesses. I did get those questions, but not as much as the most frequently asked question.

And the Eiffel Tower I actually didn't get as much as I or you might expect. Keep in mind, here I am, right at the end of International Street at the front of the park with the Eiffel Tower right in front of the guest's face. Unless they get distracted by the fountains and fixated on them, the Tower isn't too hard to find from there.

I also got this one once:

"Where's the NASCAR?"

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How about "Ride Ops Say the Darndest Things" :P

One time I asked the Eiffel Tower op if there is a maximum wind rating for the tower, and she looked at me like I had three heads. I re-phrased the question and asked if they shut the tower down at a certain windspeed. She said "I don't understand your question". I gave up and said "no one ever does when I ask them that question".

(so does anyone in here know? I personally don't like being up there when it's windy and the tower is swaying... I have an engineering background and I realize flexing is good, but then I start thinking about fatigue failure... :unsure:;) )

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These are classics:

But its not only at the park.

In Court Wednesday:

Attorney: You located my client's birth certificate in the purse with the drugs.

Detective: Yes

Attorney: Do you know when the State of Ohio issued that birth certificate?

Detective: Uhhhh.... I would assume right around the time she was born........

I should take that attorney to the park. I could probably add a lot to this thread if I did.

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I personally don't like being up there when it's windy and the tower is swaying... I have an engineering background and I realize flexing is good, but then I start thinking about fatigue failure... :unsure:;) )

Just yesterday it was a little windy while i was on the tower, usually ill take tons of pics from there, but i only took one because i was thinking the wind might knock my camera out of my hand.

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These are classics:

But its not only at the park.

In Court Wednesday:

Attorney: You located my client's birth certificate in the purse with the drugs.

Detective: Yes

Attorney: Do you know when the State of Ohio issued that birth certificate?

Detective: Uhhhh.... I would assume right around the time she was born........

I should take that attorney to the park. I could probably add a lot to this thread if I did.

Oh God, that's hilarious! That really could be an SNL skit.

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I was in line for The Vortex on opening weekend and there was a teen girl in front of me and a couple back aways in line makeing out. The girl in front f me turned around and yelled, "hey you guys this is a park for families, not a place to make them" Everyone looked around to see what she was talking about and the two making out were bright red. I laught so hard. But she did have point.

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I was in line for The Vortex on opening weekend and there was a teen girl in front of me and a couple back aways in line makeing out. The girl in front f me turned around and yelled, "hey you guys this is a park for families, not a place to make them" Everyone looked around to see what she was talking about and the two making out were bright red. I laught so hard. But she did have point.

Somebody needed to tell that lady that Paramount no longer owns the park, because those two kiss face kids had heard that Dick Kinzel is trying to put the thrill into Kings Island.

I don’t know about you guys but being young and making out with a girl is kind of thrill.

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i can't beleive that i forgot this one, one time i was setting the recar's final break run and there were two older men telling me that each roller coaster in the park had one giant "light switch" that controled the roller coasters power suppy. :lol:

Actually, hes not far off. Its not a "light switch" but there is a circuit breaker that can shut main power off to the ride. Works about the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

on may 10 i was at the park while the music in the parks was going on and while i was standing in line for the red racer there were two girls standing behind me, one was telling the other how the red racer went backwards and while she was telling the other that the red racer came out forward, so then (i guess to not look wrong) the first girl told the other that one of the trains on the red racer went forward while the other one still went backwards.

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I suppose the dumbest thing I ever said was...when a group of girls were running by snapping pics of a young man with an entourage I quipped, "Who the Hell is Nick Lachey" Then someone explained to me that he was Mr Jessica Simpson...and then I felt foolish

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Hmmm...Paramount had interesting things happen in photo booths!

Made the late night talk shows, it did....the lady (if you can call her that) was from Morehead, KY and the gentleman (again, if you can call him that) was from Mt Sterling, KY (or the other way around...I forget...)

Just Googled the article. That's pretty darn funny! It makes me laugh when someone gets "caught with their pants down."[zing] Not very funny to the possible little children sitting outside the booth waiting though. Little Billy will never be the same....

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  • 1 month later...

one time when i was about to get in line for Son of Beast i heard a family arguing about what ride it was

i heard the little girl say it was racer, and the mother kept yelling it was magnum XL 200!!!

the box with the words Son of Beast were right there!!!!!!

it was great!

also i saw some kid crying while in line for Vortex (he say the tracks that were used for faulty Vortex cars and thought he was gonna die on the ride) him and his dad both got out of line lol

what im tired of hearing people say, though is that Vortex is sinking.


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one time when i was about to get in line for Son of Beast i heard a family arguing about what ride it was

i heard the little girl say it was racer, and the mother kept yelling it was magnum XL 200!!!

the box with the words Son of Beast were right there!!!!!!

That sounds familiar. There was once an argument between a little boy and his dad on Eiffel Tower. The boy said "that's Avatar" (pointing to...Avatar believe it or not) and the dad argued for ten minutes "those are all kiddy rides." Good grief.

The best contribution as of late was being in line for The Beast. Did you know that The Beast is the longest, fastest, and tallest wooden coaster, and that KI is building the longest steel coaster with an underwater stop?

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Walking behind 2 teenage guys past Vortex, One says "What's that net up there for?" The other replies "In case you fall out." I hope the other guy knew he was kidding, but I couldn't help but chuckle at that one!

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