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Beast Getting Redisigned Entrance


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I agree, as a kid I thought those prints were great.

I don't know about the Flight Commander prints?!? Actually that just brings up really twisted and disturbing joke ideas that are entirely innapropriate.

Was the print for Vortex the hand with twisted track? I can't quite remember.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Let's get some D-back prints to continue the "nostaglia" in 09!!

what exactly would a snakes "prints" look like? or do you mean a curvey line.

^and as for the flight commander prints i never even thought about that until you said that.

Depending on the size of the snake. Often, sand flattened, and sifted from side to side can be a good indicator of a snake being present in Florida. As can a small trail of flattened vegetation, if the snake is often in the same location, ( a LARGE EASTERN Diamondback ) for example. I know this from personal experience. I take walks all of the time off of Florida's trails looking for them. Another good indicator is a snakes shedded skin. Another thing to look for is an area with an abundant amount of prey for such an animal, near a source of water.

To go off topic, once I found a very large Diamondback skin off of Paynes Prairie near Gainesville, Fl. I returned to the spot many, many times for about a year trying to find the actual animal. I knew it was still there. The Prairie was flooded, prey was abundant, and vegetation was always smashed on either side of the walking trail leading up to a descent sized hole in the ground. Around the hole, there were old dry thorn bushes, and small dry pine, and a fallen log. One day while walking the trail, I had noticed that dry sand had been sifted a lot, with very little disturbance, and I knew that the snake was probably out. Another good indication of this is that I had already seen about 10 CottonMouths leading up to this spot. It was a good warm day for them to be out. So I went off trail looking for it for a couple of minutes, and I almost gave up and proceeded back to the trail. I turned around to go back to my car, and I don't think I have ever jumped so far backwards in my life. Well I have once, but that is another story. I almost stepped on it's head. A very large Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake was horizontally next to the trail. And this things head was easily the size of my fist. I have never seen a larger venomous snake in the wild in my life. But it was very unagressive. It never moved while I took pictures of it. And ( from an assured safe perimeter ) I walked circles around it, observing it, while my fiance took pictures. Simply an amazing opportunity. But I do not recommend it to anyone.

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Yes, but he had you standing on a box! If Don were any taller, the top of his head would be past the window, which would not be aesthetically pleasing. I do find the idea of Don in a blue shirt with a contrasting white collar rather amusing, though! I don't think I have ever seen him so attired!

Speaking of which, how many know what's different about the second stories of the buildings on International Street? Robbie knows and shouldn't answer this one for a while. A hint, you can see the same thing at the Magic Kingdom!

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None of which are the answer to the question as asked...it's all in a matter of your perspective as you approach the question...and Robbie has addressed this here before in threads you have posted in...

A small hint to those very interested in the theme park business...there is gold in Robbie Z's posts...pure gold...read them carefully! His park knowledge, architecture knowledge and strong logic put him on strong footing.

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It is called Forced Perspective. The scale of the upper "floors" reduces as you move to the top of the building. This tricks the eye into thinking objects are larger than they actually are. At the Disney property in Florida, all buildings over 200 feet must have a red light atop the structure to warn air traffic of impending structures. Disney himself felt that a red light at the top of Cinderella's Castle was unpleasant, and asked his imagineers to come up with a way to make the castle taller than it really is. The result is Forced Perspective, and the castle stands remarkably, at only 189 feet, although it appears much much taller when standing on Main Street.

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Exactly right, except Disney made the Cinderella Castle APPEAR taller than it really is. It isn't really "taller than it really is!" :)

Terpy, who is reminded of looking in a mirror at a mirror at a mirror at a mirror at a mirror, etc...(which he never tired of doing as a three year old during trips with his mom to her beauty shop....yes, he was a very odd child!)

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Terpy, who is reminded of looking in a mirror at a mirror at a mirror at a mirror at a mirror, etc...(which he never tired of doing as a three year old during trips with his mom to her beauty shop....yes, he was a very odd child!)

when i was in fifth grade my class took a trip to the gov's mansion and was amazed by how the mirrors made it appear to look like a never ending hall way.

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While those pictures may be from before Thanksgiving, I had not seen them yet! I wonder what they did with the old Beast sign?

And thanks for the kind words Interpreter. I try to enlighten others with some of the vast knowledge I have accumulated. I know more about amusement parks than most, and have had some wonderful opportunities and experiences, some of which I cannot elaborate on...

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