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Tomb Raider- Like or Dislike?


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I'm back, I decided to take a brief break from the site for reasons I cannot disclose. But, back to the topic ....Tomb Raider is my favorite ride in the park, overall I think it gives the most extreme thrill, best show, best story, perfection om theming, and best over-all execution. The line is never long, and it makes you feel as though you are a tomb raider. AND besides that...its just plain old FUN! It is the second LONGEST ride in the park ( 2mins 30secs.) and the biggest technological breakthrough. Even though I love it soo much, I cannot honestly say that it doesn't need some form of an ending, a much longer ride time, scarier execution, more intimidating qeue movie, and another scene to it. I think we will see most of these come to life this season, ( excluding the new scene) It was a brand new concept and form, the park just needed some time to work the bugs out so they could finish the attraction. Thats right, I am certain that the ride was not completed when it was due to be released and it could not be shut down long enough during the season in order to finish it. There is no chance the floors and ceilings would be left uncovered like that, and it is obvious that the ride room was built to house another scene. The biggest evidence of this is the fact that the TR:TR portion of the PKI.COM website still has not been completed with the ride "specs" , and will have been out for a year this April. The ride WILL CHANGE, its just WHAT will change that is the question.

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I agree, it is a good ride... Fun to ride, despite some obivious pain included. But, the line does get long, on bring a friend free days it get to be hours... I know that that is a special day, but i have seen it long other times. I think it would be great if it got changed a little...It would help it's popularity.

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One thing that I like about TR:TR is that when you are in the cave you don't feel like your in line that long. The cave makes you feel like you are a part of the movie. For me I usually ride TR:TR on really hot days to keep cool. TR:TR isn't my favorite ride but I like it a lot.

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At first TR:TR suked and I was really really mad that you had to wait so long for a ride that barely flipped you upside down!! I was impressed by it's size and that's about it! I went off teh ride my frist time cussing at the ride and yellin' at it and the ride people told me sto stop...so I did until I got away from teh ride and starting againm!!

Then when they changed( bless PKI's hearts ) i loved it and still do....they flip upside down more and hold yu upside down longer too and and yu are held upside down like twice or summin' I love it iI was actually really scared when they changed it! :D

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I honestly do not see how they can justify not reprogramming, or at least lengtheining Tomb Raider. Its too much of a huge investment not to change it at least a little, let alone a whole lot. I don't have a doubt at all that it will be different, just how much different is the question.

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Sure it would be awesome to see Tomb Raider have a longer ride duration, but you have to remember that if PKI was to reprogram the ride so it was longer, they would have to record an entirely new sound track for the ride. That would cost big bucks. But who knows, it may happen sometime.

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I got a good ending for that ride, that wouldn't take much to get it to work. All they would have to do, is when the ride seems like it is settling down, black out all the lights, throw a few cracks of thunder and a couple of strobe flashes, in there, and have the ride take off forwards, flipping the carriage about 3-4 times through one whole rotation of the arms in the building. That would be a sweet ending.

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For some people who ride TR it might take them a minute to orient themselves before they realise that they are hanging blow ice or over lava. Just because you might get it in a second doesnt mean that everyone who rides that ride gets it immediately. You have to give everyone in the GP the same look at it, no matte how long it takes them to get it.

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Alright, just think for a moment. You just got strapped into a seat, and you have never heard about this ride before. You flip up and hang pointed towards the ceiling. It takes a moment for your brain to orient itself enough to be able to tell what is above you. Same with the lava pit. Its not about realising where you are per se, its just a break to keep your brain from overloading.

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I don;t thinkt he ride is intense enough to make anyone's brain overload. There are many more things on the face of this planet than rides and rollercoasters that can overload someone's brain. In fact, I would say that rides and coasters probably rank towards the bottom of overloading the brain. If your brain does get overloaded, normally you just pass out anyways.

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I don't really think that would cause Brain overload, but it would go so fast no one would really understand what was going on. It is a pretty long ride after you've ridden it a few times. It's fun and I really enjoy it, I hope that Delerium is as fun as it. Also, on pass preview night I waited 4 hours, didn't get to ride it, but got to go through the first 2 chambers. I was very disappointed, but I went back the next day and rode it and enjoyed it. I think the ride program will be changed,but not lengthened. It would be fairly easy to change all of the flips, the time going down to the lava, the times you flip into a couple other movements. I really think they are going to change the ride next year.

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