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Action Theater


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First off, I'm new here. My name is Reece and I'm from Kings Dominion over in Virginia.

I understand you guys are saying good bye to your Action Theater. For this I apologize because the Action Theater over here at Kings Dominion is fun, and I know it's exactly like yours. You know, I just think that that 3D or 4D movies at theme parks don't meet up to the fun that you have on a coaster, but still, they are fun. I just despise that Spongebob thing. We know he lost the pickle, we don't care he lost the pickle, why can't he just stop and keep a hold of his pickle? And how come every time it is the last one? ;) Anyway . . . how do you guys feel about this? I know you guys have had a lot more removed than we do. You guys are also the better park. I mean, we HAD the Nick Celebration parade, I'd give anything to get that back. And I hope you guys didn't like King Cobra, because everyone over here wants Shockwave torn down. But what I'm saying is,I'm sorry you guys are losing the Action Theater.

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According to Don Helbig at the Offseason Blues party, Action Theater will not be operating this season. However, they have not ruled out bringing a new attraction in the future, it is just not a priority this season. All their focus is going towards Diamondback and Rivertown.

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This is a real shame, especially if you were lucky enough to check it out when it was new with Days of Thunder.

I liked it way better as Days of Thunder than SpongeBob. The James Bond version was pretty cool too. But Days of Thunder was the best.

The theming was so good for Days of Thunder when it was new. Race cars and sound effects through the queue, and one of the Pettys (forget which one) on the screen talking and pumping you up before you went through the doors. Evidently, people just kind of got tired of the concept.

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This is a real shame, especially if you were lucky enough to check it out when it was new with Days of Thunder.

I liked it way better as Days of Thunder than SpongeBob. The James Bond version was pretty cool too. But Days of Thunder was the best.

The theming was so good for Days of Thunder when it was new. Race cars and sound effects through the queue, and one of the Pettys (forget which one) on the screen talking and pumping you up before you went through the doors. Evidently, people just kind of got tired of the concept.

The theming was definitely great. I remember when they changed it to James Bond, and I remember thinking "it looks like they just plopped this stuff on here without thinking how it would look." It really looked like someone had just tossed James Bond into a Nascar movie because it was such a hodgepodge of theme ideas.

And I was 13 the year they did that and wasn't a park addict like I am now, so for me to have thought that gives you an idea how bad the new theming was and how good the old theming was!

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Wow were losing action theatre, huge loss!!! in my book, yes it needed a upgrade, but wow?? to lose something else?

And really, they could have themed each movie better , like when days of thunder started.

Just another attraction lost, and nothing added... in its place

Kings Island has to start taking stuff out.....

And really we'll Cedar Fair keep letting them add something new everyyear??????????

Kings Island has been known for....really more than Cedar Point?????

Maybe they could build the largest, darkest tiques ride inside what was action theatre.

Gut the whole building add Antique cars ride??/ you go up and down through the building etc. etc.

and around each corner the headlights shine on another spotlight attraction removed from Kings Island or old nostalgia themed, to great soundtrack???

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Yes, it was Smash Factory. And it was so bad, it was hysterical. Many of my friends nearly disowned me after attending and listening to my loud, maniacal laughter!

i loved when you would be driving down the road and all of the cardboard cutouts of the people would pop up and you would run right threw them.

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:lol: My first experience with Action Theater was the stupid Spongebob thing, and only the audio was working! After a 1-hour wait in the warm, Ohio sun, we did a whole cycle without the video! It would've been less memorable had the ride op not come out of the booth and said "Okay, folks, please exit to the left..." We laughed, then of course they did let us stay and they got the whole thing working. It was kinda neat to hear the thing first, then see it in its full 3D glory. At least we got to enjoy the extra few minutes of air conditioning!
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Just another attraction lost, and nothing added... in its place


And, if you read the whole thread, you would know that...

However, they have not ruled out bringing a new attraction in the future, it is just not a priority this season. All their focus is going towards Diamondback and Rivertown.
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Cool I never really enjoyed Sponge Bob as 3d glasses hurt my eyes. The Smash Factory was pretty fun and Days of Thunder but other than that rest of the shows were pretty bad. I wonder if it has something to do to the fact it was used for Halloween Haunt?

I can't see 3D effects. I was really disappointed the first time I watched SpongeBob because I couldn't see any of the effects that others thought made the ride cool. I've never understood why - I don't have cataracts or anything drastically unusual about my eyes, but if it's the polarizes lenses rather than the red and blue ones, I don't see the effects at all.

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