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KIC Diamondback Tour & ACE Winter SOAR


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I got to Kings Island around 1:45ish to see that there were already several people there for the makeup tour. It was easier this time because I knew people from the Blues party. I kind of didn't like being in a huge crowd of people I didn't know (save for a few), but this time it was like meeting up with friends.

It was cold and windy, but thankfully my camera (my new Sony Cybershot, to be exact) has auto focus.


Once we started walking into the park, led by Don Helbig, it hit me how huge this monster really is.



Don and Diamondback (and clbehymer and PhantomTheater).


Zooming in on the station.


I SEE TRAINS! (well, part of them..)


On to the Diamondback photos that probably look just like everyone else's! But hey, I wasn't going to not post a PTR!






I honestly don't know why everyone was snapping photos of the Wings Diner sign, but I did because I like how the first hill on DB towers over the building even when you're almost right under the awning.


Here, we start walking toward the first drop. I was simply astounded by the size and the steepness of the first drop. I can not wait to ride this.




I'm on the left, and Danielle (keiko_coaster) is on the right. I don't remember who snapped this pic for us, but thank you.


A rather vicious-looking helix (and Don and Trooper Mom).


I can't wait to get thrown over this.





Backlot Stunt Coaster.. woo! (yes, I like it.. be quiet :P )


This is where I started thinking about angles and opportunities, rather than just snapping randoms of DB track.




There's water in the splashdown!








See, XGatorhead and Danielle? You two didn't mess up my pics at all by "accidentally" running into me! :lol:


We started walking back, and I held my camera up backwards to see how good my backward aim is. I managed to almost get a clear shot of people walking behind me!


Then Don led us to where we could get a great shot of the trains.. so here you go.


It was raining pretty hard by this time, and strangely enough, my camera was soaked but everything turned out fine. I was also brilliant enough to have taken the zip-off hood off of my coat so I looked like a drowned rat. Danielle and I decided to grab a bite to eat at Eli's before she went home and I went to SOAR. We tried to get some more people to come out, but we ended up just having a good time chatting with each other and being in a warm, dry place with hot food.

As I was turning back onto Western Row.. IT STARTED SNOWING. And I don't mean flurries or sparkles. I mean big fat quarter sized snow-blobs. At one point it seemed like it was mixing with rain and sleet.. I thought to myself, great, just great. I wasn't concerned about the tour for myself, but more for the fact that two of my friends from the Cedar Point area were driving 3.5 hours down for the event, and the last thing I wanted was the tour to get canceled and to see a disappointed look on their face.

ACE check in started at 4:30. By this time it looked like a winter wonderland, so I grabbed my umbrella. I saw my friends from CP so I went over and chatted with them for a bit. We waited outside in the bitter cold and wind for half an hour before we started on our tour. I took some photos from the gate while it was snowing.


I really like this one.


And we were off to tour Diamondback.. hey wait a sec, didn't I just do this 3 hours ago? But seriously. Seeing Diamondback as is, and then seeing it in the snow, was more of a treat than I could have ever asked for.

In all honesty, I feel kind of guilty for going on two tours when some of you have not been able to go at all.

I had several people ask me if I was going to take any photos on the second tour. I did, but not as many. The snow falling and the stormy-looking skies provided a great opportunity.



And we were off to the IR where it was almost impossible to find a seat. I ended up sitting in a booth with a couple others I didn't know, but quickly made new friends.

A stormy DB shot from the IR (with light reflections.. sorry about that).


When it was time to eat, we had pizza, breadsticks, salad, brownies, and Pepsi products. You say the word pizza, and I'm there. My new friend's friend came and sat by her, Ryan sat by me and we all ate, chatted and had a good time. Then it was time for guest speakers.. please forgive me because I am still rusty on the names of most of them.

Bill Mefford was the first to speak. I really enjoyed his presentation about EnterTrainment Junction.


These speakers' names escape me. :(


I have no idea why this photo is so darn dark. I do remember that she was representing GWL.




Tony Clark from Cedar Point. I seriously have no idea why my photos got so crummy toward the end of the night.


The guest speakers were wonderful. I learned so much about so many parks that I don't even know where to begin. I like that they had a sense of humor too.. I hate it when people go up to the mic and just drone on in a monotone from their little notecards. I liked that these speakers were enthusiastic, friendly, and knowledgeable, not to mention very passionate about their parks.

There were a lot of door prizes, and even an auction. I didn't win a door prize, but Tony said if anybody didn't win one, to come see him. I wound up with a 2009 Magnum 20th anniversary Cedar Point calendar, a CoasterMania! hoodie, and a Dragster DVD from 2003.

I had a short conversation with Tony and Don, and chatted with my friends from CP before they left. I stayed and helped clean up after the event, and helped carry some things out. I can't just throw trash everywhere and leave like some people do. I deal with that stuff every day at work, and I don't feel right if I don't pitch in.

It was great to see you guys again too.

A BIG, BIG THANK YOU to EVERYONE who made these two events possible. I had a great time, and this isn't the last you're going to see of Giga. ;)

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Haha two things... That picture is so cute, so again thanks for taking that one for us. And two... i ran into you the entire time, i walk side ways, what else can i say. I miss you!!

I hope you are more gracefull during the season when the park is more full. HA!! :P

Haha. I'm never gracefull. I always have way too much energy so that makes me go up and down and all around the sidewalks. hehe :lol:

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Nice TR, Giga. Your new camera is a nice improvement over the camera phone. I was the guy who snapped the photo of you and keiko, I'm glad you liked it. I'm ready for it to be April 18th so we can all get a ride on this amazing machine. Now I've got to get my pics uploaded.

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Thanks for the fun trip report! I liked the snow photos...they were the ones that made me really jealous of you that I didn't attend!

Once we started walking into the park, led by Don Helbig, it hit me how huge this monster really is.

I do have one question...you are talking about Diamondback...right?!

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Way to catch me trying to be all David Caruso on a cloudy day. I really don't know what I was thinking, probably that the sun might come out and I'm too lazy to take my shades off. The funny part is that I don't remember you taking that picture at all. That day was kind of a blur.


Thanks for the PTR. Glad to see you were able to upgrade to a proper camera.

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Way to catch me trying to be all David Caruso on a cloudy day. I really don't know what I was thinking, probably that the sun might come out and I'm too lazy to take my shades off. The funny part is that I don't remember you taking that picture at all. That day was kind of a blur.


Thanks for the PTR. Glad to see you were able to upgrade to a proper camera.

I was goofing around and holding my camera up backwards to see what kind of pics I would get. :lol:

I love my new camera. Except for some of the indoor pics, I am very impressed with the quality.. not a bad camera for $99 at Walmart.

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Backlot Stunt Coaster.. woo! (yes, I like it.. be quiet

Yeah that's the coaster I'm most excited about riding come april screw Diamondback :lol: Not to mention how amazing that Backlot coaster crew is!

When I first rode it, I was like why am I going on a kiddy ride? Then it launched, did a bunch of wacky twists and turns, did its craziness in the pitch black tunnel and then dove UNDER the queue.. I was like whoa what the h?

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I love my new camera. Except for some of the indoor pics, I am very impressed with the quality.. not a bad camera for $99 at Walmart.

point & shoot cameras really don't like dark indoor pictures. My Kodak EasyShare takes amazing day time pictures and most of the photos in my TR are from it (the ones that are obviously higher quality are from my husband's DSLR). However, it hates nighttime pictures and most indoor pictures. Anything I take at night turns out grainy and anything inside it uses the flash and makes it look crappy, so I prefer to use my husband's camera (which is one of those several thousand dollar cameras with multiple lenses that you speak of) when it's dark out or when I'm inside.

However, the video mode on my Kodak is amazing. It works way better than I would have ever expected out of it. And mine was the display model so mine was only $89 at Best Buy. :P

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I kind of didn't like being in a huge crowd of people I didn't know...

You do know how ridiculous of a statement this is, right?! ;)

When I first rode it, I was like why am I going on a kiddy ride? Then it launched, did a bunch of wacky twists and turns, did its craziness in the pitch black tunnel and then dove UNDER the queue.. I was like whoa what the h?

What's funny is I can't tell you how many yearS it was until I rode BLSC for this very reason!! Of course, I wasn't a true enthusiast who 'would try new things' until 07.

But anyway, I wonder what your lighting settings were for the indoor pics? Oh yeah, that Magnum calendar would look so sweet on the wall right next to my computer at work...so I'm definitely jealous!! :P

Excellent PTR as always!

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I kind of didn't like being in a huge crowd of people I didn't know...

You do know how ridiculous of a statement this is, right?! ;)

It was just the fact that there were so many people there from KIC and I hadn't met ANY of them in person before the Blues party. I guess it was just weird looking around at all those people thinking.. who is who, I didn't know screen names or real names besides Ryan and Avatar. It was very awkward but I quickly got over it. You guys are awesome.

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point & shoot cameras really don't like dark indoor pictures. My Kodak EasyShare takes amazing day time pictures and most of the photos in my TR are from it (the ones that are obviously higher quality are from my husband's DSLR). However, it hates nighttime pictures and most indoor pictures. Anything I take at night turns out grainy and anything inside it uses the flash and makes it look crappy

And some people wonder why I've never made the switch to digital, still using my trusty 22 year old (has it really been that long? :o) Canon that has taken so many great pictures for me since Jr. High...

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

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^I agree, I shoot in a totally manual film camera. I find the print quality better and longer lasting.

Most of my friends switched over to digital a couple of years before I did...I thought like you did...I was totally happy with film...but once I made the switch I could kick myself for not doing it sooner. The advantages are immense.

*I can take over a thousand pictures without ever having to change film. (Which means that I take a ton of shots that I never could afford to do with film...I constantly think of all of the great shots I would have if digital was around my whole life.)

*I do not have to buy film...or worry about how much I might need for a trip...I remember the heartache of running out on a trip and missing a great shot that is now forever lost.

*I do not have to carry 5 or 6 rolls around.

*I do not have to keep the film out of the heat on summer days.

*I do not have to worry if the photolab loses a roll...which it did twice to me in the past.

* I can see instantly if I got the shot or not...or just take a few multiples and pick the best one later.

*I can tweak & crop my photos on the computer...instead of just getting the exact shot that I took with my film camera.

As for your print quality being better statement...

I would think that also depends on how nice of a digital camera that you own...just like film cameras there are good ones and bad. I can see where digital photos may be TOO sharp for some peoples tastes...kind of like the old "compact discs do not have as "warm" of a sound as albums" debate. (After I was a digital convert) I had a professional photo developer (who had been around for over 25 years) also debate me that digital is no where near as good as film...he had the same arguments that I had just a few years earlier...but I had come to see were not true. I have loved photography all of my life...but I was never able to get some of the clarity that I do now...or at least so effortlessly. (As a side note, he later went out of business because he would not recognize digital.)

I do not understand your "longer lasting" comment...is it because you mean that you have a physical negative in your possesion? If that is the case, I would debate that being digital can actually be safer. A "film person" (usually) only has 1 negative...if the negative is damaged or lost it is gone. A "digital person" can have back-up copies in a variety of places for "insurance" easily. (Personally, my photos are backed-up on 2-3 different computers, 1 hosting site and then a CD for an actual "real" copy.) I feel pretty safe.

I do not mean this as a lecture...I am HONESTLY just trying to save you & anyone else from having the regrets I now have. So, I say to you at least borrow someone's digital camera for a while...I think you will be won over...it may not happen within' a week or two...but after you go on a big trip and see how easy life can be with digital I think you will be hooked. If nothing else, add a digital camera to your arsenal.

I realize that there are also some flaws with digital photography...but I have learned to overcome some of the flaws and feel that the many positives greatly outweigh the few negatives. (No pun intended!)

P.S. gigacoaster2k, sorry for hijacking this thread.

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^^I want it, I want it, I want it!!! :D

I think next year I'm going to make my own Diamondback wall calendar at Kinko's...one of my co-worker's has a Kinko's made calendar of his fam in his office, and it looks just like a professionally produced calendar you'd buy at those mall kiosks...high res glossy and everything and only for like $35 too!

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