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What's the Majority age group here in the Ki Forum


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  coaster_junky said:
i just turned 16 in december so it's 11-19 for me.

and terpy i noticed that you have been posting alot in this forum, but never said your age group. ;)

Terpy has no age. Wait, is that Terpy is ageless? Either way, the world may never know.

I, on the other hand, sit in the middle of the 20-39 group, although closer to 39 than 20.

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  KI-ORIG-EMP said:
Lets just say I am old enough to had been trained to use a slide rule when doing math and when main-frames took up a huge room!

lol i rember seein one of those things at a goodyear tire center when i was young they would open the door quick to get in and out and you could feel the heat from the opening of the door

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  Diamondback FOF said:
Oh, don't be afraid. :lol: You can tell us what age group you're in.

I'm just joking. I'm 48. The old saying " a person of a certain age " refers to people in in the middle to senior years ( usually women ) who don't reveal their ages.

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  The Interpreter said:
  Diamondback FOF said:
  Beast1979 said:
I would be in the 11-19 group, turning 13 in less then 2 weeks!

Umm, Jackson:

You agree that you will register only if you are 13 years or older.
;) ...

Ummm. as has been posted here many times before, Jackson has his parents' written permission to participate here, which is acceptable to the administrators. Besides, have you ever heard of PM's? I am sure Jackson would have told you the same. In addition, you agree not to embarrass other users when you participate...

I am also 12, and turning 13 in a few months.

I talked to Dane, and with my parents and got it worked out.


Obviously, I'm in the 11-19 group.

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  skaterboy22101 said:
  Beast08 said:
I'm on my way out, 78 years old.

I hadn't seen that video before! That was so awesome! I love how they're like..."I'm gonna say something rude." "Like oh ****?" "OH, ****!" My grandpa is like that. He still rides The Beast and he's 70-something. I hope I'm still doing things like that at their age.


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Could KIC indicate if anyone younger than 14 is posting by like highlighting their member name in bright, bold yellow or something??

That way, I'd know which posts are more so 'kids playing on the internets'!! :P (Jackson, excluded, of course!)

-Tiggy, 27, and feelin' the old age!!

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