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How busy will this weekend be

Mr. Coastermania

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I am trying to figure this our as well.

I have decided not to do RWW but still go down for Sunday.

Sunday, is also the first Gold Pass bring a friend day so that might add to the crowd. Honestly, I have been looking for people that want to go down, but being Mother's Day I have had no takers.

Hopefully the ERT on Sunday will have all the RWW folk over at FH & FoF and leave DB & Beast to the Gold Pass folk.

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^^Maybe...but having to be at KI at 7:50 am for the RWW ERT on Sunday, following D-back ERT from the "night" before extending past 1:00 am will be no easy pill to swallow...as tempting as the Firehawk ERT is (and it looks VERY tempting), there's still a really good chance that I'll be at D-back ERT Sunday morning anyway.

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^ This is where the decision to only allow either RWW ERT or DB ERT hurts. How great would it be to simply rotate between the RWW ERT rides until 9:30 Sunday and then power-ride DB starting at 9:30. I'm fairly sure this was designed to keep waits for DB ERT relatively manageable, but still, it would have been nice to have had the best of both worlds.

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  tigellinus said:
^^Maybe...but having to be at KI at 7:50 am for the RWW ERT on Sunday, following D-back ERT from the "night" before extending past 1:00 am will be no easy pill to swallow...as tempting as the Firehawk ERT is (and it looks VERY tempting), there's still a really good chance that I'll be at D-back ERT Sunday morning anyway.

Less people to wait behind! Yay!

Actually, I'll be taking a few rides on FOF, and then I hope to camp out on Racer.

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  gad198 said:
^ This is where the decision to only allow either RWW ERT or DB ERT hurts. How great would it be to simply rotate between the RWW ERT rides until 9:30 Sunday and then power-ride DB starting at 9:30. I'm fairly sure this was designed to keep waits for DB ERT relatively manageable, but still, it would have been nice to have had the best of both worlds.

I'm sure it's just easier for KI that way, so I don't fault them (despite what I may want). If anything, the ERT on Sunday morning (and even Saturday for that matter) could be really sweet with the restrictions. But as of now, I have no idea which one I'll be picking.

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Wouldn't you be able to do both if your a GP holder going to RWW?

I figure that most of the RWW won't be GP holders unless they are coming from CP area. After doing nearly 3 hours on DB the night before I don't know if I would want to see DB again for at least 8 hours. LOL

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  DaveStroem said:
Wouldn't you be able to do both if your a GP holder going to RWW?

I'm fairly certain it was mentioned by a mod in another thread that you can either do RWW ERT or DB ERT, but not both.

Having said that, I'd be curious to see what measures they take to thwart those who try and venture into the DB ERT line. Are they closing off sections of the park to stop anyone from crossing over, etc.? Also, on Saturday RWW ERT for The Beast will be ongoing until 9. What's to stop someone from venturing to DB from The Beast at that time? Color me curious...

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^ I think Sunday morning should be an excellent time to be at the park regardless as to what ERT you're partaking in.

My only real hope in regards to the RWW vs. DB ERT is that this gets fully explained when people are signing in early on Saturday or Sunday. I could see some people making a real fuss about this, particularly if they are Gold or PP holders.

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I'd say Friday will be pretty crowded compared to previous ones cause alot of people will stay the night before and go to KI for a few hours. Saturday will be crazy crowded, Sunday will not be too crowded, but worst that the average Sunday.

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Even if it's crowded you can hit the ERT and and get some rides in right after pening while the lines are short. I'm going to stay thru lunch and leave mid day for a nap and then come back for eve. Crowds will be light and then DB ERT!!!!

I dont think Sun wll be that busy being Mother's Day. The crowds have been pretty light so far this year (keeping fingers crossed).

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Saturday should be an interesting challenge for me. Right now I'm planning to spend the entire day at KI (from whenever I get there around 6:30am until I'm too tired to do anything else or until the end of DB ERT). While staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning isn't an issue (I do it all the time), getting up at 5:30 is going to be a challenge because I'm used to sleeping in until 9 or 10.

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Everybody's talking about which ERT to choose on Saturday/ Sunday? If you guys are talking about like The Racer, FOF, FH for Sunday, I believe you can do all three. It doesn't make any sense to tell everybody to only choose one. As to the gold pass holder ERT and RWW ERT, you choose ONE, as earlier stated, NOT both.

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  CoasterFreak45 said:
I want to go on Sunday but my mom's making me stay home. She refuses to be alone on Mothers Day. :lol:

I also will be spending much of the day with my mom - although for portions of the day, she'll be watching the kids in Nick U while I'm in the Diamonback line. Seriously, for $10 take her to KI for the day!

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^ Same as I. I won't be attending sunday. I want to go mainly for the SOB tour, but my mommy is not budgen. I will be there on saturday until after The Beast tour, and will return to KI just in time for the Diamondback ERT :). YES! I'm excited to see everyone there.

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  HabloRM said:

Don't jinx it, it might happen if you say that.

Although it hopefully won't be anywhere near as bad as it was on Robbie Knieval Day...sweet niblets was it crowded that day (bad idea to arrive at the park 15 minutes before the stunt begins and put up with 50,000 'southern' folk in the parking lot). :wacko:

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I will be there from 6 am until 1 am (or a tad later) on Saturday.

However, I have to work 3 pm to 11 pm on Sunday, so I won't be able to attend that day. Which is fine with me, because bring a friend for $9.99 day is bound to be more jam packed than Saturday regardless of the holiday.

Even if Saturday is busier than Sunday, I'm OK with it.. because we get ERT before the park opens, and as everyone else is leaving the park.

And if I can handle CP on October 11, 2008 (read: warm sunny Halloweekends/BooBuzz/Columbus day weekend Saturday), I can certainly handle a crowded day at Kings Island.

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