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The NEW Crypt 5/15

Ki Man

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As I stated in my 6/7 TR, I finally got the chance to ride The Crypt with the new program.

The last time I rode The Crypt before this visit was last June. It was thrilling and had many fun inversions.

The new ride, not so much. Swinging back and forth in an upright position and two inversions. Lame-O!

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I know that i am one of the VERY FEW, but i am actually thinking positive about the crypt. I rode it for the first time ever tonight. I had never ridden it as tomb raider and regret it, but anyways, i do like the que and the scene with the deathbat eating people and there remains lying around. I also like the way that the lights go out and the multi colored ones take over. While riding, i was looking my hardest and it seemed to look like there was some work being done on the wall where i am guessing the goddess was. Overall, i beleive it to be a relatively tame ride, and i think that it is a good non-extreme thrill for rivertown. Also, you never know, Huss might be able to upgrade the ride (like Drop Tower was in 07)to allow it to do more manuevers without so much strain. I mean Huss made the ride 7 yrs ago sooo im sure things have advanced and...anything is possible.

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... Also, you never know, Huss might be able to upgrade the ride (like Drop Tower was in 07)to allow it to do more manuevers without so much strain. I mean Huss made the ride 7 yrs ago sooo im sure things have advanced and...anything is possible.

What upgrade was done to Drop Tower in 2007?

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^^I am pretty sure they upgraded the lift system after a girl got her feet cut off at kentucky kingdom on a similar ride. I remember seeing on the news that Intamin, the manufacturer of Drop Tower and the kk ride, recommended that KI upgrade the ride.

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^^I am pretty sure they upgraded the lift system after a girl got her feet cut off at kentucky kingdom on a similar ride. I remember seeing on the news that Intamin, the manufacturer of Drop Tower and the kk ride, recommended that KI upgrade the ride.

They didn't upgrade, just inspected the cables to make sure similar wear wasn't happening on them. They may have altered the inspection schedule, but I'm not so sure that would have been made public.

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Yeah there was another thing done to drop zone just recently, they took out the sensor that detects a cable snap. The ride kept breaking down high, the sensor kept faulting. So if a cable snaps, hope the people on the ground hear it....

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Yeah there was another thing done to drop zone just recently, they took out the sensor that detects a cable snap. The ride kept breaking down high, the sensor kept faulting. So if a cable snaps, hope the people on the ground hear it....

Somehow, I'm doubting that. Plus, you are forgetting that Drop Zone is a true free fall and what stops you at the bottom is a set of magnetic brakes. Those brakes would still work regardless.

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With all due respect, the ride in Kentucky stopped, too. It's what happened on the way down, while the cable(s) was/were flaying, that allowed the resultant injuries...

Yes, but...

IIRC, the cables on the SFKK drop ride travelled along with the gondolas, right? Raising them up to the top of the tower and travelling with them through the descent. One "side" of the cables' loop was housed inside the tower, with one side travelling on the outside of the tower. When the cable snapped, there was a lot of slack left on the outside of the tower, allowing the newly broken cable to wrap itself around the girl's legs.

On KI's drop, the cables are affixed only to the mechanism that raises the ride vehicle to the top of the tower. Once at the top, the vehicle is released from the carriage and is stopped by the magnetic brakes. Should the cable fail as the vehicle ascends the tower, the same type of incident is possible, but because the riders are so far from the tower (as opposed to being right up against the tower at SFKK) and the interior structure of the ride vehicle would make it more difficult for a similar incident to occur.

(this is what I remember of Dave Althoff's explaination shortly after the SFKK incident)

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And you remember quite rightly. What happened at Kentucky Kingdom is almost, if not, impossible to happen on Drop Tower at either Kings Island or Kings Dominion....

Thanks for the confirmation. I had the pleasure of working with Dave for 4 years while I was in college and really tried to absorb some of his knowledge.

Like I said before, I'm fairly sure the only reason the KI/KD towers were closed was so that the cables could be inspected and the inspection/lubrication schedules reviewed.

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