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Enough with all the trim comments!


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Beast reaching 60-70 MPH? Your too funny

Actually, according to 'DeLorean Rider, The Beast does get to 70 mps (see below). Also, The Beast's top speed is said to be 64.8 mph on RCDB.

The variance there was typically due simply to train capacity, heat, time of day, etc.

Which, according to Jeff Gramke, have zero effect on the speed of the train. :lol:

He has clearly never run The Beast from 9am untill 1am. You'll definitely notice a difference. One of the scariest moments of my KI career was seeing the first empty train of the day leave the brake shed at 7, yes 7mph. Maintainence was in the drive box with me and several were convinced that we would be heading to the quick dip. There was one enormous sigh when we saw that train reach the bottom of lift 2. Why do you think that the park requires certain temperatures before opening rides? For fun?

At the same time, another scary point was watching full trains hit the bottom of the first hill reaching 70. Yes it happens.

(emphasis added).

I can't decide if I'd like to ride The Beast going 70 mph or now. I think it'd be a lot of fun, but yet painful.

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The best part of this whole thread is that probably half of the people complaining about the magnetic brakes "added" to The Beast probably never rode it with skids brakes. Also please note that the magnetic brakes have not changed. The ride runs far more consistently now than it did 10 years ago. If you are lead to believe that your experience on The Beast is different this year than it was last year then it has nothing to do with mag brakes.

Oh yeah, Voyage is the #1 woody in the world? That speaks for the general public? Really? I can assure you that 80 - 90% of the voters for Amusement Today's Golden Ticket Awards are not your typical general public.

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Beast reaching 60-70 MPH? Your too funny

Actually, according to 'DeLorean Rider, The Beast does get to 70 mps (see below). Also, The Beast's top speed is said to be 64.8 mph on RCDB.

I can't decide if I'd like to ride The Beast going 70 mph or now. I think it'd be a lot of fun, but yet painful.

Well "DeloreanRider" is wrong. Beast does not go 70 MPH. It might have hit 70MPH back in the 70's or 80's (which I doubt) but it doesn't come anywhere close to 70 these days

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Vortex, Flight of Fear, and Son of Beast have MCBR's. This kills the speed and momentum of the ride and kills the fun as well, just like a trim brake.

Vortex slows you to a crawl, and Flight of Fear almost stops you completely. Son of Beast isn't so bad as the other two IMO.

Doesn't the MCBR on Vortex slow it down because it would be too uncomfortable flying through the corkscrews? I thought that's what they do with Corkscrew at CP as well.

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I could talk to certain people on this board about the importance of trim brakes, and how they improve the lifetime of a coaster, and how they make the ride safer, however its obvious that a single ride on a coaster is more important than these things.

Oh and reinforcing a ride to get rid of trim brakes is a horrible idea (already tried, bad results.)

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I could talk to certain people on this board about the importance of trim brakes, and how they improve the lifetime of a coaster, and how they make the ride safer, however its obvious that a single ride on a coaster is more important than these things.

Oh and reinforcing a ride to get rid of trim brakes is a horrible idea (already tried, bad results.)

Are you posting a lot of ka again? :)

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1. Has anyone who's arguing about The Beast's speed actually worked on the ride when it's running? If you haven't then you have no idea what you are talking about.

2. Corkscrew's MCBR is currently turned off. Magnum and Gemini have run trimless this weekend as well. Up here at CP the trims do as they were designed. They can be turned on and off as deemed necessary depending on ride conditions.

Posted from my BlackBerry mobile device.

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1. Has anyone who's arguing about The Beast's speed actually worked on the ride when it's running? If you haven't then you have no idea what you are talking about.

2. Corkscrew's MCBR is currently turned off. Magnum and Gemini have run trimless this weekend as well. Up here at CP the trims do as they were designed. They can be turned on and off as deemed necessary depending on ride conditions.

Posted from my BlackBerry mobile device.

1. If you're referring to AZ Kinda Guy, he knows.

2. Some ride have trims for the block system, some were designed that way for various other reasons. What's true for one coaster isn't necessarily true for another.

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^That would be my point. Until people stepped forward and said "I know this because of (four years as an op, etc)" then all we see is people blowing steam. When you back up your facts with why you know them, then we know you aren't just throwing out guesses. My comment was not directed negatively at AZ Kinda Guy as it seems to have been taken. It was worded snippily because I got sick of reading the tone in the posts regarding The Beast's speed.

In reference to Corkscrew's MCBR. Looking carefully at the track today, I noticed something. I have only ridden Corkscrew twice before yesterday (once last year and once in 2005) and because I did not remember the track layout, I was expecting there to be a brake before the corkscrew just like Vortex. However, there is no MCBR. There is no braking there whatsoever, as in there are no brakes installed on the track. I thought there were (as did Hank, apparently), so I don't know if there used to be and they were removed, or there never were.

My feeling on The Beast's trim brakes is this. I have ridden it with the skids and the magnetic trims. I was not a hardcore enthusiast like I have become in the past year when I rode it with the skids and I never noticed any braking except in the mid-course brake shed/MCBR. The first time I rode it with the magnetic trims after 3 years of not riding it, I noticed the trims for the very first time. Not knowing what it was, I immediately went "What the H?!" when I felt the one on the first hill grab, and when I felt the one on the second hill, I was ticked. I had never, ever felt the skid grab there. The magnetic trims, while in the same positions and performing the same function as the skid trims, are far more noticeable. I absolutely hate the feeling of them grabbing the train at the crest of the second hill, in my opinion, that one's even worse than the one on the first drop, but both give a gut-wrenching "Dangit!" feeling.

I am highly disappointed at the responses to this thread. Offense has been taken far too quickly by far too many people and indirect insults have been flung every which direction. This is not the KIC I know and love.

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2. Corkscrew's MCBR is currently turned off. Magnum and Gemini have run trimless this weekend as well. Up here at CP the trims do as they were designed. They can be turned on and off as deemed necessary depending on ride conditions.

While I will agree with you that Corkscrew does not have an MCBR. I was trimmed on every single ride this weekend on both Magnum and Gemini. I rode Gemini 6 times and the trim before the last helix was grabbing hard. I also rode Magnum 10 times and the trim before the turn around grabbed every single time. I'm not saying that they didn't run trimless at some point this weekend I'm just saying I was never that fortunate to receive a trimless ride.

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2. Corkscrew's MCBR is currently turned off. Magnum and Gemini have run trimless this weekend as well. Up here at CP the trims do as they were designed. They can be turned on and off as deemed necessary depending on ride conditions.

While I will agree with you that Corkscrew does not have an MCBR. I was trimmed on every single ride this weekend on both Magnum and Gemini. I rode Gemini 6 times and the trim before the last helix was grabbing hard. I also rode Magnum 10 times and the trim before the turn around grabbed every single time. I'm not saying that they didn't run trimless at some point this weekend I'm just saying I was never that fortunate to receive a trimless ride.

I got 1 trimless Magnum ride (though it was running trimless for almost all of ERT and part of the day Sunday as well). Gemini was running trims during the day, but trimless at night. They were changing them as necessary. Or as requested in the case of the ERT - the first handful of rides were trimmed and after much "OPEN TRIMS!" chanting from the returning trains, they were turned off.

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I had one trimless ride on Magnum around 715ish Friday evening. The only ride I had on Magnum during ERT becuase I wanted to get over to Maverick, was trimmed. I was in a way kinda happy it was trimmed being in the front seat for both of those rides, june bugs hitting hands, arms, and your face hurt.

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You guys do realize that trim brakes are NOT controlled in the drive box right? That is not left up to someone who is a ride op, that is determined by Maintenance. Therefor, how exactly do you guys know they are being turned off and not that you stop feeling them?

And as a small little teeny piece of information to back this up: Anyone ever hear of the trim brake on SOB? Anyone remember riding it in 2001-2002, and remembering actually feeling it?

Thats right, SOB's trim brake ran for two seasons, and I'm betting that NO ONE knew...

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Beast is trimmed to the point where it is no longer enjoyable for me (in fact I did not ride it on my last trip there). They added an extremely grabby trim on the straightaway and it is obvious. I have complained and I have voiced my opinion.. which is what forums are for to an extent. I will continue to do so, and no one on here that is not a moderator or an administrator will be successful in telling me to shut up.

Until you ride Voyage, Legend, and Raven at Holiday World, I really don't want to hear any more about how fabulous trim brakes are or how they are "there for your safety."

Voyage is the world's #1 woodie. It has no trims.

Millennium Force is the world's #2 steel. It also has no trims.

Hmm.. what does the general population like better?

Useless trims are a Cedar Fair fetish, and you will not convince me otherwise.

Way to go, Giga!! That's about the best post of them all!

Anyway, I got several trimless rides on Magnum during the ERT, as well as the trimless rides on Gemini. Sometime Saturday evening Gemini was running trimless again, but during the day it was trimmed almost beyond recognition. Mean Streak was trimmed to the point of stupidity too, even though I managed to score one trimless ride there, much to Dare-to-Fly's chagrin. :P

Edit: SOB_Tom: some coasters the trim brake is controlled from the control panel. It has a handy little switch to turn it on or off. Also, did you know that the mid-course trim brake on SOB can be overridden at the press of a button?

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I noticed the trims a lot more in the front than in the back the last time on The Beast? I know the trims had not changed in one single ride for all I did was change seats on the same train with hardly any change in weight. So I can see how some experienced more trim braking than others on the same ride.

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You guys do realize that trim brakes are NOT controlled in the drive box right? That is not left up to someone who is a ride op, that is determined by Maintenance. Therefor, how exactly do you guys know they are being turned off and not that you stop feeling them? And as a small little teeny piece of information to back this up: Anyone ever hear of the trim brake on SOB? Anyone remember riding it in 2001-2002, and remembering actually feeling it? Thats right, SOB's trim brake ran for two seasons, and I'm betting that NO ONE knew...

Gemini and Magnum both have op controlled trims. In fact, Gemini even has an easy way to tell whether your ride will have them on or not. There's a white sign above the control panel that reads 'trim brakes open' and if the light is on in that sign, the brakes are off.

And I'm not sure which trim you see talking about on SOB. The one just before the crest of the first drop or the MCBR? The one on the first drop really isn't that noticeable in the front of the train which is the only place I've ever ridden it. The MCBR however, both with and without the loop, has always been noticeable to me.

Posted from my BlackBerry mobile device.

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It was an example for those who are complaining about said trim brakes Terp. I knew you knew.... And of course Focke knew, no maintenance related topic got past him without an ok or a negative.

And as for the trim, its up at the entrance of the rosebowl, or used to be.

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