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Am I the Only One?


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Am I the only one that almost completely blacks out during those helixes on Back Lot Stunt Coaster (I call all the rides by their original names. - Italian Job)? They last for a while, and I can't swallow, then I start to see black. Has this ever happened to you?

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The 1st time I rode it was after lunch and a few beers in the lot. I figured it would be an amped up kiddie ride, and had no knowledge of the track layout...then BAM.. I didn't quite black out, but I definitely see stars and have a bit of tunnel vision. Same goes for the first banked turn of MF.

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I've only discovered 3 places that I consistently get 'coaster blackout' so far.

1. The opening helix of Backlot.

2. The bottom of the first hill and into the first overbank on Millie.

3. Bottom of the first hill and into the loop on Raptor, only in the back 2 rows.

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Easy way to alleviate this is to squeeze your butt cheeks and tens up the muscles in your legs, that will help send and keep blood in your head. Make sure you continue to do this for a couple of seconds after the G's. Old pilot trick.

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Guest rcfreak339

I notice that when you are tired and you have been drinking sodas all day that you are most likely to black out. I have never blacked out at KI but I have plenty of times at other parks. I suggest when you black out go and sit down in a cool area and drink a free cup of ice water. Trust me it makes it all better! :)

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^^You have a better chance of brown or black out. The whole idea is to keep oxygen going to your head, that is what a "G Suit" is for, it squeezes your legs and lower body to force blood into your head. You are doing the same thing when you tens up your legs and squeeze your butt cheeks but in a smaller scale.

^High sugar levels tend to speed up the blood flow not allowing the oxygen to transfer to needed organs. Try running a mile after drinking a pop, your time will be slower than if you just drank water and you will be breathing heaver. Also a high protein diet low in saturated fats will help with proper blood flow.......Now you have me talking like my doctor, she will be so proud.

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  indianapolisman said:
  maverick2007 said:
I agree with AngryBeaver. I went CoasterMania 2009 and rode Millie 5 times and did blackout for a few seconds during and after the first overbanked turn.

Same thing happened to me for the first time last Saturday.

This also happened to me on Millie on Saturday morning. But every time I ride backlot my eyes start to haze in the helix.

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Monroe... You're totally on the right track...

My chemotherapy, aside from ravaging my body, dramatically effects my blood counts ... (shocker right?)

In any event, I too used to be prone to the brown out on IJ's helix, however, one of the millions of pills I take to combat the negative effects of the chemo, is ferrous sulfate (iron) and this helps boost my hemoglobin (which carries oxygen through your blood).

I have found that with the added iron and increased hbg levels, my dizziness / brown out have dramatically decreased almost to the point of never happening... (to put things in perspective, I would almost pass out going from a sitting to standing position)

Just some food for thought... Iron supplements are easy enough to come by...

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I have troubles with BLSC's helixes too. If I lean my head forward then it and the upper half of my body will continue to go forward as well. After 3 laps during ERT on Ride Warriors Weekend I'd had enough and had to sit a lap out. The only ride that I remember seeing black dots on was two Fridays ago on Invertigo. I was on the return trip in the loop and got my first experience of what it's like to almost experience blacking out. I wasn't the only one on the ride that had that happen to me though. I said that I almost blacked out and the kid across from me said that he did too. I'm now a little bit weary about riding Invertigo.

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I don't have this problem but the old man I was paired up with today got a little fuzzy, when we made it up to the helicopter I looked over to make a smart remark about the hot flames on such a hot day and he was just confused on what just happend and he said that everything went a little grey. You really do hit some g's on that helix plus I felt that I was going to puke up my rib cage when I slammed into the restraint.

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