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The Son of Beast Discussion Thread


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Trust me, you're just going to get the same answer. "We don't know. Anything could happen." That's how unknown this whole thing is. Anything could happen. Heck, Son of Beast could even be the star attraction next year for Kings Island (high exaggerated example). Or they would maybe destroy it without absolutely no notice at all.

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Trust me, you're just going to get the same answer. "We don't know. Anything could happen." That's how unknown this whole thing is. Anything could happen. Heck, Son of Beast could even be the star attraction next year for Kings Island (high exaggerated example). Or they would maybe destroy it without absolutely no notice at all.

Edit: Lol, double post!

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  Firehawk123 said:
Yes because 2009 is over. Why would they still have that posted? It would do no use for any website visitors.

Using what you said, why does Boomerang Bay's description still say "Boomerang Bay is closed to the public for the 2009 season."?


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well i think we have all learned that website up keep is not the most important issue to CF, or more locally to KI.... So to be honest I would not be surprised if one day you go to the website and see, "we are very excited about opening up in 2009 with our new ride...." so yeah the website is reliable only if someone is updating consistently... no consistency then no reason to take much note in it...

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  gigacoaster2k said:
I'm a firm believer in the fact that some coasters don't have to have a large footprint to be the best.

SoB and Mean Streak are both significantly tall wooden coasters with a large footprint. They both also put me in quite a bit of pain. I understand that SoB's height was built to break a record, but I have a hard time believing that they took guest comfort into consideration when it was built. I understand that there are some who enjoy it, but from what I gather, there is a significantly larger percentage of people who don't enjoy it, including those who have been injured on it.

This might come off in a bad way, but please don't take it in the wrong way.

With the comfort issue, do you really think someone is going to look at it and say "I bet that's comfy!"

It wasn't built for comfort. It was built to give people the thrill of their life! I mean who has ever herd of a 215' wooden roller coaster!

And as I say, and so do many others, if ya don't like it, don't ride it!

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On the other hand, see El Toro. Yes, it's smaller. But not THAT much smaller.

There is NO reason a 215 foot wooden coaster must shuffle, have structure issues, be closed for much of nearly ever season, etc. That is unless the coaster has issues of some sort that must be remedied. After all, there must be a reason Cedar Fair kept the coaster closed even after the State of Ohio said it was permissible to run it. Yep, closed. For the rest of the season. And no word yet on what is to come.

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  skaterboy22101 said:
This might come off in a bad way, but please don't take it in the wrong way.

With the comfort issue, do you really think someone is going to look at it and say "I bet that's comfy!"

It wasn't built for comfort. It was built to give people the thrill of their life! I mean who has ever herd of a 215' wooden roller coaster!

And as I say, and so do many others, if ya don't like it, don't ride it!

Do you really think someone is going to look at it and say, "I bet that will give me a neck injury!"?

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One reason Rattler was modified at Fiesta Texas was because apparently would be plaintiffs were doing exactly that. In fact, it was alleged that many had their lawyers selected, complaints drafted, and visions of moneypots dancing in their heads before they boarded the ride to be 'injured.'

Ironically, at the time, the park was owned jointly by a bank and an insurance company, both of whom thereafter decided to get out of the amusement business.

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  skaterboy22101 said:
With the comfort issue, do you really think someone is going to look at it and say "I bet that's comfy!"

It wasn't built for comfort. It was built to give people the thrill of their life! I mean who has ever herd of a 215' wooden roller coaster!

And as I say, and so do many others, if ya don't like it, don't ride it!

While I'm not looking for comfort, I'm not looking for pain either.

I'm looking for a fun time. SoB was not fun at all.

Like I've said before; SoB was the only coaster after I rode it, I needed a break.

  skaterboy22101 said:
And as I say, and so do many others, if ya don't like it, don't ride it!

Many others? Really? Do you mean members of KIC, or the majority of park goers?

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BTW this is a little "poll" from me:

Why do you ride Son of Beast?

1. To get injured and be able to sue KI.....(hopefully you won't chose this)

2. For fun

3. For thrill

Lol I just want people to say why exactly they ride it. Mainly - for fun, or just to get knocked around and thrill?

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Well, apparently at least some of the lawsuits had a foundation, or Cedar Fair and Kings Island would not have settled them (or lost the one case in court on the liability issue...). Also don't forget the trees that went into making the paper for the complaints, motions, depositions, etc., in the cases and the state investigative reports, engineering reports, etc.

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  skaterboy22101 said:
With the comfort issue, do you really think someone is going to look at it and say "I bet that's comfy!"

Obviously you have never been on GCI's Millennium Flyer trains. ;) It's like tiny sofas on wheels.. and yes, it made the ride experience better.

I don't ride uncomfortable, painful, shaky roller coasters that jackhammer me to the point where I drink out of a bottle of Aleve. That to me is NOT thrilling. If the comfort of the riders wasn't taken into consideration, then it should never have been built in the first place.

This is also why I stay off that monstrosity known as Mean Streak at CP. KI has plenty of coasters that don't make me feel like I may as well have climbed into a wooden barrel and rolled down a rocky mountainside.

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Sorry a little off the current postings... but i noticed along with the closure notice being removed, the stat page was updated to include the g-trains and their capacity @ at 24 per train for 1000 an hour. As far as I remember the stat page held the info for the original trains up until recently. I know that it was never updated when it changed the the g-trains originally.

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  The Interpreter said:
Well, apparently at least some of the lawsuits had a foundation, or Cedar Fair and Kings Island would not have settled them (or lost the one case in court on the liability issue...). Also don't forget the trees that went into making the paper for the complaints, motions, depositions, etc., in the cases and the state investigative reports, engineering reports, etc.

Terpy that is awesome!!!! My sarcasm strikes me again. Seriously though. The thing is a disaster waiting to be more disastrous. They should tear it down, and then they can sell foot long timbers, and personalize them by carving the buyers name into it. Followed by the bragging rights that you own a foot of the worlds tallest fastest and only looping wooden roller coaster.

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I'm jumping in to put in my 2 cents worth.

Back when SOB opened (the year), we were there on one of the few days it was open. I was excited and so was everyone I was with. I was excited to experience the thrill of a looping wooden coaster. I didn't think it would be any more jerky than The Beast. (later that day, it didn't top the JERKYNESS of riding Flight of Fear) But around that first turn and into the lift hill, my neck cracked so hard and loudly, it scared me. It was JERKY and I hated it and was fine with experiencing it ONCE.

Flash-forward to the loop removal, I thought it would be better. Nope same issues, except it was my back and my friend's neck that got wacked out of place. (Flight of Fear was smooth) We sat in the row that both a ride operator and a KI enthusist told us wouldn't be jerky. Well it was terrible.

If it stays around, I WILL ride it one final time to take my 8 year old niece on it, cause she really wanted to this past summer. But it will be it, unless 3rd time is the charm in figuring out how not to walk away with a bad back and neck ache!

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