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PKI Lifetime Pass?


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I received a survey invitation tonight about the feasability of a lifetime pass. The park (PP Headquarters) is considering the idea. They wanted to know what a lifetime pass would be worth to me.

What do all of you think? I visit parks all over the country every season, and still save the most time for PKI. I have passes from all of the chains, but managed to use my pass 60+ times last season. How does one put a dollar amount on that?

How much would you pay? Do you think it is a good idea?

The park also touched on what I (or any survey taker) felt were the park's strengths and weaknesses. Pretty neat survey, all in all....

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I took it too...

I thought the lifetime pass was a great idea. With inflation and all...

I also wasn't to keen to limited month passes. Or the limited days. Out of all of them, the after 4pm was the most interesting.

It was a fun servery, but it wasn't my favorite.

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I doubt we will ever see a lifetime season pass. That would be a complete loss on money from admissions. Hell people could buy it, use it twice a year and have it for the rest of their life without paying a penny, after the first year. PKI would be down big time unless the pass cost a fortune to buy in the first place.

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I doubt we will ever see a lifetime season pass. That would be a complete loss on money from admissions. Hell people could buy it, use it twice a year and have it for the rest of their life without paying a penny, after the first year. PKI would be down big time unless the pass cost a fortune to buy in the first place.

I fully agree with Tanner. No disrespect to whomever thought of the idea of a "lifetime season pass"....but it's stupid.

First of all lets look at the cost. A season pass costs around $80 now. So, if they want to issue a "lifetime pass"....they would have to factor at least 20 years - that would make the cost around $1600. How many people can clam out $1600 at once - and I think that $1600 would even be too cheap. So, very few people could afford it anyway

Second - what if they did make it cheaper - like $400. They would be LOSING big money. In the first 2-3 years PKI would reap huge profits from sales of lifetime passes. Then after the enthusiasts stop buying passes..........fewer revenues would flow into the park. People who buy season passes yearly would no longer need to.

Third.......regardless of cost of lifetime season pass.....the park will make less money than it does with annual season passes. How will they make up the loss? Probably by increasing food and drink prices. That would turn people off - especially the people who make day and annual trips to the park. Hence, they may choose a different park.

In conclusion, from the economic standpoint PKI would lose lots of money with a lifetime pass and should scrap the idea. As a park enthusiast the idea appeals to me. However, as a businessman - I would hate to see PKI make such a financially disastrous mistake.

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I agree.... The pass would have to be VERY expensive to be worth it to the park and it still wouldn't be worth it for them. I think it is best to keep it the way it is and sell passes every year, but I think that they should sell the Gold passes for a shorter period of time.... that way it makes the Gold pass truly "Exclusive", not everyone who buys a pass before the middle of May!

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a lifetime pass would suck what if you lost it whatever the price was would murder your account in the bank

also if you had a big family that would make your life miserable if you bought it

and the admissions would be terrible at paramount parks they would only make big bucks one year and then the next years they would suffer entirly in money.

Sry but its the stupidest idea i have ever heard of

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This is how they would make money doing this They could sell the pass for 1000 then put that in a I bond or other investment that is at 4.66% now. Then in 10 years it would be 1,592 Divide by it by 10 years = 159 per year thats 2x as much as a 1 year pass over 10 years. They could even sell it as low as 550 and still make as much money as now.

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  • 10 years later...

Interestingly, it appears Cedar Fair has only registered "Cedar Fair Entertainment Company" as a trademark, not just Cedar Fair. That registration may or may not cover Cedar Fair used alone. Anyway, it should still be capitalized, especially on this board.

I doubt Cedar Fair will sell lifetime passes. SiriusXM Radio wishes they had not sold so-called lifetime subscriptions.

And if lifetime passes resulted as part of the aftermath of a ride accident, it would only be after some time. Offering such a thing at the time of an accident could have all kinds of consequences...including being later interpreted as evidence of fault.

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I'm sorry to burst your bubble here, but one cannot get a, "PKI Lifetime Pass", Cedar Fair Entertainment Company does not operate under that name, and I would find it hard to believe that they would do such a thing.

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I'm sorry to burst your bubble here, but one cannot get a, "PKI Lifetime Pass", Cedar Fair Entertainment Company does not operate under that name, and I would find it hard to believe that they would do such a thing.

You miss the fact that this post is 11 years old? When it was made there still was a PKI and Cedar Fair would have had no say on this subject.

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I'm sorry to burst your bubble here, but one cannot get a, "PKI Lifetime Pass", Cedar Fair Entertainment Company does not operate under that name, and I would find it hard to believe that they would do such a thing.

You miss the fact that this post is 11 years old? When it was made there still was a PKI and Cedar Fair would have had no say on this subject.

Yet, you miss the fact that the post that I made today was filled with satire and pun?

BB1, a man of natural time.

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