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Looking Back: Kings Island 2009


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Well, I finally think I got another good poll idea. Since the 2009 regular season is a few days from ending, I figured a look back at all the big events was in order. Which one do you think was the most significant? And as a second vote, how good was this year compared to other season's Kings Island has had? And do you think Kings Island will be this good(or bad) in 2010?

(BTW, if you don't like polls...why did you click on this!?!? :wacko: )

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I've been thinking that next year, will be even better than this year. This year they've been removing many of the eyesores, and replacing them with more nice looking things. I'm hoping next year they put even more stress on Scenery, and how Kings Island looks.

ex. Replaced chain linked fences with wooden fences. Extra stress on shrubbery.

1. Diamondback

2. Excellent

3. I have great anticipation for what next year has to come.

p.s.- Another wonderful poll by McSalsa :)

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Nice Poll McSalsa.

I went with

1) Diamondback

2) Good

3) Better.

Diamondback definitely highlighted the year for me this year. I truly believe that I spent over half my time in the park this year at Diamondback. The only reason I went with good is because of the Son of Beast situation. That generated a good amount of bad publicity for the park. I think next year will be better because they'll have an idea of where they're going with it, and the rest of the park should be smooth-sailing, with the addition of some fun "new" characters for the kids.

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Ahhh, 2009. The year I returned to my former home park after 9 or 10 years of absence. I didn't know what to expect. After visiting Cedar Point 3 times every year for the past 10 years, I thought it was going to be hard to beat. Kings Island came close. This summer has been the best of my life. A nice mix of Kings Island, Cedar Point, and Busch Gardens.

As far as the poll goes:


Best Year Ever

And next year will be even better.

I can drive where I want next year. I will see KI a lot next year. :)

Here is to a great Haunt, and 2010!

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Poll 1:

I don't know if it would qualify as a "major" event or not, but for me meeting other KIC'ers was what made this season the best season ever :D The debut of Diamondback was merely a pleasant bonus (Yeah, I went there.) No coaster can provide as much fun as i've had with all my new friends this summer, but I loved how Diamondback was always there as a backup for us.


KIC'er 1: What do you guys want to ride now?

KIC'ers 1-23: I don't know

Justin: Diamondback?

*23 people sprint towards Rivertown*

Poll 2:

I believe my vote should be clear after reading the above paragraph :D

Poll 3:

I really don't know. I'm sure this off-season will be more fun than any previous off-season because there will inevitably be threads in the KICentral Meet-Ups forum planning various events to keep ourselves occupied until the amusement parks are once again open for our enjoyment. But as far as next season goes, I really cannot say.

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Poll 3:

I really don't know. I'm sure this off-season will be more fun than any previous off-season because there will inevitably be threads in the KICentral Meet-Ups forum planning various events to keep ourselves occupied until the amusement parks are once again open for our enjoyment. But as far as next season goes, I really cannot say.

im thinkin about sometime in november a meet-up @ traders world and turtle creek to do some xmas shoppin. that way i can feast off of ya'lls ideas, & vice versa.

rotag, who knows hes gonna get bashed for xmas shoppin @ the flea-market; but you can sometimes find the best stuff there.

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Poll 3:

I really don't know. I'm sure this off-season will be more fun than any previous off-season because there will inevitably be threads in the KICentral Meet-Ups forum planning various events to keep ourselves occupied until the amusement parks are once again open for our enjoyment. But as far as next season goes, I really cannot say.

im thinkin about sometime in november a meet-up @ traders world and turtle creek to do some xmas shoppin. that way i can feast off of ya'lls ideas, & vice versa.

rotag, who knows hes gonna get bashed for xmas shoppin @ the flea-market; but you can sometimes find the best stuff there.

Haha, me and Rach were totally talking about christmas shopping on the way back to my place last night :D I think we decided we'd be better off making our christmas gifts rather than buying them, thanks to all the new friends we have to give gifts to :D

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one time i bought the best gift for my great grandeather 2years before he died. and it only cost me...

...i think $5.00

i dont want peeps thinkin im el cheepo, it was a duplicate that had sentamental value. cause it was something he had that reminded him of great grandma, but was lost a long time ago.

Edited by rotag1299
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