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Somebody must like The Crypt


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You have totally just confused me. I understand it says it had less downtime. But:

It didn't say it had less downtime...it had less downtown! And that I can believe!


Read it again. It says NOTHING about downtime. Nothing at all.

Here, word for word, is what it DOES say:

The ride also had 100 hours less downtown than the previous year.

I bet it* gets fixed soon.

* The blog post? The ride?

So it did have less downtime. Right?

*I guess I should add I understand it means less downtime than the previous year, not 100 hours less downtime than operating time.

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Downtown... wow, even I could have caught that. I don't think it's that someone likes The Crypt, I think it's that people rode it more often (two or three times in a row) because it never has a line. I can remember one day where I rode it almost 20 times because it didn't have a like- in fact, it was deserted- when everything else did! (also, I'd bet many people rode it because they were curious about how KI had wrecked it)

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So, if a restaurant had really bad food, lackadaisical service but no wait time to be seated (but at one time had been very nicely decorated and had had incredible food according to some and had been very, very busy in its day), while the one across the street was splendid in both food and service, but had a long wait to be seated, you'd opt for the one that now has bad food and lethargic service?

I see.

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I rode it 3 times last year...and it wasn't because I thought the ride itself was good. Each time I rode it I was with a different family member who had no idea that the ride had been changed...again. All of them had given up on The Crypt in 2008 because of how bad it was...but I talked each one of them back onto the ride in 2009 with the impression that the new changes had hopefully improved the ride...I wanted to get their unbiased opinion. Needless to say, after the ride none of them were happy with me for "wasting their time"!tongue.gif

So, when they are counting the added rides for 2009 they need to give ME credit for 4 of them...not the ride's quality.

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Factors that led to increased ridership - less downtime (more cycles), shorter ride program (more cycles), location (it felt to me that there was a lot more activity around that portion of rivertown last year for some reason). Nothing in these says popularity to me.

Remember that we aren't most guests and to many it was another ride to try on their day at KI.

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I wonder what made them showcase this particular attraction.

I'm guessing that Don was looking for a way to stir the pot with some park enthusiasts and thought that a positive story on The Crypt would do the trick - after all there had been talk that this website/forums were becoming stale.:D

I'm guessing over the next several months, you'll see several blogs and tweets about most rides at Kings Island. After all, there have been the following already: Racer (snow photo), Beast (snow and rebuild), Diamondback (one year ago), Planet Snoopy (Plushes, Swing-along, Reptar pic), along with others I'm not thinking of right now.

As a side note, I'm happy about this. It's kind of sad that the KI blog has had more posts in one week than the Intimidator 305 blog has had since closing day.

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Remember that we aren't most guests and to many it was another ride to try on their day at KI.

Hahaha... KI wishes that. Think of how many repeat guests KI has that rode TRTR or even the 2008 Crypt. Imagine their surprise when they rode... well... that. I doubt that 100% of the people that replied to "how was your ride?" with "THAT SUCKED!" were enthusiasts (also notice that they seemed to stop asking that after a few weeks of Crypt 2009).

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As a side note, I'm happy about this. It's kind of sad that the KI blog has had more posts in one week than the Intimidator 305 blog has had since closing day.

Don does a good job of using these webresources. Most businesses understand that this is key to bringing in more business.

Fine example of this is Holiday World and Indiana Beach. HW isvery involved with their blog, FB, Twitter, and they use it all the time.Indiana Beach has a blog called View From the Crow's Nest, but only has had 3updates in the last 6 months. They do not have a twitter, and no official FBpage. It is easy to get excited about going to HW, not so much for IB, and I amvery partial to IB due to going a lot as kid.

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Wow. That ticks me off.. They're probably going to think that everyone loves The Crypt's cycle now, even though every time I get off the Crypt people always scream "BOO! Put it in Nick U! Lame!!!! I waited in line for this?" and all other sorts of comments. Hopefully few people rides it next year so they know that nobody likes the cycle.

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It could also be seen, in the ridership rising also with people coming from greater distances because of such things as Diamondbacks first season and the 30th year of The Beast. From the times that I did ride it this year I never heard anyone openly complain about it, nothing I could overhear atleast. I even at one point heard one person say they really enjoyed the ride.

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And I am not arguing against the fact that people did complain about it, just more that there are always two sides to every story. While I will agree, from its Tomb Raider days the ride is not nearly as enjoyable, if it keeps ridership up, and more importantly downtime down, it should help the lifespan of the ride.

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I for one feel if there is no better, more enjoyable, or more economical use of the space in the works, then the ride should run for as long as no other options are realized!

Isn't that a statement you would expect from a politician? haha

You forgot safety and downtime...both major factors (unless you are going to play a politician fudge and claim those are both subsumed in the word better).

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I for one feel if there is no better, more enjoyable, or more economical use of the space in the works, then the ride should run for as long as no other options are realized!

Isn't that a statement you would expect from a politician? haha

You forgot safety and downtime...both major factors (unless you are going to play a politician fudge and claim those are both subsumed in the word better).

Believe it or not, before I read the parenthesized portion of your reply, I was getting ready to reply by saying that! Haha. Although I would tend to think downtime may have some uh, economical and enjoyability implications!

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Now that the ride has way better operational time than it ever has before, I don't know why they'd get rid of it. There seems little reason to demolish a ride that, for the most part, is proving its ability to work just fine. Could that same building house a suspended Top Spin? Oh yes. That being said, is it the best ride at the park? No. Is it quite embarrassing how what was Kings Islands signature ride (besides The Beast) a mere eight years ago is now seen as one of the most waste-of-time rides in the entire park? Yes. Extremely.

Sort of ironically, I think that, in lieu of constantly having to fix the ride, if Cedar Fair were to replace the entire interior of the building with a duplicate of Kings Dominion's Crypt (rockwork, waterfall, etc. all included!), the ride would have increased up time, increased ridership, and increased draw that would pay for itself quite quickly. Imagine a suspended Top Spin with KD's Crypt's ride cycle, water fountains, flames, mist, music, etc. and inside our massive show-building with pulsating lights, and our incredible queue. It would easily be the best themed Top Spin in the world (again), and Cedar Fair has proven that they have the capacity to do that (see, FireFall at Great America, which was programmed to synchronize to KD's music and to interact with water and fire, had fake rock-work, etc. - Cedar Fair did that, not Paramount.)

If Cedar Fair would agree to place an exact duplicate of Kings Dominion's Crypt (with all the effects currently maintained at KD's) inside our current ride building, I would pay for the installation myself in monthly installments for the rest of my life. I mean it. It would be nice to see the look on Cedar Point'ers faces when, as we once did, Kings Island pummeled Cedar Point in the flats department.

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