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OFFICIAL! Son of Beast Will NOT Operate in 2010


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Things are looking mighty hairy within the confines of the Son of Beast station. One can only hope that the vampires next door aren't overly territorial, and I wish each party will stick to their individual neck of the woods so as they don't get into any fights during the event.

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Things are looking mighty hairy within the confines of the Son of Beast station. One can only hope that the vampires next door aren't overly territorial, and I wish each party will stick to their individual neck of the woods so as they don't get into any fights during the event.

:rolleyes: I wonder If the Pack is ready to take on the Vampires this year We shall find out ;).

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i'm sorry, but i don't see how the park placing walls up in Son of Beast's station equals new haunt maze, i just don't.

sure, it could, but it could mean so many other things as well.

coaster_junky, who's normally wrong when it comes to speculation, but maybe for once isn't. :)

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like mentioned earlier, it could be a holding area for props, or the park decided that the station could be used as storage, and since the exit isn't actually welded closed, like so many think, it can easily be opened and things brought into the station for storage.

it could even be something like, the park could have purchased new trains for Son of Beast and are currently remodeling the station to fit the trains correctly, unlike the other two times when the trains were modified/changed.

i just don't see it being used as a Halloween Haunt maze, especially when if it were they would have to build some form of flooring, that would have to meet building codes to cross the track in the station.

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Can you really even fit a haunt maze in there? Club Blood, which is really relatively small, I believe is still much bigger then SoB's station. When you think about it, you could probably only fit one or two rooms in there.

i dont think u could however a staging area is very possible in that area

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