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Construction Underway on Kings Island Drive

Thane Of Price Hill

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Not sure how much (if any) impact this work will have on getting into and out of Kings Island, but yesterday construction work began on Kings Island drive between Western Row Road and Kings Center Drive. http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20100329/NEWS01/3300317/1168/NEWS0101/Kings+Island+Drive+work+begins

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I actually think that this project was supposed to be completed last fall, but was delayed.

Noe if only the Kings Island parking lot leading up to Kings Island Drive could also be resurfaced! It has turned into a hodge podge of pot holes and patches to cover said pot holes. Leaving the parking lot in recent years through the south exit has turned into a game of dodging pot holes, not unlike dodging cars in the Dodgems.

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What, fix pot holes? Those pot holes were designed when the parking lot was first paved. The pot holes in the employee lot have been there for several years and have been filled and refilled each year. If the fixes for pot holes lasted there would be lots of people out of jobs and they must used water based asphault in their special mix. :wacko::wacko:

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I have to say, it is quite annoying. It is such a major road, and they decide to start working every day, in teh middle of the day. Right when school gets out, and into when people get off work, adn rush hour. What should take about a minute, to get down the stretch of road, it takes about 15 minutes. I realize thats not long. It just kinda gets on my nerves after a long seven hours of school.

Also, I know that it needs to be done, adn they have to do it at some point. so, I guess I shouldnt really complain :)

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That is good. It certainly needed it.

Here`s a question that I do NOT know the answer to. When was the last time that the parking lot was repaved? I`m sure that the layer of asphalt that is down in the main parking lot is not the original asphalt from 1972 (otherwise it would be in impeccable condition for being nearly 40 years old!)

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-NEW FOR 2011-


Experience the best as you blissfully drive across our newly repaved parking lot. See what it's like to really ride on air and have the ability to see where you are going!tongue.gif

I would really like to see the parking lot repaved. The condition of the cracked/hole-patched/faded pavement just doesnt do very well for first impressions in my opinion (for people who have never been to the park). I also find it kind of hard to manuever when a LOT of the lines are almost completely faded.

-Maybe the number 40810 will let us recieve funding some fine new jet black pavementohmy.gif

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-NEW FOR 2011-


Experience the best as you blissfully drive across our newly repaved parking lot. See what it's like to really ride on air and have the ability to see where you are going!tongue.gif

I would really like to see the parking lot repaved. The condition of the cracked/hole-patched/faded pavement just doesnt do very well for first impressions in my opinion (for people who have never been to the park). I also find it kind of hard to manuever when a LOT of the lines are almost completely faded.

-Maybe the number 40810 will let us recieve funding some fine new jet black pavementohmy.gif

Yes, but there's a Q ahead...

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When I was up there a couple of Fridays ago to get my pass done, they had just scraped up the blacktop I guess, and the road was like a big waffle and was bumpy as I don't know what. Let's all just hope that opening day for the most part, the pavement is in good condition.

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thank god the paving is finally being done, and they are making good progress. smile.gif

i have to say though, they're cuttin' it a little close to opening day...haha laugh.gif

They aren't going to have it completely finished by opening day.

This is from a 5@5 question:

Taylor David Reece - Will the road work that is being done on Kings Island Drive, be finished in time for opening day?

Everything I’ve heard on the construction says it will be complete around May 14. So it should be finished before we begin daily operation

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I drove down Kings Island Drive last week around 2PM and there was not a single worker on it. Their equipment was parked on the side. The road had the asphault stripped off but you would think they would be work as fast as they could to get it completed by opening day. While they are at it, why doesn't Mason have the traffic light at Western Row and Columbia turn on the left turn sighnal for the KI employees? They have left turn signals on on the other side except for us. That is why traffic backs up there because it only takes a couple cars driving on Western Road to stall the traffic. That is why cars are backed up on KI Drive turning left onto Western Row. The left turn signal should be on for both Western Row turning into the employee entrance and KI Drive turning left onto Western Row. What about it Mason??

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Well, its been that way for years. Actually, there was a study a few years back by the Ohio Department of Transportation that was studying the interchange with 71 there (and considering making it a full interchange). One of the things the schemes looked at (I seem to recall seeing four schemes) is how to alleviate congestion caused by those two intersections being so close together. One of the schemes actually combined the too intersections into one major intersection.

I`m not sure if any time table was actually put on when funding for that project would be in place or when they would select the scheme that would actually be built. I do know that they were also studying schemes for the Field Ertel Mason Montgomery Road exit that is just south of Kings Island, as that often gets grid locked. Especially near rush hour. Again, I don`t know a time table for that project.

Needless to say, I think that the resurfacing project on Kings Island drive may cause some minor inconveniences. But I don`t anticipate it being anything major. Now when and if the 71 exits at Kings Island are under construction (as well as the exit south of KI as mentioned above), it will likely cause some delays and access issues as it would be more than simply repaving a road, which is a relatively simple task in terms of road construction.

And according to ODOT`s website, the Kings Island Drive repaving should be completed in May. A bigger problem for those arriving at KI from the north is that ODOT plans to replace the Jermiah Morrow Bridge on I-71. That bridge spans the Little Miami River north of Kings Island. That nearly $100 million project is expected to begin in June of this year, and not end until June in 2014!!

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