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Flight Deck

Coney Islander

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I don't think Flight Deck's the first ride on the chopping block (that would be SOB) right now, but it is getting older. I would be torqued if it got removed, there simply aren't enough suspended swinging coasters around anymore. When we tear down the last one, will there be regrets? Easily. These rides are great family thrill rides. I would love it if Cedar Fair would realize this and try to save the few they have left. Those floorless trains and updated paint, plus a better name, would wonders do for Flight Deck. Otherwise, the Suspended Coaster will fade off into history, another fad come and gone...

I would actually really like someone to build a new suspended swinging coaster with more updated technology...Flight Deck is the youngest one, it opened for 1993. But with Arrow gone, would anyone be willing to do it? B&M (Due to their work with Inverts, Suspended Swinging Coasters wouldn't be too far off)? And what park might be willing to build one? Holiday World (actually, a new family-friendly suspended swinging coaster might be a good choice for their first "big" steel coaster...).

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^Actually, both S&S and Vekoma seem to be working with modern versions of suspended coasters. S&S with their FreeFly concept and Vekoma with the (fairly) newly announced "kneeling" coasters.

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If i'm not mistaken (I may be), three of the four (or five) remaining Arrow suspended coasters are owned by Cedar Fair. That might be great - perhaps it's their intention to whatever is necessary to keep them operating. On the other hand, it gives me a bad feeling in the pit of stomach: if it's true, and parts are harder and harder to come by, we'd be fooling ourselves to think they wouldn't dismantle Flight Deck and Vortex as spare parts for Iron Dragon. Flight Deck and Vortex are superior coasters in most every way, but in the end Cedar Point needs its coaster count.

That's not an Islander dissing the Pointees; it's just a thought.

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And remember, that the assets of Arrow Dynamics were bought by S&S. So they could produce a new swinging suspended coaster if a customer approached them. Will it happen? I doubt it. Suspended coasters, like stand ups, seem to have been a fad. Although there are some new concepts coming out, like mentioned above.

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It's too bad, because suspended coasters are honestly perfect family coasters. That covers a range, of course (in their case, Iron Dragon -> Flight Deck), but they're definitely family friendly. Perhaps back when they were the new fad they were extreme thrill machines... And though it may not have been Arrow's intention at the time, they have turned out to be great for riders of all ages.

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If i'm not mistaken (I may be), three of the four (or five) remaining Arrow suspended coasters are owned by Cedar Fair.




Iron Dragon

Flight Deck



Eagle Fortress (any new info?)


3 of 6 I think, but I have a strange feeling I'm forgetting one.

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Yeah, I didn't count Eagle Fortess because its SBNO. But still you must admit, Cedar Fair has shown more promise with them than anyone else. Of course, if all three were granted the Vekoma floorless trains (which would be a huge financial undertaking) the rides would really have a new life. Someone mentioned somewhere the idea of renaming it "Seahawk." And while I'm sick of hawks (Cedar Fair owns the fire, sky, thunder, and night variety), the notion is really quite smart.

Like, say, 2012 rolls around, and Kings Island opens with that particular coaster given the new floorless trains, painted with tan supports and aquamarine track, and then the theme is either reverted back to a naval carrier, or made to be beachy. Haha. I guess the latter sounds stupid...

But really, it could even match up with Firehawk... As if the government sect behind the Firehawk project has decided to test out a new wave-skipping flight device. It could be called "Project 2: SeaHawk". Haha. Oh the crazy things I try to come up with...

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If i'm not mistaken (I may be), three of the four (or five) remaining Arrow suspended coasters are owned by Cedar Fair. That might be great - perhaps it's their intention to whatever is necessary to keep them operating. On the other hand, it gives me a bad feeling in the pit of stomach: if it's true, and parts are harder and harder to come by, we'd be fooling ourselves to think they wouldn't dismantle Flight Deck and Vortex as spare parts for Iron Dragon. Flight Deck and Vortex are superior coasters in most every way, but in the end Cedar Point needs its coaster count.

That's not an Islander dissing the Pointees; it's just a thought.

You bring up an excellent point and I agree with you; I see Iron Dragon being the last of Suspended Arrows in CF's lineup. Why? Because it's at their flagship park which has the second largest batch of coasters in the world, second only to Magic Mountain. In fact, I see not one, but two coasters being erected at the Point before Iron Dragon is finally removed (the second coaster would essentially be ID's replacement). If the rumors are true that The Vortex at Wonderland is on its way out, that gives a bunch of parts for Iron Dragon to last, maybe, two to three years or maybe more if Flight Deck is removed as well, of which I'm just pulling a guesstimation (starting in 2011). Which, in that time frame, lets Cedar Point add one new coaster (in 2012) and, once either the extra parts for Iron Dragon run out or the second coaster is installed (in, like, 2015 or 2016), that's when the Dragon flies for the last time. I'm hoping that Kings Island and Canada's Wonderland get something good to replace the two Suspenders (Wonderland may get something big in 2011, while we get something big for 2012).

But, this is all mere speculation.

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And knowing Cedar Fair, they aren't going to stand for a tie. Terpy once mentioned sneaking two kiddie coasters in to put a distance between them.

On the subject of Flight Deck, however, I honestly don't see it going anywhere in the next 5 years, at least. It's a great moderate family attraction, and is still very high in ridership. A lack of paint does not mean anything about their plans for it.

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In this pic it looks like the seats are reclined back enough so the feet don't touch. It also appears that they just filled in the center with only the space where the wheel on the bottom of the car runs through the trough.

I think it would be awesome.

I would much rather have Vampire's original trains.


Then FD could be repainted/themed to be the Return of The Bat.

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If Flight Deck did have Vampire's original trains the GP would think they rebuilt The Bat.

So this year only four Arrow suspended coasters left Iron Dragon, Flight Deck, Vortex, and Ninja. I am not counting Vampire as it has Vekoma coaster cars now.

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Are you suggesting that the fate of Vortex at Canada's Wonderland may bear indication to the future of our beloved Flight Deck? If so, there's a post on this board I can quote somewhere...

If you want to know what KI will get in 2012, I'd keep a watchful eye on what CW (Wonderland) gets in 2011... that *seems* to be Cedar Fairs process thus far.


Wonderland has survey stakes popping up throughout the park already this season. That tells me a larger project is being planned for next season. Wonderland currently has the highest attendance of any of the former KECO/Paramount parks, so successful additions will likely be rolled out to other parks... specifically KI.



However, that is directed at 2012 new attractions, not the future of current rides. There could be a correlation, but that's for the ones who know such things to decide.

On with the show!...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've heard this one a million times over the years... don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. I've heard it a million times and its true: Unless the park is planning on putting something there or someone whats to buy Flight Deck, its going no where. IT does need a paint job, and a shorter line queue

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  • 1 month later...

From the insuing Son of Beast soap opera that has been of unfolding for quite some time, I'm going to take a stab at what I think might happen in the outskirts of the Action Zone area: SoB stays SBNO for the entirety of 2011, FD takes its final rides at the end of the 2011 season, then FD and SoB are demo-ed together and made room for an area expansion in 2012.

I would personally love to see a new area that wraps into X-Base, because X-Base has alot of potential. Firehawk and Flight of Fear are personally two of my favorite rides in the park. I love the theming in that area; even though Cedar Fair is a stickler for not themeing any of thier rides.

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My logic stems from the fact that as seeing that Cedar Fair has neglected to maintain Flight Deck well ever since they acquired it from Paramount in 2007. And as it seems that Son of Beast will soon meet its untimely demise, it could be a great chance for the park to take out two birdies with one stone and come out with an eagle.

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