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Smoking Areas


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  On 5/27/2010 at 12:00 PM, 74Gibson said:
  On 5/27/2010 at 2:08 AM, Pillsberry123 said:

Considering the fact that we pollute the air with our cars, semis, buildings, ect... walking within 50 feet of someone exhaling a puff of cigarette smoke isn't going to do anything substantial. Do I think secondhand smoke is a problem? Sure, but overkill is a problem, too. There are far worse things you can be exposed to other than a slight stench of smoke from off in the distance (example: firsthand smoke from your own cigarette).

First off, welcome to KIC.

So, because we are already exposed to unhealthy ammounts of pollution from other sources we shouldn't mind being exposed to someone's pollution for pleasure. You just don't have a good arguement.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying... Breathing in a slight exhale of smoke isn't going to hurt you any worse than you are already are. If I were to cut you open and take a picture of your lungs you wouldn't like what you see... City smog, exhaust fumes... the list keeps going. With all that in mind, breathing in someone's smoke from 50 feet away isn't any worse than already so.

And I could just as easily say that (if I was a smoker) I'm putting myself at a disadvantage for YOUR enjoyment. Either way you want to look at it, neither side is coming to an agreement, but that doesn't stop the fact that guest who want to smoke will continue to smoke in their areas. Cedar Fair allows it because they want to provide the most customer-friendly environment that they can, just as all businesses do. It's not about you, it's about just you, it's about all the guests. They aren't loosing guests because they allow smoking, but they might certainly loose some if they don't allow smoking. You can't compare it to another ban, because you don't spend 6-10 hours in other places like you do in an amusement park. If a restaurant doesn't allow it then you could just as easily go outside or sit in your car, but some people can't go 6 hours without a cigarette.

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The smoking areas are for the most part out of the way places except for a couple. Im a smoker and I always go to the designated areas. When I see someone smoking out of the areas I say something to them because I think they are rude and are going to ruin it for all of us. I think it would be good if someone found smoking out of the areas was injected out of the park. I think they should also let it be known that it will happen if your caught smoking out of the areas. Even Disney parks that are very kid friendly have designated smoking areas. I am going to be making a very serious effort to quit sone but even if I didnt smoke I would still believe smokers deserve a place to go. This is Avatar Jesses wife by the way

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I am appalled by the condition of the former paramount story area. I remember when it had the waterfall working, the fish in the pond and it was such a nice place to go and relax. I dont mind that being a smoking area, but for god's sake, don't make it look like a dump.

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  On 5/27/2010 at 1:28 PM, StalkerChick said:

does it affect the employees walking in that way, perhaps. but not the guests. this spot is null.

Honestly how many of you complaining walked through there everyday you were there last year? Oh? you didnt? ok. now that thats over with...

1. Yes, it does. I'd rather not walk through a cloud of smoke everyday, kthx.

2. Actually, I walked through it many times last year. :rolleyes: Remember, when you assume...

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  On 5/27/2010 at 4:34 PM, CedarPointer said:
  On 5/27/2010 at 1:28 PM, StalkerChick said:

does it affect the employees walking in that way, perhaps. but not the guests. this spot is null.

Honestly how many of you complaining walked through there everyday you were there last year? Oh? you didnt? ok. now that thats over with...

1. Yes, it does. I'd rather not walk through a cloud of smoke everyday, kthx.

2. Actually, I walked through it many times last year. :rolleyes: Remember, when you assume...

The fog during Haunt is much worse-it is too thick. I can't tolerate it, gives me a headache.

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As someone who usually just browses these forums anonymously just for info, I had to join and put my two cents on this topic. I feel that I can understand both sides of this topic. I do not smoke but my boyfriend does and after spending hours riding coasters and being in the sun, if he has not had a cigarette he gets a little grumpy and usually wants to leave sooner. I am wondering if this may be one reason KI chooses to keep smoking areas?

And honestly, even when we walk by the smoking areas if you walk far enough away There are usually not more than 4-5 people smoking and you cannot smell the smoke from more than a few feet away.

But I am guessing this will go around and around until everyone gets tired of the topic! :)

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LOL I love it Donnie, I really enjoy it when I see someone with a great sense of humor, especially if they take the time to pose and present it like you just did. Great work and thanks for the laugh this morning. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, I am just going to keep beating this dead horse...

We have gold passes and go to the park pretty often with our toddler. I am so annoyed at the number of people smoking all over the place, NOT in the MANY designated smoking areas. My current vent is with the smoking in Boomerang Bay. Today there were people smoking near the lounge chairs in the kid area, in the lounge chairs near the wave pool, and in every single eating area I walked past.

I approached one of the women I saw smoking in the kiddie area. She was sitting in one of the lounge chairs and clearly trying to hide her cigarette. I politely told her that there is a designated area for smoking near the entrance. She said "Oh, I didn't know that," and she continued to smoke. I added that it was dangerous to be smoking in this area because children were walking around barefoot (as I am holding the hand of my young barefoot child) and could burn themselves on a discarded cigarette. She continued smoking and I walked away. There happened to be an ecology person walking by and I mentioned it to her. She walked by the woman that I pointed out but didn't say anything to her.

The several other people that I saw smoking looked like they might punch someone who told them to go to the designated area and as my child was with me I thought it best not to say anything. But I am seriously annoyed about the whole situation.

I want to see employees and security guards telling people to put out their cigarettes and go to the correct area if they want to smoke. I think it would also be helpful if there were "No Smoking" signs posted throughout the park, particularly in kid areas, the waterpark, and eating areas where people tend to light up.

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  On 6/27/2010 at 2:57 AM, rivertowngirl said:

I think it would also be helpful if there were "No Smoking" signs posted throughout the park, particularly in kid areas, the waterpark, and eating areas where people tend to light up.

There are, I know for a fact there are "SMOKING IN DESIGNATED AREAS ONLY" signs at the Skyline Patio, idk about other eating areas, but there's also audio announcements (which ironically refer to KI as a "smoke-free envrionment"- BS!), signs at the entrance, signs at each designated area... but it seems that people think that the signs apply to everyone *except* them, because they're special and the most important people in the park. :rolleyes:

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Funny how when I go to Cedar Point, I see employees telling guests not to smoke when they see them smoking in non-designated areas, including midways, food areas, and ride lines. I see management, ride ops, and even sweeps enforcing this rule as of late. I go to KI and everyone is smoking all over the place without even so much as a glance from any employee.

The 30th of this month marks 8 months without a cigarette for me, and the slight smell of cig smoke completely disgusts me now. I don't care to smell/inhale it anymore, and I along with many others would be appreciative if this rule was enforced rather than ignored.

DISCLAIMER: I have nothing against anyone who smokes, it's your choice. Just don't be disrespectful about it.

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Signs will do absolutely nothing if the policy is not enforced. Earlier this season, no less than the GM at Carowinds, Bart Kinzel--son of the CEO, along with his entourage, walked right by several groups of smoking guests at Carowinds. When this was pointed out to him, he said the policy is enforced...but neither he nor anyone in his posse did anything to stop the obvious smoking going on in at least three separate non-smoking areas within his view. If you aren't going to enforce a policy, why have it?

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Yes, continue to complain. The park can't react to things it doesn't know upset people. Enough complaints and things will change. That we have seen before.

As for confronting smokers in the park, that is a very personal decision. Some would recommend it, some would not. I just don't understand why the policy is not enforced like it is at Holiday World, Six Flags, Disney, Universal, Busch...I could go on....

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Rivertowngirl, I agree with you on that one. The more I think about it, it seems that they do not care. I see people smoking all over the park and security sees them and don't say a word. Wonder if the higher ups has told associates not to say anything? Is that possible?

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Security does what it is told and what the park will support. This non-enforcement is obviously a de facto policy...management gets what it wants...and sets the priorities. Maybe not a spoken policy of non-enforcement, but the reality is if management was not happy with what is going on, they would be certain it was changed...they have not.

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  On 6/27/2010 at 9:01 PM, King James said:
  On 6/27/2010 at 12:34 PM, The Interpreter said:

Security does what it is told and what the park will support. This non-enforcement is obviously a de facto policy...management gets what it wants...and sets the priorities. Maybe not a spoken policy of non-enforcement, but the reality is if management was not happy with what is going on, they would be certain it was changed...they have not.

You, sir, are talking out of your rear end...

Oh, so management doesn't decide what it wants in its parks or is powerless to make it happen?

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So management did give these out ??? Then it is managements fault they don't follow up on this. Makes them look worse than they have been in the last few years, not to mention the error on the seasonal employees who do not enforce it in these matters. Your only as good as your weakest link.

Try this out: next time you visit KI look around until you see someone smoking where they shouldn't and then go up to any employee and tell them. Walk away and watch. Most of the time they do nothing. Security does nothing when they walk by . Girls running around in bathing suit tops they are passed by security and employees with nothing said to them. It is as Terp says.

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Wow it's almost like attack the complainers of a failed policy versus adjusting and prioritize the problem. But what does Gigacoaster2k, Purplehaze, CedarPointer, Interpreter ect..ect... know - they are just those KICers, who cares about them anyway!!!

Anyone else been feeling this way lately?

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And you would think Bart Kinzel would know what is on those cards and set a good example. Cards do not a management philosophy execute. Actions do. And Mr. Bart Kinzel (I use his first name so as not to confuse others who may otherwise think I am referring to his CEO father) ignored those clearly smoking in his presence, in areas not designated as smoking areas. Inactions speak louder than cards.

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