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Strange Signs at KI

XGatorHead 8904

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When we were at the park on June 26th, we decided to sit near the Royal Fountain so Mrs. Gator and I could enjoy our Graeter's and GatorGirl could enjoy her watermelon rock candy from the Candy Shop. Out of the blue GatorGirl asks "Daddy, why does that tree say '2 deg Y'?" I looked to where she was pointing and saw what she was talking about:


I told her I didn't know, but took a picture of it. This tree is next to the Royal Fountain just outside the Candy Shop.

My next visit a few days later I happened to see this tree again, and wondered if there were any more trees with signs on them around the fountain. So I walked around the fountain and found one more:


This one is right outside the Keyhole Photo location at Emporium, near the Eiffel Tower.

These are the only two I found, and I haven't noticed any others around the park. Has anyone here seen any others, and do any of you know what they're for?

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I did think I spied a wireless hub mounted on the side of the roof of the candy shop building at the entrance to Coney Mall (near The Racer) when I was at the park this past Wednesday. I can`t confirm as I did not have any wifi devices with me that day. I too spotted one of those odd signs. Not sure what its for, but I`m sure they are there for a reason, and someone knows it.

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Let K[x, y] be the polynomial algebra in 2 variables over a field K of ... 2 (because deg h(y) , which means I am screwed cause I have no idea what I just said :)

edit: I imagine it is for a company picnic such as the signs we saw earlier that were of a suspicious nature.

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