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Random oddities around the park


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**WARNING** Disclaimer: Do not try this at home, it is illegal and not so much politically correct in todays world.

So, back when I worked on Scream'n Demon you had two operators at any given time to launch the ride. One on either end. You had to sit on the far side by yourself in this little return shack way up there in the blue yonder. In order to get back and forth you had to ride. We used to take a full glass of water on the trip to see how much water you would loose thru the loop. Anyone have a guess how much water if any was left in the glass when we reached the other side?

I love posts like these. They are so interesting. How about a forum just for old time Kings Island stories? :D

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Also, I can't believe I've never noticed this, but yesterday at the park, while in line for BLSC I saw that the control panel under the roof and by the bridge still has the Italian job stunt track logo clearly visible on it, and facing the guests. Is ther any purpose for them just leaving that there? :-D

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Also, I can't believe I've never noticed this, but yesterday at the park, while in line for BLSC I saw that the control panel under the roof and by the bridge still has the Italian job stunt track logo clearly visible on it, and facing the guests. Is ther any purpose for them just leaving that there? :-D

I don't think there is any purposed for them leaving there just the fact that they don't want to order a new face plate. I believe that in the drive box it still has the IJ stuff.

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Right before entering the station area on the Voyage at Holiday World, look to your right you'll see a roof covered in coins. Look straight ahead and you'll see a roof with silly bands piled on top of it.

1st Post MWUHAHA!

Fear my usage of tiny font and exclamaton points!

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Guest rcfreak339

You can't blame "todays" teens for fads...fads have been going on for decades and love them or hate them you can't stop fads. Not going to lie, I like the silly bands..I'm not obsessed but yeah I have some. So what? Just last friday going up the lift on Beast a girl behind me said "Dude! What silly band do you have on?!", I responded "A lion.".. Her: "I'll trade you for a Buzz Light Year one!" Me: "No way!!"..Not all fads are bad, and if you think little rubber bands are the worst fad ever then you are mistaken. What is bad are kids throwing things and destroying things that they have no business even touching..not little silly bands.

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haha the sad thing, if you were born in the 90's (I would say 1990-1993 to remeber some of the older fads, you remeber ALL of the one you mentioned KJKJKJ, and can still find your slap bracelt, that was banned from school. Or how your pog always died. Of that Koosh Balls were the best thing to throw at people, and still have one somewhere. Or that you have at least one Beanie Baby, and your mother has bags and bags (space Saver Bags) full of them, who swears up and down that they will have some value in 10 years.

All I can say, The 90's was where it was at...

Right before entering the station area on the Voyage at Holiday World, look to your right you'll see a roof covered in coins. Look straight ahead and you'll see a roof with silly bands piled on top of it.

1st Post MWUHAHA!

Fear my usage of tiny font and exclamaton points!

But you didn't use a small font, nor a bunch of exclamation points... :rolleyes:

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I would be seriously remiss if I did not mention that I know of one fine young man who was an architecture major, even got his Master's...from U.C., and he certainly was not raised that way...He is a credit to architecture and to this site...

Terp, who is saying they are not all that way...in fact most are not...

I`ve been working a lot so I haven`t checked into all the threads over the last few weeks.

Yes, I would agree that the disrepect for the studio space by Architecture students is not a unanimous phenomenon. There are some people that will get drunk and trash a studio, but they are in the minority. If you were to walk into an architecture studio during hell week, right before final crits, you would see the studios in an even worse amount of disarray. I know that in my studios, we were required to clean them up, before the professors would issue our grades.

**WARNING** Disclaimer: Do not try this at home, it is illegal and not so much politically correct in todays world.

So, back when I worked on Scream'n Demon you had two operators at any given time to launch the ride. One on either end. You had to sit on the far side by yourself in this little return shack way up there in the blue yonder. In order to get back and forth you had to ride. We used to take a full glass of water on the trip to see how much water you would loose thru the loop. Anyone have a guess how much water if any was left in the glass when we reached the other side?

At Coney, there is a "test" for the Ferris Wheel to see how skilled an operator one is. It involved putting a cup of water on the handle bar of one of the cars (when there are no riders or guests present of course). The object is to get the ride to rotate around one complete time without the cup falling, or water spilling. Which can be a difficult task even for the best operators, as the controls do change with the temperature and humidity levels. (Yesterday, the controls got very tight for 30 minutes, and then returned to the normal conditions as suddenly as they had tightened up). And for the record, every single day I have worked at Coney this summer, I have worked the Ferris Wheel at least part of the time I was there.

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haha the sad thing, if you were born in the 90's (I would say 1990-1993 to remeber some of the older fads, you remeber ALL of the one you mentioned KJKJKJ, and can still find your slap bracelt, that was banned from school. Or how your pog always died. Of that Koosh Balls were the best thing to throw at people, and still have one somewhere. Or that you have at least one Beanie Baby, and your mother has bags and bags (space Saver Bags) full of them, who swears up and down that they will have some value in 10 years.

All I can say, The 90's was where it was at...

Right before entering the station area on the Voyage at Holiday World, look to your right you'll see a roof covered in coins. Look straight ahead and you'll see a roof with silly bands piled on top of it.

1st Post MWUHAHA!

Fear my usage of tiny font and exclamaton points!

But you didn't use a small font, nor a bunch of exclamation points... :rolleyes:

They are simply invisible. Everyone knows that. Oh and just so I don't get accused of going off topic, does anyone remember the pet rocks?

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The Beast items, the writing on the spaceship (which DBfan does not like, but some of it is funny), The mountain of Silly Bands on the Voyage photo building's roof, The writing on the wood on almost every wood coaster where the track comes close to the line, the cell phones in the Diamondback line (Speaking of that, one went right between my arm and my head last week on the 3rd hill of Db), and the coins in almost every fountain and pond everywhere.

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Just a Little Tidbit here, But when I got in line to enter the Eiffell Tower the other day, The phone box on the wall beside the elevator was open and all the old decals from Paramounts Kings Island were still there. And theres a Drink Shack over in Planet Snoopy that still has a sign of the old Fear the Four Refillable Cup with the Son of Beast Logo on it. Kinda Geeky I know, But interesting :)

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i found two different shirts at Kings Island with Son of Beast on them two weeks ago when i was there (and not just shirts with collages on them, these were actually pictures of Son of Beast's lift hill/swoop turn, yet none mentioned Son of Beast's name), and i bought a $15 souvenir mug that had Son of Beast (with it's name on it) and various other Kings Island roller coasters on it.

also, while looking at the park map i noticed that Invertigo hasn't been given an "intensity rating," instead there is just a blank space next to it on the rider height guide.

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Just a Little Tidbit here, But when I got in line to enter the Eiffell Tower the other day, The phone box on the wall beside the elevator was open and all the old decals from Paramounts Kings Island were still there. And theres a Drink Shack over in Planet Snoopy that still has a sign of the old Fear the Four Refillable Cup with the Son of Beast Logo on it. Kinda Geeky I know, But interesting smile.gif

The old/"new" PKI logo is still present inside of many of the phone boxes throughout the park, except for those on rides built by Cedar Fair such as Diamondback and Firehawk. I have seen multiple phone boxes throughout the park, left open with the PKI logo in it. Particularly the boxes at the beginning of the ques for Flight Deck and Beast. I find it kind of funny how it has been 4 years and the Paramount and old ride name logos are still prevelant throughout the park if you know where to look. It seems like an easy thing to cover up, but maybe what seems easy, really is not.

EDIT: I agree with Purplehaze, it would be a fun game to see who could find the most Paramount logos.laugh.gif

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for some reason i feel like i've seen something at Kings Island, maybe some paper tacked on the wall in Vortex's station, where the paramount's Kings Island logo was, and instead of printing a new paper someone instead took a black magic marker as scribbled out the paramount logo, leaving only "Kings Island" in view, and it hadn't been done neatly either, instead it looked like a random scribble on a piece of paper.

it kind of reminded me of Cedar Fair's temporary fix for the Kings Island sign at the end of the royal fountains in '06 or '07 (i can't remember when they altered the sign).

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Check out the control panel for the Backlot Stunt Coaster...

Also, I received my tickets to a concert that I won during the Rock Band Live! promotion today, complete with an "Italian Job: Stunt Track - Riding into 2005" post-it note attached with my address on it. Paramount's Kings Island logo and all. Looks like they're not sending out many notes nowadays, since they're still using up ones from five years ago... Some of the rafts on White Water Canyon have the old "Kings Island" (flat across the top, arched over the bottom) with the Paramount logo scratched off.

And then there are the directional signs in the parking lot, with water-mark stars all across them.

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Just thought of this, but on the second Sunday after opening day I found a 20 dollar bill in the trashcan while in line for Flight of Fear.

That's cool, the last time I was there, I found a pretzel in a trash can that was only half eaten!

--Beatle, who likes to save his nickels, but likes to kid around even more sometimes

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Just a Little Tidbit here, But when I got in line to enter the Eiffell Tower the other day, The phone box on the wall beside the elevator was open and all the old decals from Paramounts Kings Island were still there. And theres a Drink Shack over in Planet Snoopy that still has a sign of the old Fear the Four Refillable Cup with the Son of Beast Logo on it. Kinda Geeky I know, But interesting :)

Most of the signs on the drink machines still show the 2009 cups, if you look closely, it also shows the old 2009 Diamondback cup instead of the orange 2010 one. It's not that big of a difference, they probably thought nobody would notice. :)

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