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Kentucky Kingdom

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  On 7/27/2015 at 10:07 AM, The Interpreter said:

You disregard the pure contempt and hatred of both Louisville in general and the Democrat party in particular in most of rural Kentucky.

Rescuing Kentucky Kingdom is a political move by Governor Beshear and his old pal and crony Bruce Lunsford...for many years a high Democrat official and one time opponent of Mitch McConnell.

Nothing would make the other party happier than watching Lunsford (and Hart) and Louisville suffer.

Not to mention the park itself has its own financial struggles--the Fairgrounds and fair are on a very short leash after last year's debacle--and Kentucky Kingdom got a great deal of the...credit (?)...for that.

Make no mistake, the election is a key milestone for that park.

I know we're not the same age and I don't believe we're from the same part of the state, either. But growing up 2 hours from Louisville I don't recall anyone "hating" Louisville (except for the Cards! Ha!)

Democrats, yeah maybe. I'm from the land of Senator Ford though, and in my teens Kentucky sided with a Democrat governor from Arkansas, twice even!

I know what you're saying though. Things get very different east of Lexington, and the days of a "Southern Democrat" are pretty much gone.

November could be interesting.

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And although the terms of a contract may not change, how it is executed could certainly. A landlord that does not want you there can make a tenant's life extremely difficult.

Who controls the statehouse will most definitely affect the fairgrounds and its tenants--even if nary a word of a lease, contract or agreement changes.

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  On 7/27/2015 at 10:07 AM, The Interpreter said:

You disregard the pure contempt and hatred of both Louisville in general and the Democrat party in particular in most of rural Kentucky.

Rescuing Kentucky Kingdom is a political move by Governor Beshear and his old pal and crony Bruce Lunsford...for many years a high Democrat official and one time opponent of Mitch McConnell.

Nothing would make the other party happier than watching Lunsford (and Hart) and Louisville suffer.

Not to mention the park itself has its own financial struggles--the Fairgrounds and fair are on a very short leash after last year's debacle--and Kentucky Kingdom got a great deal of the...credit (?)...for that.

Make no mistake, the election is a key milestone for that park.

I'm not familiar enough with rural western Kentucky, but see people from many parts of rural eastern and central Kentucky in my line of work.   Many people have commented that when they go to an amusement park it is either KI or KK, and most say the I-64 route is much quicker than a trip "out of state."  I think the "hate" you espouse is more for the UofL basketball team.  There is actual distrust of Frankfort that hate for Louisville or Lexington.


In my reading, it seemed that Gov. Steve "Chikn Biskit" Beshear and Mr. Lunsford are more rivals than pals.  Gov. Beshear was wanting casino gambling but the public thwarted those dreams.  I think the KK land would have been an important piece of that scheme. 


The fair board, however, is a different animal.  In all the wrangling over the closing of SFKK and the attempts to reopen it, my interpretation was the board was seen as inept, inflexible and incompetent.  That seemed to wain now that the park is reopened and appears to be sucessful.

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It waned only because Mr. Workman left.

And you misunderstand Eastern Kentucky. It's not even 2 percent a college rivalry thing. Eastern Kentucky athletics (mostly high school) and politics seldom mix. Applalachia is a far, far different place. The same could be said of rural West (notice I did not say Western, nor did I say East--no native would) Kentucky.

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  On 7/27/2015 at 3:16 PM, The Interpreter said:

It waned only because Mr. Workman left.

And you misunderstand Eastern Kentucky. It's not even 2 percent a college rivalry thing. Eastern Kentucky athletics (mostly high school) and politics seldom mix. Applalachia is a far, far different place. The same could be said of rural West (notice I did not say Western, nor did I say East--no native would) Kentucky.

I don't understand Eastern Kentucky?  Born and raised two counties away from Appalachia?  Formed relationships via the workplace with folks from Flemingsburg to Middlesboro to Pikeville?  Made and maintain relationships with college friends from Appalachia from my first degree at the University of Kentucky?


Yes, there is "hate" for the UofL basketball program because the majority of eastern Kentucky residents follow the Big Blue Nation and are diehard supporters.


Frankfort and Washington DC are the true objects of mistrust amongst most of the people of the Commononwealth, except the people who are the problem-the politicians.


And, having lived 33 of my 45 years after being born in this Commonwealth,  I have never heard the western portion referred to as "West Kentucky" but rather western Kentucky. Granted, I am not as familiar with this portion of the state as I live in central Kentucky (near eastern Kentucky) so I may not know the local vernacular.  (When I spent nine miserable months in Memphis, THAT state was referred to as East, Middle and West.)


Edit to correct punctuation.

Edited by jtro223
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Kentucky born and raised. Never have liked Louisville, I hate even having to visit the place but most of my family lives there so I had no real choice. My dislike has nothing to do with college sports because unlike most everyone else in the state, I do not like Basketball.

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I get what you are saying Dieseltech20. I really only go to Louisville to visit my sister, visit KK, or for professional development conferences. I don't have a hatred for the city, I just prefer rural life. Yes, you are a minority in the basketball preferences arena, but the BBN has an influence on the attitude of many folks here towards Louisville in general.

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  On 7/27/2015 at 2:47 PM, jsus said:

^^ If you're referring to Clermont Steel Fabricators, they're B&M's steel fabrication contractor. They take the steel and build the support columns and track segments to B&M's specs. They're not involved in the design of the project, they just build the pieces.

B&M does contract out some design and engineering work, last I heard, but those projects tend to stay over in Europe.

No, I'm not, I'm talking about the structural team that designed the supports.  Steven Schaeffer.  http://schaefer-inc.com/




Upon reading the links, they may not have designed the supports, just the footings/piers that they discuss on their web page.

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Ugh! I was gonna go again next month after I spend some time in Waverly Hills but it looks like they're closed 6 random days in August! What theme park closes randomly through the week like that?

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  On 7/28/2015 at 1:54 AM, KatieF said:

Ugh! I was gonna go again next month after I spend some time in Waverly Hills but it looks like they're closed 6 random days in August! What theme park closes randomly through the week like that?

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Yeah, that is really strange.  The labor force is something they really need to work on.  They rely on high school students, so I am assuming those days are because public schools are starting.  But they have plenty of time to plan around this, other parks do.

Edited by jtro223
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After Tuesday, August 11, the park is closed until the following Saturday and Sunday, and then closed again until the start of the fair on Thursday, August 20. After the fair, they go to weekends-only operation, plus Labor Day, through Sunday, September 13. They are then closed for a buy-out on the next Saturday, open to the public on Sunday the 20th, closed for a buy-out on Saturday the 26th, and that's the end of the season.


I may be wrong here, but I do believe September 20 was previously marked as a buy-out day.

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Park hours during the fair are 4pm to 9pm weekdays and 1pm to 9pm on Saturdays. Waterpark is closed.


Of note, they previously listed that despite the waterpark being closed, Big Surf Wave Pool would be open during the fair. This is no longer listed, and the edit removing that statement is rather amateur, as I can see a bit of the rectangle drawn over that statement in their paint program protruding from the bottom of the weekend hours box.


On a bit of a tangent, their hours are provided entirely in a single PNG image that relies exclusively on color-coding. I wonder how many color-blind people have complained about this. Or totally blind people that rely on a screen reader to navigate web pages.


For the record, their hours are listed here: http://www.kentuckykingdom.com/experience/hours/

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The last time I went to KK during fair time when it was the open gate policy was in 2007. Oddly enough,  the place was completely deserted. Yet we went last year and there was a decent crowd. They really need to have the full water park open though. Its closure in August baffles me. You would think they could have it open on the weekends if staffing is the issue during the week. At least the wave pool will be open this year. It seems like it would be low hanging fruit to increase attendance as it is a huge draw for the park. As would having a Fall/Halloween event and staying open into October would be. Maybe next year... 

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I see what you are saying yet there could be people that would have gone to the water park anyway, having had to pay for fair admission to do so. Also, It's hot out there in August. Folks might hang around the fair longer if the had a Bay to cool off in and get a second wind. The fair board needs to get as many people through the gates as possible. If they are going to get a cut before people can get to the gate at Kentucky Kingdom, I would think they would want the park full too. Personally without KK, the fair is only a 2-3 hour outing for me and I did not go a single year the park was closed. 

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The vast majority of vendors pay to be at the state fair. If they do not get the turn-out expected, they will not return. At most fairs the vendors are located in a nicer space, typically air-conditioned, as a way for people to escape the heat and likely spend money or sign up for various services. It is in the Fair Board's best interest to create an atmosphere that encourages people to visit the fair and spend their money at the fair...not at Kentucky Kingdom. As Interpreter said, people in KK aren't spending money at the fair. 

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Last year I went to the fair with my wife and daughter. I had my money ready to purchase tickets and parking. As I was the next car to enter the tolls I was given tickets for the entire family and parking? That was at least 3 paying customers they did not get money from. Why was this done? At the time I did not care because I saved some money that I eventually spent inside Kentucky Kingdom. The guy was standing out there giving tickets to anyone who did not already have them. He was printing them out from a little machine so I assume he was there in some official capacity. Clearly their paid attendance problems can not all be blamed on KK, or the heat, or the rain. 

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My guess would be that they were vendors or 4H folks. Those groups can buy passes that cover their parking and admission into the fair each day. When I worked our space for the Ohio State Fair, I was given a pass that they hole punched each day I entered. Many county fairs just give us a vehicle pass that gives my team entrance into the fair. However, fair works it differently. 


And edited to add that I didn't read your post clearly enough. I wonder if there was miscommunication between the gate and parking? Ohio State Fair has parking and then you get tickets at the main gates. 

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This guy just asked if we had tickets. When I said no, He asked how many we needed and then punched it into his little device that printed out a voucher. I was shocked and still expecting to pay parking but then they said that was taken care of too. I just found it very strange they turned away money. If the goal was to get more people into the fair then it probably been a much better idea to give away free tickets to people not already at the gate waiting to get in. It was great for us. Between that, my KK pass and the 10 Kroger tickets I got for the rest of the family we had an ultra cheap day. After this though it did not surprise me too much that the fair did not do well last year. Perhaps they need to do something different to draw people in. The fair has changed very little since I was a kid. Imagine what attendance would have been like without KK being open last year. 

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It's not the state fair, but I think the trend is transferable. Our county fair gets worse each year, which causes attendance declines which cuts the budget for next year and is a viscous cycle. The state fair may be similar. Plus the Fair Board has to deal with a vacated Freedom Hall since the KFC YUM! Center now has the basketball team has moved there. It puts the Fair Board in a precarious situation.

On another note, it's miserable at Kings Island. But a bad day here is better than a great day other places!

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