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Ark Bible Park In Kentucky?

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  On 1/17/2011 at 4:25 PM, The Interpreter said:

So, for that matter, are most operations of Louisville Slugger...in Indiana. Have been for years.

Then there's KFC once officially known as (and sometimes still as) Kentucky Fried Chicken....tee hee...still based in Louisville, but a part of YUM...

But the original KFC is in Corbin, KY

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  On 3/11/2011 at 3:35 PM, Colonel_SoB_fan said:
  On 1/17/2011 at 4:25 PM, The Interpreter said:

So, for that matter, are most operations of Louisville Slugger...in Indiana. Have been for years.

Then there's KFC once officially known as (and sometimes still as) Kentucky Fried Chicken....tee hee...still based in Louisville, but a part of YUM...

But the original KFC is in Corbin, KY

actually Terp- and I could be completely incorrect on this- but my family and I went to the Louisville Slugger factory last August. And unless I heard them incorrectly- they used to be have a majority of their operations across the river in Indiana, but had moved them back into Louisville in recent years. again, I could be wrong.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 5/14/2011 at 11:12 PM, coaster_junky said:

whether you're for the park or not, it's interesting to see the stages of production from concept artwork to final product.

Very cool, thanks for sharing. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

So will they have an Ark as the center piece of the park like our ET?

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i'm not completely sure of the parks layout but i believe that the entrance will be close to the full sized ark and then the rest of the park behind it.

ark overview:


park overview:


i'm really excited about this, first because these are usually shot down by those of other religions and second because it will be located nearly in my grandparent's front yard.

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I'm all for healthy religious beliefs and a governing body. However, both are prone to exploitation and when the two start to merge it gets very scary.

I don't care about the debate over the appropriateness of this park. I don't even want to chime in. If it's a good place that leads to joy and healthy things, awesome. I'm all for it.

However, if this parks gets additional financial help from our government because of it's Christian nature, that's a very scary precedent on a very slippery slope. If this parks gets government help equal to that of any other similar business, that is fair, just and a good thing.

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You speak the truth 74Gibson. I'm all for joy wherever it can be found, but this is crossing the separation of church and state line. A quote from a reverend:

“The state of Kentucky should not be promoting the spread of fundamentalist Christianity or any other religious viewpoint,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. “Let these folks build their fundamentalist Disneyland without government help.”

There's even talk of additional taxpayer funds to pay for road improvements leading to the park. It just doesn't seem right.

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  On 5/21/2011 at 3:24 AM, Snowman said:

You speak the truth 74Gibson. I'm all for joy wherever it can be found, but this is crossing the separation of church and state line. A quote from a reverend:

"The state of Kentucky should not be promoting the spread of fundamentalist Christianity or any other religious viewpoint," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United. "Let these folks build their fundamentalist Disneyland without government help."

There's even talk of additional taxpayer funds to pay for road improvements leading to the park. It just doesn't seem right.

The church state separatists can't think outside of their politics.

1.) The park is not receiving one dime of taxpayer dollars to build the park. What they are being given is a tax incentive that any business would receive to locate in the state. In other words for x number of years they will receive tax breaks either on their income (this will be a for profit business) or as an additional discount on their sales tax (Businesses in Kentucky already get a 1% discount on the 6% tax you pay if the business pays their taxes on time).

2) Regardless of where the roads lead, it is the responsibility of the state to maintain and improve the road. This would be done even if there were no tax incentives, especially if you're looking at 1.6 million people per year traveling to the park.

3) There is not a call for separation of Church and state in the Constitution. Currently tax breaks are given to those who donate to Church's, the Amish are exempt from Social Security, and Church's are also not taxed. In God We Trust is on our dollars and President Bush & Obama may invoke the name of God in their speeches. In fact FDR actually led the nation in Prayer on the eve of D-Day. The Supreme Court just refused to hear the appeal of Michael Newdow with his claim that Obama violated Church & State at his inauguration.

4) There is a big difference between charging Ark Adventures less in future taxes that may never come to be than what Kentucky Kingdom was asking for, which was a $50 million dollar bond. Issuing a bond is borrowing money that the state does not have to pay for improvements to a park that may see no economic return. With the Ark the risk is still with the park if it fails. With the bond issue the risk is with the state, as the state would still owe the debt even if the park would fail in 2 years.

I'm all for anything that would bring 900 permanent jobs to Kentucky not to mention the construction jobs as long as it doesn't involve debt.

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good reply scott.

i think most people are under the impression that this means that the Commonwealth of KY is going to issue a $40 million blank check. That's not how tax incentives work. The tax incentives apply to the corporate side of the park only. The state stands to make much more money from them to approve this: FICA taxes, sales tax, etc... Its not like this tax break would be channeled into something else if if weren't approved- that money currently doesn't exist. its money that upon operation the state says we'll give you a "Free Parking" (shout out to Monopoly) card for a set amount of time, after which the taxes will begin to accrue. if the park does not operate, there's no money. Church and state have nothing to do with this, its a cash flowing business looking for tax breaks that any company would look and apply for when looking to build; and as usual, because it is Christian in nature people can't get past it.

And, i hear they can get those top spins pretty cheap.

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  On 5/20/2011 at 2:42 PM, 74Gibson said:

However, if this parks gets additional financial help from our government because of it's Christian nature, that's a very scary precedent on a very slippery slope. If this parks gets government help equal to that of any other similar business, that is fair, just and a good thing.

  On 5/21/2011 at 4:18 AM, Scott Evans said:

The church state separatists can't think outside of their politics.

Scott, just to be fair/clear, I think the pot just called the kettle black. I am not someone who "can't see past their own politics". I'm in a political and moral tornado right now and am re-evaluating many of my beliefs. I also really like having a friendly debate where we can attack each other's ideas (not each other) with curtesy and respect.

The tax incentives you describe, as you describe them, are fair and good for everyone involved.

EDIT: your point may not have been aimed at me. When you quote, you can erase anything between the two sets of html code saying "quote"

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i don't think anyone on these boards intentionally throw darts at others. for the most part things here (from my perspective) tend to be benign exchanges. words on a computer screen, however, do not give the reader the benefit of facial expression or "tense" of the post. I differ with opinions of some (as they do me as well)- but just because we differ doesn't mean that the opinion is devalued.

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  On 5/23/2011 at 1:51 PM, 74Gibson said:
  On 5/20/2011 at 2:42 PM, 74Gibson said:

However, if this parks gets additional financial help from our government because of it's Christian nature, that's a very scary precedent on a very slippery slope. If this parks gets government help equal to that of any other similar business, that is fair, just and a good thing.

  On 5/21/2011 at 4:18 AM, Scott Evans said:

The church state separatists can't think outside of their politics.

Scott, just to be fair/clear, I think the pot just called the kettle black. I am not someone who "can't see past their own politics". I'm in a political and moral tornado right now and am re-evaluating many of my beliefs. I also really like having a friendly debate where we can attack each other's ideas (not each other) with curtesy and respect.

The tax incentives you describe, as you describe them, are fair and good for everyone involved.

EDIT: your point may not have been aimed at me. When you quote, you can erase anything between the two sets of html code saying "quote"

Was not aimed at you or anyone here, mainly at the groups protesting in the articles that always overblow any news release that involves religion, usually from those who follow another religion just as vehemently, in this case Atheists. If the park was getting actual cash (from budget or bonds) I would be completely against it whether it was a religious park or a coaster park. The only exception to that would be if it were voted upon by the tax payers, which is rare in Kentucky. My comment about thinking outside of your politics also meant to actually read what the facts are rather than react by throwing out catchphrases and talking points from "your team". Its something we all struggle with, including myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brownie points for Scott's replies. Well said, thanks for the debate and info :)

I would always rather find out I was wrong and correct myself than to have my knowledge confirmed and just go about my way. I'm good with what I do know, It's what I don't know or am confused on that really interests me.

Who was it who said, "the wise man knows he's a fool"?

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I stand down...

I have been thoroughly outdone in the good quote war.

I grant to you the (emotional) spoils of victory and my outstretched hand (toward the computer ((not really though))), which I give in defeat and admiration.

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this is the proposed area in grant county, kentucky where ark encounter will be built. i live roughly fifteen minutes north of here and, if possible, i'm going to ask the judge executive if i could take pictures during construction. if so, i'll be sure to post the progress here.

blue- roughly the area where ark encounter will be located once completed

purple- veteran cemetery north, located in williamstown, kentucky

yellow- interstate 75

red- williamstown, kentucky exit (cannot recall exit number)

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  On 12/21/2013 at 8:02 AM, The Interpreter said:

So essentially… this project was just majorly scaled back?

  On 5/15/2011 at 1:40 AM, coaster_junky said:

i'm not completely sure of the parks layout but i believe that the entrance will be close to the full sized ark and then the rest of the park behind it.

ark overview:


They should totally turn that pond in front of the ark into a wave pool. Genesis clearly states that Noah loved swimming.

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  • 7 months later...
  On 12/21/2013 at 10:02 AM, Gordon Bombay said:
  On 12/21/2013 at 8:02 AM, The Interpreter said:

So essentially… this project was just majorly scaled back?

  On 5/15/2011 at 1:40 AM, coaster_junky said:

i'm not completely sure of the parks layout but i believe that the entrance will be close to the full sized ark and then the rest of the park behind it.

ark overview:


They should totally turn that pond in front of the ark into a wave pool. Genesis clearly states that Noah loved swimming.

Have the waves come from the side of the lake nearest to the base of the ark to make it look like it's floating...

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