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The New Texas Giant

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With the new track that Texas Giant is getting, and all the worry about whether or not it will be classified as a steel coaster or a wooden coaster, does anyone know what type of wheels will be used on the new trains? Are they steel wheels or are they the poly/rubber/plastic wheels such as those on a genuine steel coaster? To me, this would make a difference as to its classification.

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Yes, someone knows.

It is widely assumed the new trains will have polymer wheels...

Interestingly, when Son of Beast was announced, it was said it, too, would have polymer wheels. Didn't turn out that way....

Assumed? Is this the REAL Terpy speaking?

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OK, first of all, those trains are pretty B.A. and its about time someone besides GG/GK dared to be different. Now, second of all, though I fully understand why individuals are not allowed to say certain things..... WHAT IS THE DEAL with this industry?? Seriously, I know others think this way, the difference is I am the one who has the cojones to come out and speak it/ask the question. This is NOT the CIA, and I never understood the whole "G-14 Classified" nature of everything surrounding it. Build anticipation? Please, core fans are going to buy tickets/Season Passes (or not) regardless of what new "top secret" ride or attraction is installed at said park. Cedar Point is a classic example.... all of the fanboys and thoosies are P.Oed because there was no coaster announced for 2011, only the WindSeeker. Well, did any of them NOT buy a SP due to this announcement only? That would be a big "no". I, for instance, am in no way interested in any of the WindSeekers due to a paralyzing fear of heights... but will that stop me from going to CP? No, not at all. I guess what I am trying to say is for God's sake people (and by people I mean the decision makers in the Industry) if you are building an Intamin giga, just freakin tell us "Hey, we are buiding an Intamin giga that is going to look pretty much like these conceptual drawings, and its going to do this and this and go such and such a m.p.h." and spare us the months of B.S. I will understand if certain small details change and wont hold it against you, I promise rolleyes.gif.

This is not just my $.02, others I have talked to, both in and out of the "thoosie" circles have expressed this same set of feelings and thoughts..... I just felt this had to be said.

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Cedar Point is a classic example.... all of the fanboys and thoosies are P.Oed because there was no coaster announced for 2011, only the WindSeeker. Well, did any of them NOT buy a SP due to this announcement only? That would be a big "no".

Two things here. First, I want to add to what Terpy said. Lets take a look at Apple. Have you ever seen the famous "Apple Store is Currently Down" pictures? Here. Apple almost always does something minor to one of it's existing products, from bumping the specs of the RAM in Macbook Pro's, to dropping the price of a computer in a foreign country. It doesn't take that much time to drop a price... I mean, let's be honest, you could refresh a page 5 seconds after you loaded it initially, and something be different. (For those who aren't tech savy, it's as simple as a form post. As soon as you hit that "Post" button, it appears so everyone can see.) Apple store is the same way. It only takes a second to update a product. However, Apple chooses to keep it's store down for much longer then that second... sometimes up to a few hours. Why? The tech community explodes, with everyone pondering "What is Apple doing this time?" If Apple creates this much hype inside the tech communities just by keeping their store down for an hour, they'd be stupid not to. Just go a Google search for this phrase, (including the quotations): "Apple Store Down". There is over 400,000 hits. Amazing what Apple achieved just by letting people ponder for only a few hours.

Roller Coaster communities are the same way. Before Firehawk was announced, the KI fan sites exploded with people posting rumors. It created a buzz, which got people interested. But as soon as the ride was announced, that buzz sorta died. Sure, we had construction updates, but still, it wasn't the same. (Let's even think of the TV show Lost for a second. If you knew how the show was going to end, why would you still feel the need to watch it. Sure some people will, but not nearly as many.)

Finally, the second part. I only quoted a part of your post for a reason, because that's the part I want to key on here. I almost bought a season pass last season to Kings Island. But I didn't. As soon as I heard that Son of Beast wouldn't operate (it is my favorite roller coaster) the whole season, I skipped out. I'm sure I was in the minority, but when I didn't get what I wanted from the park, I made a decision not to buy a pass. Instead, I got a few tickets to Cedar Point, and went there. Actually, the ONLY reason why I did go to Kings Island this past year was to buy a pass for the upcoming season (couldn't beat that 69.99 deal). So yes, I see why the park stalled for that reason too. I almost bought a season pass this past season before I heard the announcement about Son of Beast. Even if they waited a little bit longer, I may of had a pass this previous season.

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I feel that just because one ride or something isn't running/working for said season it is a bit drastic to not buy a pass. Either way you gave CF Their money...and besides not buying a pass most likely brought no attention to anyone at KI or CF that you were displeased with the anouncement....

(I gave Cedar Fair MY money... it wasn't theirs till I gave it to them).

It's really not that drastic. I live in Columbus, so I'm sorta in the middle of the two parks. I've always been a wooden coaster fan, which is why I normally prefer Kings Island. But with my favorite ride out, I think Cedar Point has the upper hand as to which is my favorite park. I know Cedar Fair still got the money in the end, but it wasn't through the Kings Island outlet. MY money was shown as being spent at Cedar Point, not Kings Island. (Well, technically Ohio State... cannot beat their $25.00 tickets).

Like I said, I know I'm in the minority, and I know two tiny passes isn't going to make a difference (always buy two). But you have to start somewhere. As the consumer, if you want something done, you have to make your voice heard. And as the old saying goes, Money Talks.

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Cars displayed publicly may or may not contain features that make it to opening day...or, for that matter, may or may not be ready for opening whether displayed or not (see, for instance, a certain park in Indiana for a recent example...or a place in Pennsylvania...)...

Terp, as usual, being careful...

...and don't forget the ones on a certain water ride in a ceo's front yard.

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  • 1 month later...

That track does look pretty spiffy and so do the trains as well. I am not a big fan of having the car body on it though, I prefer just the old school wooden trains, or the Thunderhead types. I am anticipating reviews and a fresh POV from this!

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Absolutely. Those smoooooooth as butter transitions, incredible-looking overbanks... And that double-up into an overbank on the second hill looks superb! As someone who is far more a park enthusiast than a coaster one - and who has little to no knowledge towards the inner and outer workings of roller coasters - it seems to me that this may in fact be the only feasible option for Son of Beast. The cost may be prohibitive (or even impossible), but I can't imagine anything else equilibrating between cost and performance nearly as well...

Time will tell... or not.

(There, now Terp doesn't have to add the "or not." ;) )

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I saw this on the Six Flags Twitter account yesterday and never got around to watching the video, then I came to this forum and knew it would be here. Great video and looks like an excellent ride, I wish SOB would get this treatment and add a little more banking to the Rose Bowl and other portions of the track. Amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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