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Something big announced 3-18-11?


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Guest TombraiderTy
  On 3/16/2011 at 7:58 PM, CoasterGeek101 said:

I guess we will never know! I just think this is way to over - hyped to NOT be a roller coaster.

And who over-hyped it? Not Kings Island, but instead enthusiasts like you.

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  On 3/16/2011 at 8:04 PM, Elkman said:

Why would they get a coaster when the shadow of SOB is looming over them, i think just turning your back on the problem, and getting a new coaster is a bad idea. Just demolish SOB, for one year, and the next year something else can be installed. Its a waste of space, and structually if no annoucement is made in the next year or two, SOB will just be waiting for demolishion. I just think, this new attraction will not be a roller coaster, because it makes no money sense.

Maybe it could start out as a walkthrough and then in the off season of this year they could do some work to sob and incorporate the dinosaurs into the ride somehow. Dinosaurs were known as beasts of the land.

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  On 3/16/2011 at 5:10 PM, ukfan031 said:


Isn't the dinosaur from the storage container the exact same as this one? Look at the Trex in the pictures at the bottom of the page.

I personally do not believe this is temporary. There are noticeable differences between the Dinosaur Unearthed dinosaurs and Kings Island's... Notice the contrast in skin texture.

Thank you for that post; Otherwise I would not have been able to make such a comparison. And welcome to Kings Island Central!

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  On 3/16/2011 at 8:08 PM, TombraiderTy said:
  On 3/16/2011 at 7:58 PM, CoasterGeek101 said:

I guess we will never know! I just think this is way to over - hyped to NOT be a roller coaster.

And who over-hyped it? Not Kings Island, but instead enthusiasts like you.

Dude, they are hyping it. did you see their site?


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  On 3/16/2011 at 8:13 PM, CoasterGeek101 said:
  On 3/16/2011 at 8:08 PM, TombraiderTy said:
  On 3/16/2011 at 7:58 PM, CoasterGeek101 said:

I guess we will never know! I just think this is way to over - hyped to NOT be a roller coaster.

And who over-hyped it? Not Kings Island, but instead enthusiasts like you.

Dude, they are hyping it. did you see their site?


Yes, the park is hyping it. But who's OVER-hyping it? Many of the posters in this topic...

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You, and many others in this topic. You guys seem to excite yourselves to the point where you expect far more than the park has promised. At this point, the only thing the park has said is something new, and big. Big is a pretty vague term, and many people here have convinced themselves that Big means new roller coaster.

Don't worry, this happens every time Kings Island makes an announcement, and it's always a new group of people. Soon you'll learn (Like I did) to never set any expectations and wait to see what it is. That way, you don't set yourself up for disappointment, and typically walk away happy that you got something. Plus, it makes the announcements when it is a big new ride so much sweeter. :)

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  On 3/16/2011 at 8:20 PM, CoasterGeek101 said:

Are you meaning me?

Gator did not single you out. He said "Many of the posters in this topic..." Not that he needs me to defend him.

Take a step back for a minute and just listen/read what many of the "veteran" posters on here have been saying. I'm not trying to discourage you from dreaming big for the park but things also need to stay realistic.

Well put Jackson!

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My, this topic has gotten chippy. Whining and taking cheap shots at other people: the real reason the internet was invented! To look on the bright side of things, 44 days to opening. If you haven't checked out the awesome photo countdown thread yet, go do it now: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23316&st=0. Another positive, we're getting "301 Feet of Vertical OMG's" this year, anything else is just bonus.

That out of the way, I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid on Dinosaurs Unleashed yet. I'm not proposing we'll be getting Dinosaur: The Epic Gigacoaster, and the idea of this being a SOB job is laughable. That said, I still see reasons to doubt the walkthrough hypothesis. The outline shown in the photos seems too long for such an event given the size and laziness of the modern park guest ("What do you mean you're out of the souvenir cups with the handles? You mean I have to carry my drink all day?"). Also, earlier in this thread, the picture where the guy is holding the map was enhanced and the word "plaza" was visible in a position that suggests it was a header of some sort. See posts 451, 454, 456, and 458. I've never known "plaza" to be synonymous with "walkthrough." It could be a similar type deal, however.

The Dinosaurs Unearthed T-Rex appears to have a longer and thinner snout than the one in the KI parking lot and a thinner neck. Also, IMHO, the eye photo looks more like a small piece of a potential logo for the attraction.



While I will grant that a walkthrough exhibit seems to be the most likely scenario, I still see reasons to question the hypothesis until further evidence is granted.

This took a long time to post to a fast-moving thread. Apologies in advance if any of my questions have already been addressed before posting.

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  On 3/16/2011 at 6:23 PM, CoasterNerd1996 said:
  On 3/16/2011 at 6:17 PM, do_the_ron said:

Can't wait for whatever the announcement is on Friday! Regardless of what it is, I feel fortunate and greatful that we get not only WS this season, but also something more! While I would love for it to be a thrill attraction, I am exited for and know that I will love whatever is announced on Friday!!

First post, and yes I read the whole thread before posting this. :)

I agree, and its good that you read the whole thing.. how long did that take?

About an hour (with distractions) :P

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well not really...when I saw posts that seemed entirely irrelevant and/or unlikely, I skipped them because I just got tired of all the nonsense, and I wasn't going to add to that. I just wanted the serious posts, which I got, then I threw in my 2 cents.

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This thread just gets funnier with every passing hour.

Guys, it's pretty simple.

Dinosaurs Unearthed is coming to Kings Island.

In a beautiful outdoor setting.

There. Now you don't have to wait until Friday.

Now, how many parks get a new "area" and a world-class thrill ride in the same year? That's pretty sweet. Something for the younger crowd (and let's face it, all of us will check this out at least once), and something for thrill-seekers. By the way, if you have not yet seen them, the seats for WindSeeker arrived at CP this week, and you can find them over at C-Buzz. They are very open...and I mean, very open.

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I'd also like to point out that neither outline would make sense as a walking path. The first photograph, traffic flow would not work... People would doubtless be taking 'shortcuts' all throughout the path. The second one would be very awkward from an engineer's point of view. So many small curves... And what's to justify them?



Assuming these are legitimate outlines of any planned attraction, said attraction would need to be able to make very sudden turns...

I believe it looks most like a safari attraction with individual exhibition vehicles and a park- employed driver, though, I find a flume attraction much more likely. And a long one at that!

Edit: Doctor Humor, read post 934. The dinosaurs for Dinosaur Unearthed just do not match the style of Kings Island's... At least in my eyes.

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  On 3/16/2011 at 8:37 PM, dr_humor said:

This thread just gets funnier with every passing hour.

Guys, it's pretty simple.

Dinosaurs Unearthed is coming to Kings Island.

In a beautiful outdoor setting.

There. Now you don't have to wait until Friday.

Now, how many parks get a new "area" and a world-class thrill ride in the same year? That's pretty sweet. Something for the younger crowd (and let's face it, all of us will check this out at least once), and something for thrill-seekers. By the way, if you have not yet seen them, the seats for WindSeeker arrived at CP this week, and you can find them over at C-Buzz. They are very open...and I mean, very open.

ya they have a pic of the seats for ws on their facebook page for ki as well didn't know if u knew that

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  On 3/16/2011 at 9:00 PM, Browntggrr said:

What an interesting way of using JLG's.

Either the T-Rex is very light given it's size, or we have some riggers half-a$$ing it.

That's what I was thinking Browntggrr. I'm just a bit upset I will be on the road for the announcement.

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I wonder why they would assemble it in the parking lot, before moving it back to the "trail" in the woods next to The Racer turnaround? Also, why would they be assembling it now, if they don't even have the trees cut yet...

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