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Roll Call: PKI Opening Day

AZ Kinda Guy

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I hope to be there, but i have school, so I might have to wait until the 10th or 11th,.............. i THINK IT WOULD BE COOL IF WE ALL wore a pki unlimited t-shirt and then got our user name put on the back (kinda like a jersey would have) then we could all idenify each other. (for example on the back of my shirt it would say jmceowen)

(I just checked our school calander and we have spring break then,so I will be there opening day for sure).

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Does anyone have any campground info?

Information on the campgrounds can be found here: Campground Information.

Campground prices start at $19.99, and to make reservations you can call (513)754-5901, or 1-800-882-1133.

And yeah I'll be there opening day, in Rock Shop, helping out with things. I'll also be there on the 10th and 11th, and the 3rd and 4th.

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Drop Zone or DOT for me. I'll be the one running back and forth between the rides...Ugh the begining of the season sucks for supervisors but it all works out.

However, you just might catch me in the Festhaus from some strange reason. ;-)

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