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6/6/2011 PTR!


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An entire school year. Fall. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Winter, snow storms, Easter, and lots of rain. I can't believe all of this has came and went since I've been to KI last year.

This is a pretty quick TR as I left by 2 pm. I got there in time for the tail end of ERT, and I took advantage of it and got a ride on Beast...and if I'm right from seeing his pics on here, I believe that our own TG93 was working. A ride on The Beast is the only way to get the season started, IMHO.

I also got to take in DA! and the accompanying 3D movie, both of which I enjoyed but I probably won't take it in again, unless I'm with someone that wants to go through it, in which case I'd gladly tour it again.

By noon or so the lines were pretty long on everything, including Racer. I got two rides in on FD, on ride on VF, and had to go up in the Tower to check things out.

Before I left, I took an advantage of a 75% off sale they were having in the shop by the exit (I can't believe I can't remember the name of it)...

Overall I had a very enjoyable visit, and hope to return soon. I will post some pics later on tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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I enjoyed your report and WOW great pictures. This one made me laugh WindSeeker has bucket type seats, so how are guest expected to keep their arms and hands inside the ride and our feet...well that seems to be a impossible rule to follow!

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