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Haunt 10/01/11 kjkjkj ashers


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This is going to be pretty short and to the point!

Slaughter House- Usually one of my favorite haunts, seemed to be lacking this past saturday. It was probably because they were letting in huge conga lines. Still good though! The Bat creature at the end was awesome looking! (6/10)

Wolf Pack- Definitely an improvement over last year!! Had a couple good scares in here. The sets in this one are really cool, especially the one long "tree" hallway. (7.5/10)

Massacre Manor- Really disappointed by this one, this year. Normally it is one of the best haunts, but it seemed understaffed. And the scareactors that were in there, it seemed like they weren't trying very hard. (5/10)

Holiday Horror- Best maze we went through so far this year! The concept was unique compared to the other haunts! We had the most scares in this one out of any haunt we went through! Thanksgiving section caught EVERYONE off guard! I love Holiday Horror (10/10)

Tombstone Terror-tory-- This one is usually hit and miss each year. Sometimes it is awesome, others....it isn't. Thankfully last night it was great! They had the fog on full blast in the covered bridge pathway. The scareactors were doing a great job, and we had plenty of good scares! I would recommend waiting to be the last group to get off the train. Then when you get sent in, hang back from the group infront of you and wait and go through in your own little group. It gives the scareactors plenty of time to reset, and completely changes the atmosphere of the trail! (9/10)

We also rode The Beast and Adventure Express!

some pictures


Me and Ashley being zombies


Trying to be scary but failing lol


Me being possessed hahah. Can you tell I used to work at Haunt?


Ashley (Ashers) and my mom


Ashley and her boyfriend, Dave

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I know it's an opinion, but wow, a lot of your maze reviews are so....weird!


Just kidding....possibly...

As in, we liked the ones people have been giving bad reviews to? (for whatever reason) or are they just typed weird?

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I know it's an opinion, but wow, a lot of your maze reviews are so....weird!


Just kidding....possibly...

As in, we liked the ones people have been giving bad reviews to? (for whatever reason) or are they just typed weird?

As in, the ones I love you thought were O.K. and the ones that I thought were terrible you thought were good. hah.

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That's more like it! :P

By the way you "guys" are dressed it looks like it was a little chilly that night...which seems odd as I sit here at work with the door open. (I hope the warm weather holds out a couple more weeks months!)

The weather has been crazy! One day it is freezing cold, getting down to like 40 or 35. Then the next day or two it is 75 and sunny!

It's been cold down here, and this TR and the pictures warmed my heart.


Thanks! :)

I know it's an opinion, but wow, a lot of your maze reviews are so....weird!


Just kidding....possibly...

As in, we liked the ones people have been giving bad reviews to? (for whatever reason) or are they just typed weird?

As in, the ones I love you thought were O.K. and the ones that I thought were terrible you thought were good. hah.

Like I said in my original post. All the ones I rated low were usually high up on my list last year. This past Saturday they were very lacking, in terms of what I am used to. Also, like Interpreter said. Your experience in a haunt could be completely different each time you enter it.

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Sorry to read that you didn't get your usual thrill out of Slaughter House, but if you came through when they were letting in large groups I can understand. There was a period of time Saturday where they were letting in large groups, and unfortunately, as you know from your own personal experience working Haunt, that isn't the ideal situation to reset. Especially in my case, where I'm mainly a pop scare, but after my pop I was able to still freak some people out farther back in the groups. Fortunately the conga lines don't happen too often though, and I know overall I (and others in SH) felt like we did an excellent job that night. But if you were farther back in a conga line I can see how you could have felt the way you do.

That just goes to show that a lot of factors can effect your Haunt experience.

All the more reason to see for oneself.

Not to mention every group gets a slightly or even greatly different experience.


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Yeah, I completely know what you are talking about. It is very hard to reset when there is a constant line of people. The only thing that kind of annoyed me, was that a lot of the scareactors resorted to the old, "stand there and stare at people to try and freak them out". This is okay when one or two people do it, but it was like 6 people in a row lol.

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