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Songs That Remind You of KI


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Well title says it all, what songs remind you of Kings Island? Mine would have to be:

Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold (My friends and I listened to that song the whole 25 minute ride to KI)

What I've Done - Linkin Park (Heard it at Halloween Haunt 2010)

You're Gonna Go Far Kid - The Offspring (A pumped up song I listen to before hitting the rides)

I could go on for years :D

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"Who Can It Be Now" by Men At Work - I remember hearing that in Beast's queue back in the 80's when I was a kid, and for some reason that's stuck with me.

"25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago - The clown band used to play this my first year working at the park ('89). I used to stand at my window in the Bakery on International Street, watching them and wishing I could play in that band one day... a wish that never did come true. As a tuba player, I love that song's bassline.

Any of the numerous soundtrack tunes that played in the park during the Paramount era - With as long as I worked there and heard those, those songs will always remind me of the park.

"More Human Than Human" by Rob Zombie - This song always goes through my mind when I get on Flight of Fear.

"Nightmare", "Welcome to the Family" & "Danger Line" by Avenged Sevenfold - For the past two Halloween Haunts, I would pop in A7X's Nightmare CD and listen to it to get pumped up on my drive from my day job to Haunt. "Nightmare" fits the general theme of Haunt. "Welcome to the Family" fits the theme Slaughter House has had the past two years, what with Mama in the first room and us, her babies, populating the rest of the house. "Danger Line" was just the next song after those two on the CD. (My first year working Haunt, I would listen to Marilyn Manson's Lest We Forget: The Best Of CD on random, and my 2nd year I would listen to Rob Zombie's Past, Present & Future CD on random).

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"Sir Duke," a 1976 song by Stevie Wonder ("You can feel it all over!") always reminds me of Kings Island. One of my most memorable trips was a couple years later, in 1978, when we lived in Michigan for awhile. That song played on the radio like 3 times during the trip down, and then it was blasted over the loudspeakers that used to stick out from the Eiffel Tower's 50' deck. The horns and awesome Nathan Watts bass riff in that song sound like a good-time parade, which helps tie that song to my visions of the park in it's glory.

Also "Telephone Line" by the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) always reminds me of Kings Island, because it was the song that was playing on my mom's stereo the morning of my first-ever airplane flight, from Detroit to Dayton, to come down to my uncle's house in Mason for a special weekend at KI.

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  On 2/21/2012 at 3:02 PM, Thrill_Biscuit said:

"Sir Duke," a 1976 song by Stevie Wonder

Also "Telephone Line" by the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)

Two great songs! Sir Duke has one of the best horn parts ever written, and I've always loved ELO. "Telephone Line" always reminds me of listening to the 8-track while riding around in Mom's powder blue Scout. (I included the link for those young'uns who never heard of a Scout). Mom definitely had the only powder blue one in Cincinnati, if not the state. :lol:

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They were already said, but Right Now by Van Halen and Vertigo by U2, because they are played in Drop Tower and Invertigo's queue lines. Whenever me and my friend hear Right Now on my iPod, we will slowly spin in a circle for a minute, then jump up and down like Physco's, reminds us both of DT.

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I love a park with a good sense of humor, and KI has oft displayed one. Imagine my pleasure when I walked down Coney Mall several years ago, only to hear:

Then, I heard the next season at KI what is veritably a Great Adventure theme song:

And lastly, from Que TV:

Every time I hear any of these three songs I immediately think of two of my favorite parks, one in Ohio, the other in much missed New Jersey. For now, at least.

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