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1974 Brochure (#2)


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About a month ago I posted a brochure from 1974...I mentioned then that I also had a different one from the same year...so here it is. I find it interesting that the park used 2 different slogans...it's like they were trying to hit different demographics.


There are some great faces in those trains...these are my favorites:


Notice that without the seat belts or seat dividers that a parent could give their child a little extra support if they were a little scared. :)

I also like the gentleman in yellow...it looks like he's on his way to the office for the day!


"Intriguing menu..." those are two words that I don't like to hear...I am not a "sit down restaurant" type person...my rule of thumb is that if the restaurant has cloth napkins it is probably not my style.


How does someone who is not from Switzerland "feel totally at home" in their Inn? :blink:


"...yours as a special free bonus"...is anything in life really free?!


Thats a lot of hats in that photo!


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Guest TombraiderTy

^Both sides had a red and a blue train up until 2008, when they put both red ones on the South track and both blue on the North. This meant that, for 36 years, it wasn't too uncommon to see identically colored trains racing. I'm a tad surprised however that the park didn't try and get photographs where there were separate colors on either track.

Thanks for sharing this standbyme, it's cool to see all the brochures. Kinda makes me want to go and scan some of my own to share :P

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^Both sides had a red and a blue train up until 2008, when they put both red ones on the South track and both blue on the North. This meant that, for 36 years, it wasn't too uncommon to see identically colored trains racing. I'm a tad

surprised however that the park didn't try and get photographs where there were separate colors on either track....


But they did! Either track, north or south, had separate colors on it...one red and one blue!

Great brochure! Thanks for posting it!

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