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Well a guy told me about a suposed ghost sighting at KI a few days ago, this was of a oddity to me, knowing all the ghost stories of KI, do you believe in ghosts?

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First off, I have never seen a ghost or experienced one... that I know of. That being said, I know some people who have.

Short story: my family lived in a farm back a lane in a very rural area 2 hours north of Cincy... before I came along. It was a house rumored to be frequented by Annie Oakley while she was traveling in the Buffalo Bill show (late 1800's???). My family and i were doing a "tour" of our old living areas a few years ago and visited the house (which is still occupied by a family we have known since before I was born....

A little history of the area: Greenville, Ohio has a festival every summer called the "Annie Oakley Days"- basically its a 3-day flea market with some wild-west theming thrown in.

OK- go back to the house. We drove back and were talking to a father, whose daughter was probably late teens. Having known nothing about the history of the house- he starts talking about how busy things are with his family coming up to the Annie Oakley Days approaching, his daughter was "Miss Annie Oakley," and how they could not possibly be more involved in the event. My mother said, "well, did you know that she used to stay in this house when she came in to town?" His face turned pale white and the hair on his arm stood straight up. Nothing menacing ever happened, but apparently his daughter would wake up and talk about a "woman in western clothes" being in her bedroom at night.

NOW, I personally have never experienced anything remotely close to resembling ghost-activity and have doubts as to my overall "belief" in them... HOWEVER- I've got absolutely NO explanation on that one.

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I actually did have a odd happening sorta like that when i went to my great grandad's house, my step great grandmother said that she heard these footsteps in her house and when they were on the porch i heard distinct footsteps coming toward the room i was in. That was the most shocking thing that i have ever experienced.

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While I do like the idea that they're out there (along with a lot of other "unexplained" phenomenon), I don't believe that they're real. Kind of like Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and Smurfs. Things that make for great stories and which make the world seem a little more fantastical, but that I don't believe are real.

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I've done a lot of ghost hunting in the past few years and from all the evidence I've collected, I made a conclusion that ghosts aren't really ghosts. I started ghost hunting because I wanted to know answers on why these spirits are still remaining on Earth. And from going through hundreds of hours of EVP recordings a common word I found was, "Help." Taking into consideration that these "ghosts" were once a living and the fact that the word help appeared a lot, I've started pulling away from the theory of ghosts and more to demons and spirits. Now this is where your religion comes in. I try to keep my conclusions as unbiased as I can, however when things like an afterlife or spirits come into play, I usually call to religion.

I'm a Christian, so I believe that when you die you go to Heaven or Hell, (I'm not trying to start a debate on religion). So when it comes to work like this, I often interpret most "ghosts" as a spirit or demon that is heading South of Heaven. However someone else might think that everyone comes back as a spirit and that there are no demons and angels. So it all depends on your views and opinions. I think that there are no such thing as ghosts and that they are only spirits and demons. But that doesn't mean my opinion is right.

Sorry for rambling on so much, this is one of those topics that I get into.

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I believe in spirits, yes. I've never personally seen one but several family members and friends have had sightings and other very strange, otherwise unexplainable occurrences. My grandmother's house was haunted during the time my mom was growing up. It was eventually discovered her property was part of a stretch of land where many Native Americans passed away, so in effect it became a burial ground. So yeah, me personally, I'm a believer.

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6 of 17 users have said that they believe in unicorns. Is it just me, or are people not taking this poll seriously?

I think that the "unicorn" option was probably code for the "I have no idea" crowd.

I'm not going to comment on any of the speculations.

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I actually watched that episode, BB1 who is into sci fi, history, tru tv, tbs, fox, hgtv,animal planet, amc, & travel channel, for crocodile dundee, australia, plants, and paranormal scifi shows!

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