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Fun Perks Glitch


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I have been to the park two times this season so far ( I go once a month, excluding April) and my fun perks account has not registered either of these visits. Also, it has not given me a single reward for the money I've spent in the park, besides the free drinks for signing up. I'm not sure if this is just my account or if others are struggling with this particular problem. I scan my pass at the entrance (obviously) and hand it to the workers when purchasing food or merchandise. I cant seem to figure out what is wrong. I would appreciate any helpful advice. Thank you!

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How much have you spent? I had to spend about $30 to $40 before I got offered any rewards. If you've only been to the park twice, it might simply be the case that you haven't spent enough to earn any rewards. As for visits, they seem to have nothing to do with rewards. There's quite a bit of discussion on what it takes to get rewards here: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25566-have-you-leveled-up-in-the-fun-perks-yet/

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  On 6/20/2012 at 12:52 AM, MDMC01 said:
  On 6/20/2012 at 12:14 AM, ferncreek2015 said:

Also, it has not given me a single reward for the money I've spent in the park, besides the free drinks for signing up.

This happened to me too.

  On 6/20/2012 at 12:22 AM, jcgoble3 said:

How much have you spent? I had to spend about $30 to $40 before I got offered any rewards. [...] it might simply be the case that you haven't spent enough to earn any rewards.

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  On 6/20/2012 at 12:22 AM, jcgoble3 said:

How much have you spent? I had to spend about $30 to $40 before I got offered any rewards. [...] it might simply be the case that you haven't spent enough to earn any rewards.

True; I usually don't spend that much when I go to the park.

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  On 6/20/2012 at 1:56 AM, Oldiesmann said:

How do you know that the purchase has not registered on your account? Buying something does not automatically mean you get additional rewards.

Oh...so it's total dollars of a purchase? How can you tell if you are getting credit for your purchases and how much do you have to purchase to move up? I'll check the site but I don't think it mentions when the levels move up.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to make purchases blindly in order to see "if " I level up.

******As a note. Just checked the website and it doesn't mention a "spend this much.....get this many points". I could be spending way more than the value of any the rewards......bummer.

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It does seem to be based on how much you purchase. I visited the park last week and didn't buy anything. It counted the visit, but I didn't get any additional rewards.

I doubt that the park will ever tell us the exact formula they use. My point was that buying something doesn't necessarily mean you'll get a new reward.

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I just found the problem. I registered for Fun Perks BEFORE I got my season pass processed. I used the number on the paper you print off the internet and take to the park. I thought that number would automatically register with my pass, but apparently not. So all I had to do was make another account using the number on the back of the actual season pass. Thanks for all the help anyway!

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  On 6/20/2012 at 2:43 AM, Oldiesmann said:

I doubt that the park will ever tell us the exact formula they use.

From another thread:

  On 5/29/2012 at 1:36 PM, KingsIslandPR said:

The way the FUN Perks system works is the more you eat, shop and visit, the more rewards you will earn. It's not a system that anyone on this site will be able to decode. :) After you eat, shop and visit, check your account to see what you've earned.

So clearly they're not going to tell us the formula.

  On 6/20/2012 at 2:09 AM, upstop said:

******As a note. Just checked the website and it doesn't mention a "spend this much.....get this many points". I could be spending way more than the value of any the rewards......bummer.

I don't think there's any points involved. My guess is that they just track the total dollar amount of your purchases and give you choice(s) from fixed sets of rewards when that total reaches pre-determined amounts.

Also, of course you're spending way more than the value of the rewards. Kings Island is a business whose purpose is to make profits. Giving you rewards worth more than what you've spent would defeat that purpose. All rewards/loyalty programs are like that. On my Subway Rewards card, I have to spend approximately $75 to get one free regular footlong sub, worth up to $7.50 at my local restaurant. That's ten times the value of the reward, and that's actually one of the most generous rewards programs I've seen out there. Best Buy Reward Zone gives you a $5 reward certificate after you've spent $250—fifty times the value of the reward. With FUN Perks, the rewards I was offered a choice of after my last visit are worth approximately 10% to 20% of what I've spent. So it seems to be a fairly generous program.

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Keep in mind, there could be all kinds of data they can track to alter the reward system. ie, did you renew your card from last year? Perhaps they bump you up quicker the more years that you've held a season pass to reward your longer loyalty to their brand. How far away do you live and how often do you visit? They could be offering quicker rewards to the guy who lives 100 miles away and visits once a week than the guy who lives 5 miles away and visits twice a week but spends the same overall money, or perhaps they could flip that, and figure the more rewards they give the guy that comes more often, the more long term value they'll get out of him as a pass holder. How much do you spend each trip to the park, how consistant is it, where is it spent? Perhaps they want to reward the family that makes 1 trip every 2 weeks and spend $100 in food each trip to the park (lets say $1300 total over the course of a season) more than the family that comes to the park once every 2 weeks, spends $40 in food on each ($520) then spends $390 on souvenoirs on two seperate trips (ie tshirts and what not at the begining of the season, sweatshirts and whatnot in the fall) for a total of the same $1300.

In other words, the rate that you earn rewards may depend less on how much you spend overall and more on what you spend that money on, how often you spend that money and how far you have to travel to spend that money. I have no idea if that is the case, but it wouldn't be that hard to program the system to calcuate your rewards based upon whatever variables they deemed important. This type of setup would also give them the benefit of being able to tweak those variables based upon the information they acquire this season. We're a family that typically purchases a pretzel or two to share on every trip, plus dinner. We usually go on tuesday, wednesday or thrusday evening 1 time a week, just about every week once school is out, we rarely (never) play games, we often get dinner at the park, occasionally ice cream while we're watching the fireworks if we last that long. The cotton candy instant reward they gave me went unused. I held onto it to use on the occasions when my neice was with us, but have since lost it, otherwise I'd have given it to a family that I thought would appreciate the free cotton candy. It would be awesome if next season they had the ability to look at their system and realize what we spend on money on and offer that as instant rewards instead.

Since this is only in operation at KI, its obvious we're the guinea pigs this season. They'll use our data to track our spending habits, how often rewards are claimed, what the popular rewards are, etc.. so they can tweak it for next season and start rolling it out across all their parks.

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Interesting ideas, medford, but I personally believe it's not that complicated. From what I remember of posts in the "Have you leveled up" thread, it seems to be pretty consistent that about $30 gets you your first choice of rewards and I think people were getting two-star status consistently around $70 to $80 IIRC. So I stand by my guess above.

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I've got a 2012 Gold Pass and when I try to sign up for the Fun Perks on the web site, it keeps saying that my card is not valid. That's strange, cause I've already been to the park twice this season. Seemed pretty valid to me. I contacted them with my issue and card number, hopefully they'll be able to figure it out. I'd like to participate in the Fun Perks program.

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We have several family members registered. We got at least 3 instant perks yesterday--popcorn, $5 game play, and $5 merchandise coupon. Our grandson used the $5 game play to shoot 2 basketballs. I think the program is encouraging extra sales. I do appreciate efforts to make some things like drink refills more affordable. So far, I think the program was a good idea.

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