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Which Type of Roller Coaster Poll


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I voted water. Right now, I would say that my favorite ride of all time is Wildebeest at HW because of the rides I got on it at Holiwood Nights this year. With temperatures in the 60s, there was practically no line for it, and they weren't even bothering to combine groups to fill each boat. As a result, I got several solo rides on it and found that if you sit in the second seat from the front, you get tons of awesome airtime. They actually will not allow a single rider to ride in the front seat, and given the airtime I got in seat 2, I can see why.

If you're ever at HW on a day in the 60s and have your swimsuit with you, brave the cold and go ride Wildebeest by yourself in the second seat. I guarantee you will not regret it. As one person put it on the HWN Facebook group: Hypothermia is temporary, memories are forever.

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