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Holiday World: "Something New" for 2013 - UPDATE: Announcement Tuesday 10/23

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It is ironic that essentially the entire original water park will become an entrance plaza for the current waterpark. A testament to how much the waterpark has grown.

I am curious to see the final plans. If you look at aerial views of the 2 slides being removed, you see that they could reclaim a ton of space for the dry park by doing this. They could easily fit a couple of "scrambler" sized flats where the slides are, or more if they reconfigure the parallel paths (one to Thanksgiving, one to Splashin Safari).

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  • 1 month later...

Speaking of timberliners I tweeted the park yesterday "@holidayworld Any word on the timberliners for the 2013 season?" and got this response: "Not yet ... still hoping. :0)"

It's not looking good. I know people are disappointed by the timberliners not being on the Voyage. But I'm starting to think that maybe the design just doesn't work with the ride...

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disappointed by the timberliners not being on the Voyage. But I'm starting to think that maybe the design just doesn't work with the ride...

That didn't stop them from using the PTC trains on the ride.

It could still happen for 2013.

I meant the design of the timberliners train does not work with the ride. I think the PTCs are what makes the ride so great because of their "out of control feel" as you ride in them.

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No not at all... I'm not sure where you are getting that from. I was guessing that since it has taken over 4 years to get these trains on the ride that maybe there was something about the timberliner trains that doesn't go well with the Voyage. I, as well as no one else outside of those testing the trains, have no idea what the ride is like with timberliners. It could be better, it could be the same, it could be worse. I happen to like the ride with the PTCs I may enjoy it as well with the timberliners as well, but like I said I have yet to experience the ride in those trains so I can only go off of what I have experienced with the PTCs.

I asked about the trains because I wanted an update on if they were going to be used this upcoming year. Because I like the way the trains look and that it is supposed to make the ride better. I got and answer and reported it here. Thats just it.

I assumed that someone would find it interesting the way the park responded to my question but we all know what you get when you assume things. Maybe I should be more thorough in my posts that way i don't get smart-alec responses like the one posted above me.

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No not at all... I'm not sure where you are getting that from.

The inference came from:

I think the PTCs are what makes the ride so great because of their "out of control feel" as you ride in them.

You like the out of control feel the PTC train gives, but the main difference with a Timberliner will be the ablility to steer through the turns, giving it more of a controlled feeling.

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Maybe Im wrong here, but when we were at the company headquarters for the showing of the prototype I swear I recall an employee of Gravity Group saying that the original Timberliner train was designed FOR Voyage using Voyage as a design model!! If that is indeed the case, Im waiting for a valid explanation as to how the design doesn't work for the ride. I am in no way intending this as a dig towards you, Joncars05, just wanting some believable explanations.

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I sense a extinction on the Lazy Rivers, or Lazy Miamis around the USA, in light of this idea:

An poem on Lazy Rivers

Lazy rivers, clear and calm

Whisking through the place of joy

Maybe a bay where you with whom you were embalmed

Or a safari, where you were destroyed for a pilgrim boy

All in all, will be missed, a lazy river, run amiss

When will you return to me?

Making me hope it isn't just a old spree.

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Maybe Im wrong here, but when we were at the company headquarters for the showing of the prototype I swear I recall an employee of Gravity Group saying that the original Timberliner train was designed FOR Voyage using Voyage as a design model!! If that is indeed the case, Im waiting for a valid explanation as to how the design doesn't work for the ride. I am in no way intending this as a dig towards you, Joncars05, just wanting some believable explanations.

No you are right. They mentioned Timberliners were originally intended for the Voyage. I think there is obviously something wrong with either A. the design of the trains or B. how they run on the Voyage. If there wasn't a problem with the trains or how they run on the Voyage they would've been on the track 4 years ago. I am in the same boat with you about the situation.

I'm not taking your comment as a dig because you didn't twist my words or put words in my mouth. You actually added to the conversation instead of changing my words. Either way the Voyage will still be a fun ride no matter what trains they put on it.

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Almost as mysterious as the level of patience that the Koch Family... especially the LAWYER in the Family.... with the entire situation. Someone is very fortunate that the same problems were not encountered at a park that does not have the "Forgive and forget" Values that said Koch Family maintains.

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I'm not taking your comment as a dig because you didn't twist my words or put words in my mouth. You actually added to the conversation instead of changing my words. Either way the Voyage will still be a fun ride no matter what trains they put on it.

It isn't that far of a stretch from saying the "PTCs are what makes the ride so great" to me reading that as you would like for them to stay on the ride.

It seemed quite illogical that you would want to replace the thing that makes the ride so great, so I asked what I did. I really don't see why it offended you so much.

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Any idea how much these new Timberliners cost? If they are more than a buck or two, maybe it's just not in the budget - remember, they have added quite a bit as of late and since Voyage is running....if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

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Not to mention the fact that, I HIGHLY doubt that the first Timberliners were constructed and shipped to Holiday World without at least a substantial deposit, if not the entire amount of the trains paid in full. Whether or not the original price/deposit has been reduced due to the continual issues of said trains, we will likely never know, but the fact is that the price of them was already entered into the budget as of 3 or more years ago.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Some news on Voyage Timberliners via Twitter:

@nesdude: I haven't heard word from you guys either way this year... Timberliners on Voyage 2013, Yes/No/Maybe?

@holidayworld: Waiting for them to be delivered, then testing resumes. Definite maybe.

Also via Twitter, a nice picture of Rhinoblaster Hyena Falls:


Full size link

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel this was the best place to add this, if not I'm sorry. Timerbliners getting started? Via Twitter.

@HolidayWorld have the timberliners arrived? When will testing begin with them?

@chugh43 They're just getting started with that. Hoping all goes well!

@HolidayWorld Awesome! :)

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Maybe Im wrong here, but when we were at the company headquarters for the showing of the prototype I swear I recall an employee of Gravity Group saying that the original Timberliner train was designed FOR Voyage using Voyage as a design model!! If that is indeed the case, Im waiting for a valid explanation as to how the design doesn't work for the ride. I am in no way intending this as a dig towards you, Joncars05, just wanting some believable explanations.

That is what I remember as well Sparky!

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  • 2 weeks later...

PTC trains to run on the Voyage again, Timberliner testing to resume in late August following end of daily operation:


Note that she says "we plan to run PTC trains on Voyage during our daily season this year." Specifically "daily season". So I'm holding out hopes that I'll get to ride the Timberliners when I go out there in October for Halloween Weekends.

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