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Does the threat of terrorism deter you from attending parks?

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I know this is an older topic.....but I had to give you my thoughts. My thoughts are that if I'm ever in the situation where a terrorist act occurs.....how can I help others through it ,,,, what can I do to ease others pain .....how can I get others to help those in need...

I went to Disneyworld the October after New York was attacked...the world had changed and that's when everyone changed. I became more suspicious, and cautious about the surroundings and how I would protect myself until I realized that my goal should be to help the folks around me.

We all live once, just be prepared and help others. Not only is it the right thing to do but it is spiritually rewarding.

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Life's too short to be in constant worry and paranoia. Think of each day like it's your last and make the best of it. Do what you want to do. Go where you want to go. Say "I love you" to the important people in your life. Focus on the positives and don't bear a burden of thinking bad thoughts. If someday you encounter an act of terrorism, know that there would have been nothing you could have done to stop it. When you're running through the garden, look at the beautiful flowers, not at the ugly weeds. You know the weeds exist, but to live a fulfilling life, move on from thinking the worst. Yes, you should always be on your toes ready for action in case something does happen, but just have fun and accept all life has to offer. Be thankful that a personal encounter with a terrorist attack has a very low probability in this wondrous, free country while people in the Middle East constantly wonder if each step they take will be their last. Don't grow old and look back on your life and have regrets that you didn't do something or go somewhere only because of a nagging, uncalled for worry. Live life to its fullest--no matter what--and have no regrets.

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No,the threat of terrorism does not deter me from going to parks. I was at Kings Island riding Drop Zone 2 weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. I have never let that stop me from doing anything. If its my time to go,I'm going to go.

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  • 2 years later...

One thought i have to reduce that issue is to place KI Security/Mason P.D. in areas around the park with wands, and scan/search random individuals or groups of people, but the problem I run into with that is we have become a Country of "Oh NO, I was singled out due to my (insert reason person feels they were "profiled" here)".

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Another thing, and I was absolutely dumbfounded/livid when i saw this idiocy, is this.  When going through their metal detectors or wands, how many times have you had your phone checked?  The reason I ask, is this...6ofn8j.jpg






Not a large capacity device, but one injury/death is too many.

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^ And we have the whole concealed/open carry issue, with the NRA actively fighting ANY restrictions on when or where people can have guns. Personally I am fine with black powder muskets like we had when the constitution was written. With the exception of Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson I doubt any of them could have envisioned the killing machines we have now.

^^ Ew, no. That would not make for a " Best Day Ever Experience". I think that is overkill.

^^^I agree that large crowds at opening are a potential issue, but the same applies to all sorts of events.

One potential solution is to increase the number of security personnel at opening but then you have a staffing issue. One possible solution would be to stagger operations openings even more than the parks do now. I don't mean to minimize the skills of the security guards but non-uniformed employees could be trained. I could be very wrong but I imagine it takes much more skill and training to run a 20M coaster than wave a wand and look inside a bag.

I think the other issue we have to come to grips with is that if a terrorist wants to get something in the park they probably can no matter what we do. From all the reports I have seen TSA is not very effective in finding great NA and explosives and we certainly don't want that level of screening.

I have only read this page so I am sure it has been mentioned before but you have a far greater chance of being killed on the way to the park than in it.

Personally I am not scared about terrorism in the slightest. Things that do scare me are toxins in my food and water, drunk or tired drivers, healthcare mistakes, economic collapse and tornados (less so here in OH, I got very, very close to one about 18 years ago in St. Louis)

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The politically-charged solution that I have in mind would reach critical mass, and might vaporize my presence here. Rather than fire that volley of Minutemen, I'd rather just say that, instead of cowering in my panic room, I'm going to defy these annihilation-worthy morons who seek to terrorize us, and live my American life! I'll go through security until the day certain people stop listening to the B-52s, and start commanding them, hopefully to an end of restoring peace and freedom. I know that certain people might find that to be a little hawkish, but go into a mother bear's den and start slapping her cubs around.


Please forgive me if that offends you. If it does, PM me a time and place, and we'll have a little old fashioned, Irish bare-knuckle  and a beer, like good old boys! /rant

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1) Im not even going to engage the first comment, and you need look no further than my Profile pic to see why.



2) Play the odds of having 20 seconds taken from your oh so valuable in park time for a random search, or spend much more time in the line to get scanned/searched at the gates, while at the same time putting yourself in the situation Terp is alluding to?  Which is more detrimental to the "Best Day Ever" experience?  Its the whole "anti stop, question, and frisk" crowd that would raise Cane about it.


3)THAT one i will agree with... see Brussels Airport.


4)Loving and absolutely on board with your last two points, regarding the drive to the park, and about the more "valid" (for lack of a better word right now) daily concerns you have.


Oh, also, the auto correct from "solution" to "suiters lotion" made me laugh!   :lol:



EDIT:  Dangit, sorry TB, this post was in reply to the one that preceded yours.. :)

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^^ ha. What is suitors lotion anyway?

Not trying to engage in THAT discussion but to be clear I am not anti gun at all. I was on the rifle team in HS and even made it to the National Championships. I don't own any guns currently but that is because I just have to many other things I want to spend my limited disposable income on.

I hope we can all agree Crazy people should not have guns. We just need a way to identify the Crazies.

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^ Personally I am fine with black powder muskets like we had when the constitution was written. With the exception of Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson I doubt any of them could have envisioned the killing machines we have now.

Personally, I'm fine with the newspapers and town halls like we had when the Constitution was written. With the exception of Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson, I doubt any of them could have envisioned the radio, television and social media we have today.

*I'm not a HUGE gun guy. I've never even fired one. I just think that logic is poor.

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^^...and bows-and-arrows, pipe wrenches, slings, darts, butter knives, wet stones, slingshots, Roman candles, switchblades, lawnmower parts, axes, tasers, matches, gasoline, golf clubs, garrotes, guillotines, tree limbs, cheese graters, vases, lamps, poisonous snakes, mad dogs, bamboo chutes, hatchets, Tomahawks, cyanide, anhydrous ammonia, marbles, brass knuckles, switches, whips, copies of "Milli Vanilli" music, and cannonballs...

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So what is the fundamental difference between your garden variety rifle cartridge and say the big shells of a howitzer? They both use a primer cartridge to ignite a larger charge and propel a shell down a barrel usually with rifling. To my understanding it is just bigger.

At least I don't think we let average joe own and shoot howitzers. Could be wrong on that.

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Three years ago...

Now there's more security visibility IN most parks, most notably at the front gate.

Ironically, that presence creates a large crowd of unscreened people and things gathered in a dense concentration.

Thoughts? Ideas?

I'm not naive enough to believe that "security" is worth two bits, other than the peace of mind that it gives to the people that buy into it. Recently, there was a study done that tested airport security effectiveness, and it was found to have a 95% failure rate. Amusement park security doesn't stand a chance if that's the case.

I believe you are safe at an amusement park in the same way you are walking down a city street. You can't guarantee absolute safety, and we should be okay with that.

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Three years ago...

Now there's more security visibility IN most parks, most notably at the front gate.

Ironically, that presence creates a large crowd of unscreened people and things gathered in a dense concentration.

Thoughts? Ideas?

Guests are in more danger waiting to be checked for weapons outside the parks than inside the park once being checked. I believe that should someone be carrying a bomb or place a bomb in the plaza of an amusement park just prior to opening that is when the most loss of life would be. Am I for the metal detectors at Carowinds, yes I firmly believe they are needed; Charlotte is a dangerous place especially if you wander off the interstate in the wrong part and Carowinds attracts a rough crowd sometimes. However I also believe that Carowinds should allow concealed carry permit gun owners to carry inside the park, I would love to Carowinds encourage concealed carry by offering a discount to anyone who volunteerly (and discreetly) letting the park know that are carrying. Maybe issuing a free ID card that can be presented to security prior or during the metal check.

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Can we all agree that there is some complete irony we are arguing here....


Who would have thought.... NOW.... we have to have security checkpoints that are fairly inconvenient and from what I have seen not effective AT ALL everyday to a place where people go to escape the world around us? 


Terrorism is a horrible, horrible thing.... and dont we try to escape that by going to places like Kings Island.... we go to Kings Island to escape political strife that this year will have and will divide us by November..... Kings Island and other Amusement Parks around the world are an escape from the real world.... and it feels like a big slap of reality to have to go through non-effective security checkpoints. 


All of a sudden, places we are trying to escape reality from are now being overtaken by reality and it is a feeling that is a bit gut wrenching. Who would have thought that somebody would want to shoot people at some place they just escape to...


I dont want to get in the politics in a non-politically neutral way as that would violate the TOS.


Escapism... privacy... there is a lot less of it in the world today and pretty soon from how things are going.... there will be little left. 


Escapism is being caught up in reality. 


Every security check, phone notification; also news coverage on TV, seeing a Hillary Clinton Ad on a TV in RHOFG, OJ Simpson Case on TV in RHOFG, it is reminding us this is not really an escape and reality is right their.


This modern world has been made into us not being able to escape reality, it is right in our pockets.


/end of rant\

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And that day sticks into Americas mind forever and will. It feels like an acceleration... I was not around to remember clearly what happened that fateful day(Makes you all feel old, I know :) ), even with everything we have done in response to the horrible atrocities, it is like playing whack-a-mole and sometimes you whack-a-mole on the wrong thing... escapism....regular citizens.....etc.


The day even though I was only almost 2... does NOT feel like 15 years ago and that may be because we never really won and were victorious against those in the shadows.... 

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I doubt security checkpoints will be very effective against a determined terrorist or even a determined crazy. They might provide some security for the gangbanger who likes to carry a sheath knife or the hood with a sharpie. I mentioned elsewhere SFSTL confiscated a sharpie in our swim bags once. :)

^ Thanks for making me feel old. You have totally ruined my 4th. :)

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I feel like I should mention the multiple times I've seen people driving up into the courtyard in front of the gates (once all the way up to the gate), because there are no bollards between the parking lots and walkways...

I don't really mind the security checkpoints all that much, although I think their billable hours could be much more effectively used.

I feel more in danger from people who shouldn't be behind the wheel but are without specific malice, than I am from anyone wishing me harm.

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I still think a terrorist would have more impact in a ride line than say out front in front of security. for the most part it's two -8 long lines. So at most you maybe be 16 people wide... Where if something were to go off in say the Diamondback line on a busy day.

Both would be horrific loss of life but 1 would have a much bigger psychological effect (in line) vs at security

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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