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Starting to Decode 2014


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I guess now that people have given Lance so much about his "verification of wing coaster" that he decided to edit it, I just happened to stumble upon it today.

icon_STOP.gif2014 - Banshee / New Coaster - Rumor - (6/6/13) I’ve been sent a number of messages and tweets about our latest prediction for Banshee to be a B&M Wing Coaster, mostly because Matt Ouimet stated in an interview that Cedar Fair had no Wing Coasters on the drawing boards for 2014. Of course, this wouldn’t be the first time a man in his position has told a white lie to protect a future project in the works… and at the same time, I can’t verify that the 2014 Kings Island ride will be a Wing coaster either.
Personally, I think it’s a bit kooky to build follow up Gatekeeper at The Point with such a similar style coaster at Kings Island. As I’ve said before, I’d rather seen a gigantic B&M Inverted coaster or Floorless coaster added instead, something with more than 7 inversions. Of perhaps even a B&M Dive Machine would fit the bill.
Of course, there is the remote possibility that we could perhaps be seeing the evolution of the Wing coaster come to Kings Island as well. Going back to when the first rumors about the very first Wing coaster were coming out of Italy, our source said that B&M wanted to evolve their Wing coaster design after a few years to include 4th Dimension style spinning seats. It’s a remote long shot…and no one has even suggested this to me for the Kings Island 2014 project yet, but… I’m just going to put that idea in your heads for now. Don’t even think of it as a “maybe” yet… just think of it as a “What if?”
In the meantime, if your local, keep an eye on the track fabrication yard in Batavia, I hear they have some wing coaster track sitting around destined for somewhere…

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I have to get this of my chest and I really hope I'm not the only one noticing it, Big Sexy is contradicting himself! :lol: Wheres that nacho popcorn doohikkie mabob? I need it because this is getting so good.

Yes, we've noticed. I already brought it up on the last page... http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27275-starting-to-decode-2014/?p=519781 ;)

Contradicting what? I don't have a problem with the jackhammering, it gives character. Mrs. Sexy does not like it due to the jackhammering. There is no new track for a different ride at the plant. That is a wing coaster going to europe. My source must be mistaken. I saw intamin track.

Hook, line, sinker.

Okay. Glad to hear you've admitted your "dependable" source was wrong. ;)

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Is anybody else thinking that the SOB area will be used for two separate projects (or half phases of a project)? I mean, we're only see major work in the Thunder Alley and King Cobra areas and only a part of the SOB area. So far, there's still an entire non-major-work area that's open between say the SOB station and the rose bowl. So quite possibly we see something else in 2015 or 2016?

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Hahaha the "Kings Island project 2014" facebook page thinks that the triangular footers are for where they are going to move slingshot to. i certainly hope hes just joking.

I know that sounds pretty off the wall...but I could actually see that happening... If they were to move slingshot back there (or install a brand new one..), that would open up that area right there to prevent bottlenecking, and a path could possibly be going behind Delirium... And I mean, the triangular footers do look similar to the layout of Slingshot's towers... Two triangles pointing toward eachother...

Could be way off...but I'd say its plausible....

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Yeah, you're probably right. Never mind. The triangle bases on Skyflyer are oriented differently. Sorry...my bad.

Of course, that's assuming the new triangular footers aren't for the coaster.

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What's so difficult to understand. Older b&m's are smooth, new b&m's jackhammer. Its either the design or the steel fabrication.

Can you be a little more specific? Which B&M coasters that you have experienced? I think it's because of the wheel assembly; the newer B&M's have stronger airtime, the wheels leave the track a little bit more. They bounce slightly. Jackhammering is an overstatement. But hey, Big Sexy over exaggerates on 80% of his posts. Goliath and Raging Bull are smooth. I always ride Diamondback in row 1,2, or 4 because they're my favorites so as far as I'm concerned it's the smoothest ride on the planet You can't convince me otherwise. Just how Thunderhead, Raven, and Voyage all 'blow' ;)

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I wish your age was shown under your user name. You could see how much credibility can be weighed into the posts. I don't remember this many trolls signing up when our 2009 coaster was under construction.

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Maybe this will be a filler coaster to the real coaster for 2015?

So the 2014 coaster will be a "fake" coaster?

Smaller coaster like wicked twister then ttd the following year.

Ki has been deprived of thrills for years with paramount installing POS rides themed to POS movies.

We are lucky to have gotten SOB. While other parks recieved b&m & intamin inverts.

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I agree that what we are seeing construction for is only one piece of the puzzle. There is so much more that they could do with the space that Son of Beast used. I know its only early into the construction process, but i dont see this coaster going all the way to the rosebowl. I see it going towards the Flight Deck turn around. So, just maybe, this coaster is part of a two year construction for a new area, like in Action Zone: added Drop Zone and Invertigo (1999) and Son of Beast the following year.

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